Master of Arts in Sustainable Communities



Applications must be received in the SUS office by 5:00 p.m. March 1 of Current Year

In order to qualify for a Tuition Waiver or Graduate Assistantship, you must:

  • Be admitted to the SUS program (if you are applying to the program, fill the form out and we will consider it for those student admitted to the program.
  • Enroll as a full-time graduate student (taking a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester)
  • Maintain a 3.0 G.P.A. (With no grades below B and no grades of “incomplete”)

Please note the following distinctions:

Tuition waivers are considered gift-aid and there are no additional expectations associated with them.

Graduate Assistantships are offered as part of an employment contract. Recipients of Graduate

Assistantships will be expected to work for the SUS or other closely connected programs. While needis a consideration in awarding Graduate Assistantships, applicants must also possess the ability tocoordinate special activities for the SUS program, including working with community people in theAction Research Teams.

Note that all new applicants to the SUS program need to submit this form online while completing their application.

If you are in the second year, please submit this application via e-mail to:

Or mail to (we prefer e-mail):

MA Program in Sustainable Communities

Northern Arizona University,

Box 6039

Flagstaff, Arizona 86011

Applications must be received in the SUS office by 5:00 p.m. March 1 of Current Year

Master of Arts in Sustainable Communities


Applications must be received in the SUS office by 5:00 p.m. March 1 of Current Year

Name: ______

Last Name First Name Middle Initial

Student I.D. #______

Email: ______

Mailing Address: ______


Notification letters will be sent to this address.

Telephone #: Home:( )______Other:( )______

I wish to apply for (check all that apply) Fall Spring

Graduate Assistantship (includes non-resident fee waiver).______

Non-resident fee waiver (no assistantship) ______

Resident fee waiver (must be in-state resident)______

I am an Arizona resident _____Yes ______No.

Undergraduate and Graduate education (include NAU if you are a 2nd year SUS student):

Undergraduate GPA: ______Graduate GPA: ______

Work and Volunteer Experience:

Institution/Organization / Duties / Dates

Publications, Honors, Citations, Fellowships, Scholarships, Awards:





Use the space below to address the following as applicable:

  1. Briefly describe your intended focus in the SUS Program.
  2. Returning SUS Students: Please provide a statement on your academic progress to date.
  3. Tuition Waiver applicants: Please list any information you think may help the SUS program assessyour need for a tuition waiver.
  4. Graduate Assistantship applicants: Describe which Action Research Team you are best suited to facilitate. That is, the GA funding is awarded on the basis of leading or working with an ART. Please list any information that you think may help the SUSprogram assess your ability to perform the various tasks associated with working in the ARTs.