Teaching 1:Fountain of Religions
Teaching 2:Vedas
Teaching 3:Brahmanism
Teaching 4:Egypt
Teaching 5:Egyptian Gods
Teaching 6:Arrangement of Religions
Teaching 7:The Chaldeans
Teaching 8:The Assyrians
Teaching 9:The Persians
Teaching10: Sargonides
Teaching 11: The Greeks
Teaching 12:The Indians
Teaching 13:The Gauls
Teaching 14: The Israelites
Teaching 15:The Romans
Teaching 16: The Mongolians
Teaching 1: The Fountain of Religions
Peoples of the Aryan Atlanteans had received from the Great Instructors of this race the truths of its religions. These truths, strengthened by the perceptive psychic power of this race, were of an entirely intuitive character.
These religions were on the edge of the world of superior consciousness and did not use natural symbols. Their monotheism was select.
But as this race began to decline and degenerate, religious practices were substituted for acts of psychic power and black magic.
The Aryans preserved a distant glimpse of these Divine Religions, even though entirely hidden behind the burden of time and reason, which is a new prerogative of this emerging race.
The Atlanteans, sunk in depths of the sea when their continent collapsed, carried with them their Divine Religion.
But new Initiates and the new Idea-Mother appeared, and therefore a new religion emerged that accompanied the new Aryan race, and was the basis of all their subsequent religions.
After their tremendous fight against their adversaries, that is the Atlanteans, the Aryans rushed into the conquest of the new continent that had emerged from the waters for them like a promised virgin land.
Those early men, on immense caravans, guided by their Divine Instructors, abandoned the old coasts in search of new lands and emigrated toward the centre of Asia and Europe.
They found a fertile and wonderful land that, however, was tremendously hard to conquer. Their habitual venomous and equatorial weather had been replaced by a rough and cold weather.
Sloth gave way to need and, after a frightful toll, the inhabitants of the new continent gradually learnt to fight against Nature in order to get food and shelter.
Nature was hard to overcome but, as it was subdued, gave wonderful results and revealed its secrets. That is why those early men divinized Nature and its manifested powers.
The new religion, based on the worship of Nature, was purely human and natural, and the foundation of polytheism.
But some day the Aryans came back to their land of origin, and found their predecessors, who preserved the Divine Religion of the Atlanteans, colored by a rudimentary monotheism, and defeated them.
The structure of every coming religion is formed by these two currents: a forgotten Divine religion and an emerging natural and human religion.
Then, Aryan religions are born of the memory of a lost divine state and of the knowledge of a natural power within the range of man.
The words of the Great Initiates are fused and crystallized in the material experience of peoples. The memory of the divine aspect becomes concrete by image and worship of their ancestors, and from this source where God and man meet, where the circle and the cross embrace each other, a crystal water springs up that will flood the world and times, will have different names, and one day will be one in the ocean of man made God.
In all Aryan religions, whether predominantly monotheistic or polytheistic, you may find always these essential foundations; in its beginning, simple and clear worship like dawn, and human quietness focuses divine serenity by means of songs and hymns; all this is transmitted from parents to children, from people to people and eventually becomes holy texts and fundamental languages.
Tradition transforms simple raptures of the soul into ceremonies and worships, and worships claim for attires, signs and mysteries.
All Aryans religions follow the same route and the same path; they are spiritual and pure in the beginning; and become intellectual and wise, dogmatic and rigid, cold and dark, ending like a sectarian organization that preserves its own divinities.
Inexorably it must be so; a mixture of spirit and matter can be only a fight between spirit and matter. When the spirit is in control, materialism is defeated; but when material power overpowers the spirit, then the latter hides behind thick veils.
A Real and Divine tenet exists behind dogmatic and practical forms of all religions.
Teaching 2: Vedas
After fighting during 1,500 years, the Aryans that migrated to Central Asia handed down the Revelation and Tradition of a splendid Religion to their descendants; millenary Vedas conveyed this religion.
Vedas, which means “pure science”, are a series of hymns and chants that those ancient people usually offered to their gods; in the beginning, they did not write down these hymns, but conveyed them orally from generation to generation.
Later, Vedas were divided into four great groups: 1) Rig-, 2) Sutra-, 3) Brahma- and 4) Atharva Veda.
From these holy books one infers a previous knowledge of an infinite and immense beginning from which every create thing emerged: Aditi, the Infinite.
Behind this universal concept, the idea of a creational, personal and strong God is formed; He contains the entire power of good; this God is Indra, second Hindu God, who fights continuously against evil and against the spirit of shadow and darkness: Vritra.
Vedas name Indra, “Unique God that loves mortals, helps them and lavishly pours his goods on them”.
Before their division into several peoples, the Aryans had the only language, Zenzar; and in their early voices and basic words, all have only one root and story that remembers a cold, snowy land, with long winters, where they stayed.
Sanskrit comes after Zenzar, and eventually the latter becomes the priestly and religious language, as any early tongue.
Among Hindus, Sanskrit is “Vak”, eternal vibration, which they transform into divinity.
When verses of Vedas are modulated according to ancient intonations, had a vibration of especial power, called Mantra.
Agni, fire; Phritivi, mother of earth; Mitra, the sun; Varuna, clouds; Ahriman, the family Lar; in short, any manifestation of Nature, any materialized custom, virtue, good and evil are conveyed as divinities to posterity.
We are told those ancient and nomadic peoples of shepherds gradually settled, from Pañchala, which means five-river country, today Punjab, to a civilization of extraordinary dimensions.
Manu’s laws, the ancient Hindu code describes bases, order of this people, and their religion.
In Hindu religion, after an infinite God you find Aditi; after a creational God Indra and after a tenet about a fight between good and evil, Indra and Vritra; and after a worship of natural and atmospheric forces, the worship of Trinity, which is a tenet in all Aryan religions.
This concept is later than Vedas and represents the Only God, but with three aspects, that is, of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, who are images of the cosmic mind, of primary energy and of undifferentiated substance.
Aryan religion is One, natural and divine, but successively peoples have named them differently
Teaching 3: Brahmanism
Aryan established all their religions, philosophies, laws, letter and arts on Vedas.
The Upanishads and Sutras, which are moral and philosophy of Hinduism, are vast commentaries on early texts based on their religion.
The Aryan people grows up, becomes strong and powerful, and later its desire of power promotes intestine fights and awful wars.
In Puranas, there is a description of a war between gods and elements; in Ramayana, you find a description of the war of the Aryans guided by the Divine Incarnation of Rama against the Atlanteans; and the Mahabharata describes the intestine war of the Hindus. In this epic, Krishna, the eight Avatar of Vishnu guides Arjuna to victory.
A conversation between these two, described in the Bhagavad Gita, even today is spiritual basis of many devotees in India, and followers of this religion are called Vaishnavites.
In the end of the Mahabharata, Shiva, god of destiny and destruction, and Kali, his wife, appear. These gods prevailed much since then, and will have more temples in India, producing a lot of yogis and tantrikas, mystics and people endowed with psychic powers, who none in the world can surpass. Even Yoganauth, king of the world, carried once a year on his millenary chariot is image of Shiva.
Exercises practiced by Yogis are especially described in Patanjali’s Yoga, in Sivagana, in Chakra Nirupana. This love of the Hindus for their religion and spiritual practices makes them fit to multiply their creeds in numerous sects, which would be impossible to name; all of them incite to study and abstract things.
In Vedanta Purana’s philosophy, all the rest is Maya, with the exception of the Non-Manifested One.
Vedanta Advaita takes the absolute as the only reality, but tolerates a creational principle, Purusha (Spirit), and a vital and substantial principle, Prakriti (matter).
Behind these philosophies and theologies, there are numerous Pandits (sages) and Brahamacharins (monks), who renew, maintain, clean and purify continuously the only early Vedic religion; of them, Ram Mohun Roy (founder of the Brahmosamaj), Ramakrishna and Vivekananda (the latter, founder of Ramakrishna Mission), and Tagore, a poet and philosopher.
As you have seen, the pure Vedic religion had a time of obscurantism that the Mahabharata describes later.
Peoples grew weaker and priests had the government under control.
They were called Brahmans and their name is after Brahma, the divinity, instead of Indra. They consolidate their power by dividing the race into four castes, with them at the top of the divine dynasty.
Despite this, many Brahmans were truly descendants of ancient Aryan Initiated Kings.
The four castes were divided as follows:
Brahmans: Priests and spiritual leaders of the people.
Chatriyas: Caste of kings and warriors.
Vaisyas: Caste of industrialists and merchants.
Sudras: Caste of servants.
As a negative consequence of these laws, which became despotic, even today it is difficult to extirpate totally their results.
Teaching 4: Egypt
Ancient Egypt extended beyond the north-west side of Africa to an island that now is entirely sunk. The first five dynasties of imprecise memory belonged totally to the Atlantean race.
These ancient Atlanteans were defeated by the new Aryans races, and Egypt was the beginning of Aryans of Semitic type, who inhabited the southern part of current Egypt, after the collapse of the old Atlantean Egyptian in the ocean.
An ancient legend remember these Flood when says the King Menes deviated the course of the river Nile in order to build the city of Memphis on the new shore.
Thence, Egyptian religion has more relationships and similarities with the Atlantean Wisdom and with Divine and Initiatic secrets of the lost continent.
Sciences of Egypt, which have built works that even today wonder the world, have been lost and hidden because they belonged to the Priestly School of descendants of the Atlanteans; the Pharaohs’ Egyptians had inherited and learnt those sciences.
The custom of placing the Pharaoh over priests, shows how deeply the people remembered the Early Great Kings, from the era of the Great Fight, who were Priests-Seers and Initiated Kings at a time.
Egyptian religion is essentially founded on this concept: a human and powerful kingdom, image of the Divine and Superior Kingdom.
The Pharaohh, King, absolute leader of all inhabitants of this vast territory, is the only power, first voice and true image of God.
He rules over life and death; he is true King, protector of his people; he is unique Priest, intermediary between earth and heaven. Nobody is over him; there is none with the exception of him.
He had at his disposal not only an army, but also the entire Priestly College; rather, army was the human power of the Pharaoh, and priestly caste, his divine power.
A Pharaoh was not only Mars of War, but also Supreme Oracle of the Temple.
In this image of the Initiated King of Egypt is condensed the entire power of this race that will live for millennia fearlessly and haughtily, never defeated until achieving the mission and after getting any necessary experience.
Vastness of the Egyptian Kingdom did not prevent being duly regulated and led. This people, which saw in its Pharaoh an expression of God, continued to divinize Nature and its forces; and since it was a purely peasant and agricultural people, they divinized earth and its fruits, the sun and stars, and over all, the torrential Nile, the great river that could provide them with abundant crops or with famine.
They divinized this river to such an extent that was a sacrilege any attempt to find out is source, since according to certain legend its source was in the sky, in the bosom of the divinity.
This simple and hard-working people, whose religion consisted only of raptures of the soul and natural manifestation around, and whose unique power was that of the king, fought fiercely against peoples wanting to deprive them of their soil.
Teaching 5: Egyptian Gods
The memory of the Divine Atlantean Religion promoted among the Egyptians the worship of Solar gods: Ra (the sun), Atonu (Solar god), and Shour, Anuri and Amon (gods of days).
The memory of great Instructors and Divine Initiates guiding the people inspired gods of the dead: Sokaris, Osiris, Isis, Anubis and Nephtis are their models
But the characteristic worship of Nature in the new Aryan Race creates gods of the elements: Gabu (earth), Nuit (sky), Un (primordial water) and Hapi (Nile).
These gods, transformed from generation to generation, change and live among men, are adored here and abandoned there, almost as if they had human life.
But gods of the dead were more deeply in the heart of the Egyptians since Menes, their Great Initiated King.
Solar gods were not considered supreme in all districts, but every district had its prevailing god.
They worshipped Hathor in Denderah, Nit in Sais, Nekhabit in Kab, and Harmakhis in Elephantine.
Gods of Egypt had wonderful temples in Memphis, Thebes and Elephantine; all of them were built on the shores of the Nile. Even today you can see ruins of Karnac, Denderah, Edfu and Philae.
One can see the magnificent religious memory of Egypt in the sphinx of Gizeh, in millenary pyramids, which are at the same time funereal tombs, temples to revere the ancestors, initiatic chambers and stone books that contain the science of the Universe.
Osiris, lord of death, with his forty-two infernal judges, receives the soul, while the heart of the dead person speaks for or against himself. Isis is his wife, symbol of the Moon, queen of death.
Osiris is Goodness, but constantly he fights against Sit-Typhon, image of Evil. Osiris is defeated and dismembered by Sit-Typhon, and his mutilated members are thrown to the Nile; but Isis, his wife, painfully looks for these mutilated members in the water, re-unites them and weeps by the corpse of this God killed and sacrificed for Good.
The Liberator will emerge from this mutilated body, and Horus, a chaste child, will be born to defeat finally Sit-Typhon.
In ancient Egypt, on the commemoration of Osiris’ Mysteries, there were important festivals, they kept vigil by the corpse and covered the image of Isis with black veils; but everything rejoiced when He resuscitated in Horus.
Hermes Trismegistos, the three-times-sage, is image of the Divine Incarnation on earth.
You find in all Aryan Religions this man that is One among all and that posterity reveres as Divine Incarnation.
The concept of Trinity is present in Egyptian religion, but representing always the aspect of a formal divine family.
Horus is born of Osiris and Isis; both Phtah, male god, and Sokhit, female goddess, give life to Nephertunus.
Upon all tombs of this ancient people, these three interlaced heads can be found.
Great books of this religion, that the priests preserved carefully from century to century, possessed all secrets of Atlantean wisdom, but the priests destroyed them totally in order to impede their access to profane people.
Some oral text existed in Alexandria’s Library, but flames destroyed this treasure forever. Now one can know certain fragment –which was wrongly conveyed– of the Book of the Dead.