

MATCHING In the space provided, write the letter of the term, place, or person that matches that description. Some answers will not be used. (3 Points Each)



______1. This act gave government-owned land to small farmers.

______2. A large deposit of gold and silver found in western Nevada

______3. Communities that grew suddenly when a mine opened for gold

______4. Public land on which ranchers grazed huge herds;

______5. Mexican ranch hands who cared for cattle and horses

______6. This name was given to the 20,000 to 40,000 African Americans who moved to Kansas looking for land.

______7. Ran from San Antonio, Texas to the cattle town of Abilene, Kansas

______8. System of messengers on horseback that carried mail

______9. How the U.S. connected the East coast, the Plains and the West

______10. Provided railroad companies with loans and large land grants that could be sold to pay for costs

______11. This congressman from Nebraska was the Democratic candidate in the election of 1896.

______12. This is a decrease in the money supply and overall lower prices.

______13. This political group formed from the Farmers’ Alliances at a meeting in St. Louis in February 1892.

______14. Plains farmers were given this nickname.

______15. This was a social and educational organization for farmers.

a. boomtowns

b. Exodusters

c. Chisholm Trail

d. Comstock Lode

e. farmers

f. frontier

g. immigrants

h. Homestead Act

i. Pacific Railway Acts

j. Pony Express

k. settlers

l. Populist Party

m. transcontinental railroad

n. vaqueros

o. deflation

p. William Jennings Bryan

q. sodbusters

r. National Grange

s. Morill Act

t. dry farming



fill In The blank Read each sentence. Fill in the blank with the word from the word pair that best completes each sentence. (3 Points Each)

16. Plains Indians depended on two animals for survival, the horse and the ______. (buffalo/sheep)

17.______The United States government tried to avoid disputes by agreeing to the ______, (Treaty of Medicine Lodge/
Treaty of Fort Laramie) signed with northern Plains nations in 1851.

18.New treaties between the United States and Plains Indians in 1861 created ______, (reservations/plots) or areas of federal land set aside for American Indians.

19.______In late 1866, ______(George Armstrong Custer/
Crazy Horse) and a group of Sioux attacked and killed 81 cavalry troops.

20. ______(Sarah Winnemucca/Sitting Bull) was a leader of the Lakota Sioux who ignored the U.S. government’s request that his people sell their reservation land in the Black Hills.

21.___The ______(Battle of the Ghost Dance/
Battle of Little Bighorn) was the U.S. Army’s worst loss in the battle over western lands, and the Sioux’s last major victory.

22. William McKinley’s victory in 1896 brought and end to both the

______(Democratic/Populist) Party and the Farmers’ Alliances.

23.Near the border with Canada, U.S. troops took control of the ______(Nez Percé/Sioux) and moved them to a reservation in Oklahoma.

24.______A Chiricahua Apache named ______(Geronimo/
Black Kettle) and his small band of raiders avoided capture for many years.

25. The ______(Sand Creek Massacre/
Massacre at Wounded Knee) was the last major battle on the Great Plains.

SHORT ANSWER Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences. (5 Points)

26. What lead to the birth of the Populist Party in the 1880's? Why was there a need for this party?


27. What was the significance of the Treaty of Fort Laramie?


28. What was the Homestead Act? How did it lead people to move from regions such

as New England?


PRACTICING SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS Read the quotation below and

answer the question that follows.

______29. What can be inferred from this passage about the completion of the first

transcontinental railroad?

a. Labor unions boycotted the railroad inauguration ceremony.

b. Governor Stanford was an experienced railroad worker.

c. The golden spike was hammered in during a workers’ protest.

d. A diverse crowd was present to witness the railroad’s completion.

______30. During western settlement in the 1850s reservations were set up to provide

a. plots of land for miners and settlers.

b. living space for Native Americans.

c. small areas for Native Americans to breed livestock.

d. temporary housing for cowboys on Native American land.





Chisholm Trail

Comstock Lode




Homestead Act

Pacific Railway Acts

Pony Express


Populist Party

transcontinental railroad



William Jennings Bryan


National Grange

Morill Act

dry farming


1. What happened in 1885 and 1886 to bring the Cattle Kingdom to an end?

2. How did the federal government help the construction of the transcontinental


3. What was the significance of the Treaty of Fort Laramie?

4. What was the Homestead Act? How did it lead people to move from regions such

as New England?

5. What was the significance of the Dawes General Allotment Act?

6. Who was Sitting Bull?

7. What lead to the birth of the Populist Party in the 1880's? Why was there a need for this party?

8. What was the significance of the Treaty of Fort Laramie?

9. What was the Homestead Act? How did it lead people to move from regions such

as New England?

10. What was the U.S. Army’s worst loss in the battle over western lands, and the Sioux’s last major victory.

11. What was the last major battle on the Great Plains.

12. Plains Indians depended on which two animals for survival? Why?