Winter Competition 2017
Matches played at HBF Arena, Joondalup
(All members need to supply a photocopy of the childs birth certificate to complete registration)
Pre Registration:
To Pre register your player please complete ALL registration forms attached and post with payment by 3rd February 2017to :( ALL forms need to be completed and a copy of the Birth Certificate)
Currambine Netball Club
Att: Sandie Speed
12 Hermosa Way
Burns Beach 6027
On the Day Registration
Saturday 11th February 2017,Currambine Primary School, Undercover area, Ambassador Drive, Currambine.
09.30 – 12 noon With ALL forms completed and a copy of the players Birth Certificate.
Please use the checklist to ensure all forms are correct otherwise your child may not be registered.
Registration and payment must be received no later than11th February to ensure placement in a team.
All fees include Registration and Insurance with WA Netball Association, Umpire Fees, Trophy Presentationand a Team Photo.
CNC is a KidSportClub KidSport forms can be found via
Please note: Full fees are to be paid to the club and the club will reimburse whenYOU provide the club with the KidSportvoucher code.
Registration Fee – (Year of Birth)
Net Set Go Turning 6 or 7 (2011, 2010)$155
U 8’s and U 9’s NSG (2009 & 2008)$265
U 10’s, 11’s and 12’s (2007,2006, 2005)$300
U 13’s to opens (2004 - )$310
Please ensure you supply a photocopy of the child’s birth certificate for all members when registering even if previously supplied.
Currambine Netball Club requires all members to sign “Player Conduct of Conduct, Parent Code of Conduct & Communication Policy”. Please read each document carefully and sign.
Refunds: NO refunds are given once season commences. An admin fee of $20 will be payable to CNC (Inc) & Joondalup Netball Association (JNA) if you request a refund AFTER the registration period.
Grading Dates: U12’s, U13’s, U17’s & Opens: Thursday 16th February & Monday 20th February 2017 at HBF Arena Joondalup. 6pm – 8pm. ALLplayers must be registered before going on court. Please be at grading 20 minutes prior to scheduled start time. Both dates are COMPULSORY.
Pre-season: U11’s – Opens begins Thursday 23rd February 2017 – Venue and time: TBC
Training –Thursday’s at HBF Arena Training will commence: TBA
Team coaches will advise players and parents at what time training will commence.
Coaches / Team Managers, Committee Members and Umpires:If you are interested in any of the above positions, please contact Sharon Knott (President) on:
Please Note: Forms are available on our website -
Follow us on Facebook!
Fees are to be paid by direct deposit orcheque– details below
Paying by Credit Card please complete the below if not paying in person
Player Registration Form Winter 2017
Tick one: Exisiting CNC Member New Member
Please complete the following details and return with your payment of the fees: (PRINT CLEARLY)
CLUB NAME:Currambine Netball Club TEAM NAME:______
(Please Circle) OPEN, Junior ____&U, NSG___ (8’s or 9’s), NSG ___(6’s or 7’s) Male/Female
Season (i.e., Winter 2017, Spring 2017): ______
D.O.B.:______AGE: (as @ 31/12 of current year)______
NWA M/Ship No:______(if known)
EMAIL ADDRESS:(print clearly)
Next of Kin/Emergency Contact (1) Phone:
Next of Kin/Emergency Contact (2) Phone:
Photography Consent: Yes/ No ARE YOU ALSO A COACH? Yes/ No
Fundraising Levy $30(levy is payable at registration. 2 Volunteer hours are required during the season) Levy
Signature:(MUST BE SIGNED)
Medical and Indemnity Authorisation Form
In consideration of Currambine Netball Club (hereinafter called “The Club”) accepting my child as a playing member and
enrolling her/him and keeping her/him enrolled. I, the undersigned, hereby agree to my child attending and participating in
all netball activities and agree to indemnify The Club, it’s officers, coaches and team managers in so far as to the extent to
which The Club, it’s officers, coaches and team managers are not entitled to be indemnified under policy of insurance
whatsoever from and against any damages, compensation which may befall or occur to her/him during her/his participation
in a netball activity or function connected with The Club or when travelling to or from such activity or function. I further
authorise any officers, coaches and team managers of The Club in the event of such an accident, injury, disease or illness to
obtain the necessary medical assistance for treatment and for this purpose engage any medical, ambulance and/or hospital treatment and in this event, I agree to pay all such fees and expenses, these said fees to be paid to The Club on demand.
General non -playing Membership Form 2017
CNC General non-playing Membership
Please complete the following Membership form and return with the all completed paperwork & fee: (PRINT CLEARLY)
CLUB NAME:Currambine Netball Club
SURNAME: ______FIRST NAME/S: ______
EMAIL ADDRESS:(print clearly)
New legislation requires that all members of a club be duly registered and recorded. This information will be kept strictly confidential and used ONLY for the purposes of Club activities.Only registered members will have the right to participate in club decision making and have the protection of the Club’s administrative procedures. You do not have to become a member for your child to play with the club and it will not impact on your child’s grading, selection or opportunities for future participation in association teams and beyond. Non-playing (or general) membership simply assigns you the right to the protection of the Club’s constitution and by-laws. By applying for membership, you will be bound by the Club’s Code of Conduct, Bylaws and Constitution. The Code Of Conduct is included in the registration pack (The Code Of Conduct For Parents / Guardians) and both the Bylaws and the Club’s Constitution are available on the Club website (
Signature:(MUST BE SIGNED)
Code of Conduct for CNC Players
As a member of CNC, your behaviour is a direct reflection of Currambine Netball Club. Currambine Netball Club prides itself on having a positive culture of support and friendship, as well as promoting a healthy competitiveness. Our Club consists of volunteers who give up their free time, in order to provide you with a Club at which to play. Please read and acknowledge your acceptance of the following, by ticking and signing:
- Players are to accept the Coach’s decisions and directions. Swearing or back-chatting your Coach will not be tolerated, and any such occurrence may result in your removal from the team and Club
- Players should respect their fellow team members during games and training sessions by showing support and encouragement. Players are required to attend training and game days. Players should treat all team members as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
- Players must notify their Coach of an inability to attend training or games. Please notify your Coach directly. Do not rely on third parties (e.g. like other players). Players failing to follow these guidelines could be offered less court time, which will be at the Coach’s discretion.
- At training, players are required to participate in all drills as requested by the Coach, to the best of their ability. Players are also to show respect towards the Coach, team managers and fellow team members at all times. As a member of a team, you are expected to put in 100% effort at all times.
- Players should consult with their Coach or team Manager if they have any concerns with the behaviour of any team member and not take it upon themselves to sort it out themselves.
- Any use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchatetc regarding fellow Currambine Club members and their families, Coaches, Umpires, CNC officials, JNA officials should be done so in a positive manner.
- Players are required to play by the rules of netball, and in the spirit of the rules of netball at all times.
- Players are to accept the umpire’s decision. Swearing, arguing and back chatting umpires will not be tolerated, and any such occurrence will result in your removal from the court or playing area.
- Players will show respect to the opposition. Arguing, showing dissent, mocking or trying to provoke the opposition is not in the spirit of the game, and may result in your removal from the court.
Player Name:______Signature______
If under 15, Parent Signature required also:
Parent Name:______Signature______
Code of Conduct for Currambine Parents/Guardians
As a member of CNC, your behaviour is a direct reflection of Currambine Netball Club. Currambine Netball Club prides itself on having a positive culture of support and friendship, as well as promoting a healthy competitiveness. Our Club consists of volunteers who give up their free time, in order to provide you with a Club at which to play. Please read and acknowledge your acceptance of the following, by ticking and signing:
- It is healthy to encourage your child to be competitive, provided that this means you are expecting them to put in 100% effort, respect their team members, and enjoy the sport they have chosen to play. If your child is not interested or willing to play - do not force her. Parents should refrain from making any negative comments, or actions towards players, coaches, managers, umpires, and Club or association officials.
- Parents should actively encourage their children to respect other players, both from their own team and the opposition. This includes discouraging bullying, and verbal abuse. At all levels of netball, show positive encouragement to all players. Currambine Netball Club strongly supports this initiative and supports all efforts to remove verbal abuse from the playing arena.
- Your child/ren are playing junior sport, and as a parent, it is your responsibility to model appropriate behaviour. Swearing, verbal abuse and loud negative comments towards umpires, Coaches (assistant, apprentice) other players or parents will not be tolerated, and any such occurrence could result in your membership being revoked, or your removal from the courts.
- Any concerns regarding umpiring, or the conduct of opposition players or parents, should be reported to your Coach or Manager. Parents are not permitted to approach Joondalup Netball Association to make complaints. This is because you do not have the authority to speak on behalf of Currambine Netball Club. Your concern will be reported through the Currambine Executive Committee, to the appropriate Joondalup Netball Association Executive Member via Joondalup Netball Association’s complaint handling policy.
- Currambine Netball Club will select teams to provide each child the opportunity to participate in netball, play at a level suitable to their ability and to realise their playing potential. All team selections and coaching appointments will be endorsed by the Committee once the selection process has been completed. The placement of your child in a particular team is done so as a result of a grading process. It is your responsibility to ensure your child attends grading.
- The placement of your child in particular positions within the team is at the Coach’s discretion. There may be up to 9 members of any one team, whose strengths and abilities, the Coach needs to take into account.
- Joondalup Netball Association Courts are alcohol and smoke free and any such behaviour is prohibited on the courts or surrounds.
- Please leave the Coaching of your child to the Coach. Yelling out directions courtside, can often confuse players, as this may not align with the directions given by the Coach. If you have any issues regarding this, please direct your concerns to the Currambine Committee, in writing, attention to the Secretary.
- Parents are asked to assist with scoring and providing fruit at half time or after games. Each parent will be required to score at least once (possibly twice) depending on the number of girls in the team. Your team Manager will do up a roster, so that this responsibility can be shared among your team. If you are unable to score on your rostered day, it is your responsibility to swap with another parent. Do not add extra burden to the Coach with having to organise this. If your scoring requirement is not fulfilled, your child will not receive a trophy at the end of year presentation.
- Parents should ensure they are aware of the Player’s Code of Conduct, and ensure their child/ren adhere to their responsibilities as players.
Communication Policy 2017
Our commitment:
Electronic communication is essential for sharing club news and information with our members. Our communication will be timely, appropriate and related to club business.
What we will do:
We use a range of electronic tools to communicate with our members.
Our communication will protect members’ privacy, maintain clear boundaries and ensure that bullying and harassment does not occur.
A webmaster will be appointed to provide accountability and control over material published on our clubs website and any related discussion groups or social media websites, such as Facebook, YouTube or Twitter.
- Our website will include current information on competitions, social events, committees, policies, constitution, rules and by-laws.
- No offensive content or photos will be published.
- If we intend to publish a photo of a child, we will first seek permission from his or her parents and take care not to provide identifying information.
- We will seek feedback from members to improve the information available on the site.
SMS and email:
Committee members, coaches and team managers may use SMS and email to provide information about competition, training, club-sanctioned social events and other club business, however:
- SMS messages should be short and about club/team matters
- email communication will be used when more information is required
- communication involving children will be directed through their parents.
Social media websites:
- We treat all social media postings, blogs, status updates and tweets as public ‘comment’.
- Postings (written, photos or videos) will be family-friendly and feature positive club news and events.
- No personal information about our members will be disclosed.
- No statements will be made that are misleading, false or likely to injure a person’s reputation.
- No statements will be made that might bring our club into disrepute.
- Abusive, discriminatory, intimidating or offensive statements will not be tolerated.Offending posts will be removed and those responsible will be blocked from the site.
What we ask you to do:
We expect our members to conduct themselves appropriately when using electronic communication to share information with other members or posting material on public websites connected to the club.
Electronic communication:
- should be restricted to club matters
- must not offend, intimidate, humiliate or bully another person
- must not be misleading, false or injure the reputation of another person
- should respect and maintain the privacy of members
- must not bring the club into disrepute.
Coaches and others who work with children and young people must direct electronic communication through the child’s parents/guardians.
Members may face disciplinary action for sending inappropriate electronic communication or posting online content or comments that harass, offend, intimidate or humiliate another member, as outlined in our member protection policy or code of conduct.
Under certain circumstances, cyber bullying (e.g. bullying that is carried out through an internet service such as email, a chat room, discussion group, instant messaging or website) is a criminal offence that can be reported to the police.
In addition, members who publish false or misleading comments about another person in the public domain(e.g.,Facebook, YouTube or Twitter) may be liable for defamation.
Date:If under 18 years of age, parent/guardian:
CNC Uniform Order Form
Uniform Coordinator: Michelle Smith: 0409 884 470
Players Name: Junior/SeniorSize / Qty / Price / Sub Total
Junior Playing Shirt U8’s – U13’s – Saturday - compulsory / $45
Junior Playing Skort U8’s – U13’s Saturday - compulsory / $25
Junior Training Shirt U8’s – U13’s - compulsory / $25
Senior Dress – Monday Night - compulsory / $65
Senior Undershorts – Monday Night - compulsory / $40
Senior Training Singlet -compulsory / $25
Socks - compulsory / $10
2 pack Socks - compulsory / $16
Additional Uniform items:
Hoodie (with player name embroidered) / $65
Compression Pants / TBA
Showerproof Reversible Winter Jacket / $80
Showerproof Winter Pants / $35
Warmup Jacket / $80
Warmup Pants / $55
White Umpires Jacket / $40