Last Name: First Name: M.I. Male / Female Grade:

Birthdate: Home Ph:Mother's Work #: Father's Work #:

Address: Physical/Street City Zip Code


School attended last school year:


• I hereby consent to emergency treatment, hospitalization, or other medical treatment as may be necessary by a physician, qualified nurse, or hospital in the event of an injury or illness.

• I understand that insurance is mandatory and that school insurance is available to purchase.

• I hereby consent to travel to and from Mat-SuSchool District activities via Mat-SuSchool District approved transportation.

• I hereby consent to provide transportation to and from practices or events when Mat-SuSchool District transportation is not available.

• I hereby waive on behalf of myself and the above student, any liability of ColonyMiddle School or the Matanuska-SusitnaSchool District for injuries sustained in the interscholastic program.

• I hereby accept financial and legal responsibility of the above student in event of an injury or illness.

• I hereby accept financial and legal responsibility of the above student for property damage, lost equipment or disciplinary sanctions. If disciplinary sanctions result in my student being sent home early from an out of town event, I accept the responsibility to pay the cost incurred.

• I hereby consent to abiding by the Matanuska-SusitnaSchool District rules and regulations and Colony Middle School/coach's rules and regulations. The coach may add specific rules and regulations for his/her activity.

•Rules and regulations may be presented verbally or in written form.

HISTORY: HEALTH REVIEW – to be completed by parent/guardianYes No

1.Have you ever been dizzy during or after exercise?......

Do you tire more quickly than your friends during exercise?...... Have you ever had high blood pressure?...... Have you ever been told that you have a heart murmur?...... Have you ever had racing of your heart or skipped beats?...... …...

2.Do you have any skin problems such as itching, rashes?......

3.Have you ever had a head injury?...... … Have you ever been unconscious, knocked out, or had a seizure?...... ….. Have you ever had a stinger, burner or pinched nerve?......

4.Have you ever had heat or muscle cramps?...... Have you ever been dizzy or passed out in the heat?......

5.Do you use any special equipment: pads/braces/neck rolls, mouth/eye guards, etc?...... …………

6.Have you had any problems with your eyes or vision?......

Do you wear glasses, contacts, or protective eyewear?......

  1. Have you had any other medical problems: infectious mononucleosis, diabetes, etc.?...... …………..

8.Have you ever sprained, strained, dislocated, fractured, broken or had repeated swelling or otherYes No

injuries of any bones or joints?...... …………………..

Head Shoulder Thigh Neck Elbow Knee

Forearm Shin/Calf Back Wrist Ankle Hip Chest

9.When was your last tetanus shot?

When was your last measles immunization?

  1. Explain "Yes" answers:

Medications regularly taken:

Health concerns/conditions:

I hereby state the above information is true and agree to guidelines as established by the Mat-SuSchool District

and ColonyMiddle School.

Dated this day of 20 .

Parent's signature: Printed name:

Student's signature: Printed name:

ATHLETE'S NAME (print): Yes No

  1. Have any members of your family under age 50 had a "heart attack" or sudden death?
  2. Have you ever passed out or had chest pain while or after exercising?

3.Do you cough or have trouble breathing during or after exercise?

4.Do you have any allergies? Explain:

5.Have you ever had an illness/injury that required hospitalization, surgery or repeated

doctor visits? Explain:

Age Height WeightBlood Pressure Vision: R/20 Vision: L/20 Correction: Y N

INSTRUCTIONS: (O) if normal(X) if abnormalPlease explain X by indicating # and using comments

1. Eyes/ears/nose/throat5. Liver/spleen/abdomen 9. Head/neck13. Ankles

2. PERRLA6. Genitalia, tanner stage10. Shoulders/arms14. Other musculoskeletal

3. Respiratory7. Neurological11. Knee/hip 15. Hearing acuity

4. Cardiovascular8. Skin12. Back16. Lab-UA, HGB/HCT


I certify that I have on this date examined this pupil and find this pupil physically able to compete in all supervised activities not circled: BASEBALL BASKETBALL CHEERLEADING XC RUNNING XC SKIING FOOTBALL HOCKEY


Examining Physician's Signature: Printed Name: Date: