Admissions: limited – 120 places

Entry requirements: three year bachelor’s degree from class L-17 “Architectural Science” or another equivalent qualification

Length of course: 2 years

Overall credits: 120

Specific educational goals of this degree class

Graduates on these Master’s degree courses in this class will:

- have a full understanding of the history of architecture, building, town planning, architectural restoration and the other forms of transformation of the environment and the territory pertinent to the professions relative to architecture and building-architectural engineering, as defined by the 85/284/CEE directive and amendments.

- have a full understanding of the instruments and forms of representation, have knowledge on the theoretical and scientific as well as methodological and operative aspects of mathematics and of the other basic sciences and be able to use this knowledge in order to fully interpret and describe complex problems or problems which require a cross-disciplinary approach;

- have full knowledge of theoretical, scientific, methodological and operative aspects of architecture, construction, town planning and architectural restoration, and be able to use this knowledge to identify, formulate and resolve complex problems, also in an innovative way, or problems which require a cross-disciplinary approach;

- have knowledge in the field of the organisation of firms and companies and in professional ethics and codes of conduct;

- be able to speak and write fluently on at least one other language of the European Union other than Italian, also as regards specific terminology of the field.

Specific educational goals of the course

The aim of this course is to train a well qualified professional in the field of architecture and town planning and to ensure training that sees the project as a process of synthesis and a fundamental and qualifying moment. A further goal consists in ensuring a capacity to manage with competence the entire and correct implementation of new buildings, and the restoration and renovation of existing heritage – historical, traditional and “modern” – the formation and management of planning tools at the different levels.

In this light the curricula outlined in the class provides training which, conforming to the 85/384/CEE directive and relative recommendations, will be in large part developed through applicative educational and laboratory activities. These activities will have the architectural project as a central nucleus, which will be developed, in all its ranges of cultural and technical complexity, from a building to the neighbourhood, to the city and to the territory.

The course produces an architect who intervenes via critical and operative procedures and policy lines which target the formulation of valid criteria for the planning and programming of works also in view of bettering environmental quality, elaborating appropriate plans and managing their complexity. The course presents a range of different options for some disciplinary areas and in particular for those relating to activities strictly connected in identifying, during the course, various routes of greater specificity relating to architecture, to the territory and to the environment.

Professional and career opportunities

The main career opportunities foreseen by the Master’s degree courses in this class are:

- activities in which Master’s degree graduates of the class are able to plan through the use of specific instruments of architecture and building architectural engineering, of town planning and architectural restoration and having mastery of the tools involved in the construction and economic viability of the proposed work, the building operations, transformation and change of the physical and landscape environment, will full knowledge of aspects of aesthetic, distribution, function, structure, technical construction, management, economics and environment, and with critical attention towards cultural changes and the needs expressed by contemporary society;

- activities in which the Master’s degree graduates of the class produce project works and manage their implementation in the fields of architecture and building architectural engineering, of town planning, of architectural restoration, and in general concerning the urban and landscape environment ,coordinating, where necessary, other graduates and workers to reach these goals.

Graduates will be able to pursue, other than freelance work, positions of great responsibility, among others, in institutions and public and private firms (institutional firms, public and private companies, professional studios and planning firms), working in the field of the construction and modification of cities and territories.

The Master’s degree graduate in Architecture may, via a state exam, enrol onto Section A (architecture section) of the registry of architects and onto Section A of the registry of engineers (Civil environment section) carrying out activities as laid down by national and European law.

They may work professionally as a freelance or in associates, holding technical or even managerial positions in public administrations (municipal, provincial and regional), carry out technical tasks in public and private companies, carry out technical and managerial tasks in protection agencies (Environmental protection agencies - Soprintendenze BAAAS).

They may teach up to Secondary school level and carry out research in various sectors of architecture.