Masters Pages

Master pages are the web version of the iSeries DBMS functions but with the added feature of being able to add and maintain records from the same view. The DBMS options with which you are familiar will be available for your selection in a Preset Columns drop list. Preset Columns are the equivalent to the “Number of field to be updated” feature in the iSeries DBMS.

DBMS functionality is further expanded with features such as being able to select which fields you wish to view and additionally which of those fields will be updateable. Your “field sets” can be saved as your own Preset Columns for later reuse.

Master Pages Features

  • Current/Next Year

Access either Current or Next Year records.

  • Search Settings

Filter on as few or as many records as you'd like. You control the records returned for viewing or maintenance.

  • Customizable Field Selection

Customize which data items to view or modify. Any number of fields can be returned in the grid results.

  • Preset Columns

Masters pages may be configured for ease of data entry/maintenance, by grouping together frequently used data items and saving them for reuse. These saved groups are referred to as Preset Columns and are accessed in the filtering section of the Masters pages. System presets are those that have been predefined by RDS and are ready for your use. Individual users have the option to create their own User-Defined Preset Columns and save them for reuse.

  • Add a Record

New records can be added to the database using the Master pages. Required fields are flagged and drop down lists are provided where applicable, for data integrity.

  • View/Maintain Records

Records can be easily modified within the results grid. By selecting which fields of data are viewable and/or modifiable, data changes can be made right from the grid. Click on the first column of any record in the grid to allow for modification of all available fields for a record.

  • Copy a Record

Records can be copied from School to School, or from Current to Next Year, and vice versa. Click on the first column of any record in the search results grid to use the Copy feature.

  • Delete a Record

Records can be deleted by clicking on the first column of the record in the search results gridto use the Delete option.

  • Print Search Results

Data results returned in the Masters pages can be printed in pdf or csv format. Note that there are limitations on what can be printed from the search results. Contact RDS for comprehensive printing needs using Report Builder.

  • Control Results returned per Page

Control how many records are viewable in the results page, based on your screen resolution, or scrolling preferences. You decide how many records will be visible on a page.

  • Sorting

Customize your results by sorting on any field, ascending or descending. More than one field can be selected for sorting, e.g., term or period.

  • Undo Changes in Grid

Changes made in the grid can be cancelled by clicking the Escape key.

Access to Masters Pages

Users must be given access to the Masters pages by an Administrator in the Page Access portion of User Security. Masters pages are accessed through the masters link at the top of their Student Management page.

A user must have security rights (W, A) to Teachers/Courses slot at one or more schools, to modify data in the Masters pages. Those who have R access, will have Read-Only privileges, regardless of whether fields are set to be modifiable. The students a user is able to access will be determined by the schools at which they have privileges, or those they can access in Student Search.

User Security

Images for Masters Pages

a) Customizable columns of data in grid

b) Selection options for columns

c) Add a new record

d) Copy records

e) Print Records