Master of Technology (Petroleum Technology)

306478 Research Project (P606)

Guidelines for Research Project Thesis.

The P606 Research Project is a 25 credit point unit linked to the P605 Research Methods unit.


The thesis/report shall be no longer than 40 pages in total, or 20,000 words for the body of the report.

Extensive appendices are not required, as information of this sort can be referenced separately. The report may be longer with the approval of the Curtin Supervisor.


The report will be written to the appropriate format for a report within the discipline area of the Company. It is anticipated that most reports will be serving a dual reporting function, to the Company as an active document about a live project, and as an academic thesis to the University. The Curtin Supervisor will provide advice as to any refinements that may be required at the drafting stage.


A consistent referencing style appropriate to the discipline area of the project will be used. All external assistance or information taken from other sources must be acknowledged in accordance with Curtin University of Technology’s guidelines on Plagiarism.

Statement of authenticity:

The Shell supervisor will provide a signed statement to the effect that the work presented in the report is the original work of the participant, except where properly referenced or acknowledged to other sources or co-workers. This may be included prior to the Abstract (or equivalent). The Shell Supervisor may provide some written comments as to the value of the research and the report to the Curtin Supervisor (in confidence) to assist in grading the thesis.


Two bound copies of the report are to be sent to the Course Coordinator at CurtinUniversity. The participant is strongly advised to also create a PDF file of the thesis in its final form for submission electronically to the Course Coordinator, in case the hard copy is lost or damaged. Once logged the thesis will be passed to the Supervisor and a second marker for grading. If requested, due to reasons of commercial sensitivity, the reports will be returned to the participant, and the electronic file destroyed, once the final grade has passed the Board of Examiners.


The report will be graded by the Curtin Supervisor, and cross marked by an appropriately qualified academic at CurtinUniversity, or externally. The second marker will be at the invitation of the Supervisor, and the approval of the Course Coordinator.