August 29th, 2008

Present: G. Omura., R. Simonds, M. Moch, K. Sedatole, J. Whipple, M. Swink, K. Butler , B. Wiseman, S. Mulally, K. Shaw, , N. Taylor, , L. Maillette, C. Speier.

C. Speier called the meeting to order at 1:33pm.

M. Moch moved to approve the 4/21/08 minutes, seconded by M. Swink, and confirmed unanimously by the committee.

Action Items

Electing Chair

K. Sedatole nominated R. Simonds, seconded by M. Moch and voted unanimously by the committee.

New Business

AACSB Learning Assurance Metrics

The learning assurance metrics captured over the last 3 years was distributed. The role of the learning assurance within Business School accreditation was discussed as was the history behind the specific metrics captured. Detailed discussion of the metric will occur at the next MPC session. Omura asked for organization metrics for the MBA programs that were recently reorganized (EMBA and WMBA) and for periodic updates. The concern relates to proper information flow and information sharing. Omura also requested an evaluation be done of the University of Michigan weekend program and its estimated market impact on our weekend program.

Old Business


Information Sharing and Updates

Full-Time MBA Program

Incoming class has 108 students and graduating class has 103 students. 108 is the largest class size in some time. 30% of the incoming class are International students and the average GMAT score of the class is up to 642, work experience is the same as last year at 4.5 years. A request was made for additional information regarding the student profile and this information will be disseminated to MPC members.

Weekend MBA Program

Incoming class has 94 students. The average age of the students is 31.3 and the average GMAT (majority, but not all of applicants take GMAT) is 570 with an average of 8 years of work experience.

Executive MBA Program

Incoming class has 34 students. The amount and type of work experience is higher in this class than in recent classes. We believe that he expedited process to change the EMBA program and get the new program in place for Fall 2008 negatively impacted the ability to market the program, resulting in a smaller than desired class size.

MS Accounting Program

Incoming class has 111 domestic and 14 international students. In addition, there are 65 students continuing in the program who will graduate in December. The A&IS Dept. has constituted a curriculum committee to make changes to the current MS curriculum.

MS Supply Chain Program

Incoming class (beginning May 2008) has 16 students and there are 16 students returning for their final year of study. The average years of work experience is between 10-11.

MBA Expansion Task Force

A task force has been formed to look at how to leverage existing MBA programs to broaden our MBA offering geographically or to market segments currently not reached. The full task force includes: Bob Wiseman, Roger Calantone, Geoff Booth, Mike Pohlad (alum), John Miller, Cheri DeClercq, Lucy Maillette, and Cheri Speier. It is not anticipated that this task force will have curricular but structure and/or geographic recommendations

Meeting was adjourned at 2:52 pm.