Mastering Media - the Sequel - FIRST NEWSLETTER FOR 2007 /

Dear friends,

HAPPY WESTERN NEW YEAR to all of you. We hope you have all enjoyed a good

break from schoolwork! And Kelvin and students from Singapore, welcome to join

us! It seems that we know you already a little bit after seeing your picture

and profile on Moodle :) Also welcome Carolina and students from the

Philippines, you are now ready to start working with us. There are new group

pictures from the Philippines in the NEWS - go and check them out.


We would like to remind everyone to have a look at the student discussion

forum, and also to participate in the discussions. There have been really in

depth and interesting discussions on dubbing films, for example.


We will attach instructions on writing film reviews in this mail. The same

sheet has also been uploaded on Moodle. It would be nice to receive some

contributions from your students. They can write reviews in their own time, or

if you are an English teacher, feel free to use these instructions in your

lessons and maybe then upload some written work done in class.


Now it is time to get going with our main project task for this year -

watching films together. For this we will need the details of ONE chosen film

from each country/school. When you choose the film with your students consider

the following:

1. availability on DVD with English subtitles

If the film is difficult to find abroad we will have to organise a mailing

list from school to school.

2. remember that the youngest participants are only 14 years old!

3. choose a film originally from you country (we will look for cultural

aspects while watching)


We would like the details of the film from each school by FRIDAY, JANUARY 19,


Schools will then be divided into 4 groups with 4 schools in each. This means

that each group of students is expected to watch 3 foreign films and then

discuss them afterwards. More detailed instructions for the viewing will be

mailed soon.

If you look at the TOP TEN lists from each school, it is easy to see how

Hollywood-oriented students movie experiences are. We are very much looking

forward to exposing our students to films that they would probably never watch

otherwise, and thus widening their horizons!

Hoping to hear from all of you soon! best wishes from green Finland

(ie. still no snow!),

Sinikka, Merja, Maija and Jonina