Fr John Kenny Tel: (094) 9543013


Masses for the Week

Na hAifrinn don Seachtain seo Chugainn

Saturday Tuar Mhic Éadaigh : 8p.m.

Bridget & Patrick Heneghan (Anniv) & DM of the Heneghan & Malone Families Derreendafderg (26th April )

Sunday Partry : 10.00a.m. Bridie Sheridan Kilkeeran (1st Anniv)

Myles & Mary Walsh Ballinrobe (Anniv)

Peter & Brigid Garry (27th April )

Sunday: Tuar Mhic Éadaigh : 11.30a.m.

Kathleen Barrett (Nee) Heneghan Chicago & Derassa (27th April )

Monday Partry 10.00a.m.

Eimer Burke. Nora & Kit Farragher (Anniv)

Tuesday: Tuar Mhic Éadaigh: 10.00a.m

Michael & Bridget Derrig.

Stephen & Mary O’Malley.

John Derrig

Wednesday : Partry: 10.00a.m

Prayer Service

Friday: An Bunán: 6.30p.m No Mass.

Fr John is on Clare Island Duty.

Saturday Tuar Mhic Éadaigh : 8p.m.

The DM of the Spain Family Padriag Feeney & sister May McGing & Sonny McGing

Patrick, Nora, Michael & Sean O’Malley & DMF Upper Churchfield. Nellie & Pat Maloney & DM of the Maloney Family Gortfree & Lydon Family Cappaduff. (3rd May )

Sunday Partry : 10.00a.m. (4th May )

Sunday: Tuar Mhic Éadaigh : 11.30a.m.

Mass at the Shrine of our Lady Weather Permitting :

Dan & Bridget Prendergast & Grandson Michael.

John & Nora Staunton & son Thomas (Anniv)

Bridget Malone Chicago & Cappaduff. (4th May )

Fr John will make his usual Monthly House calls this Thursday 1st May

Please pray for Tommy Eibrand, Glensaul. Catherine Harrington (Nee) Joyce Ballinrobe & Cappanacreaha & all who have died recently & whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they Rest in Peace. Amen.

Reader Partry Teresa Horan

Reader Tuar Mhic Éadaigh

Sat: Noreen Maloney

Sun :

Eucharist Ministers Partry

Claire Kennedy, Martina Walsh & Kathleen Horan.

Eucharist Ministers Tuar Mhic Éadaigh

De Sath: Michael John Casey & Christín Uí Ghiobúin

Dé Domh: Martin O’Neill & Mary Sheirdan

Church Care Team Partry

Mamie Munroe, Eileen Byrne, Maggie Burke, & Mary Munroe.

Tourmakeady Mary Conroy, Mary Moran

Servers: Partry: Team D

Tuar Mhic Éadaigh Team A & E

Church Collection 19/20th April

Partry €384.70 Tuar Mhic Éadaighagus An Bunán € 767.76

Holy Land Collection Partry €190.20

Tuar Mhic Éadaigh €651.20

Trocaire Partry €651.20 Tuar Mhic Éadaigh €1344.39

Pieta Pieta House Darkness into Light 5k

Walk/Run on Sat 10th May at 4.15a.m at Westport House. Check notice board for details or

Thanks to everyone who supported last weekend’s Priests Easter collection. And a gentle reminder to those who forgot. Please use the special “Priests Easter collection” Envelope or any envelope

Trocaire: Please leave in your donation for this years Lenten Appeal . No later than next weekend May 3rd & 4th. Thank you.

Partry Church Area New Boxes of envelopes for May 2014-April 2015 are available at the back of the Partry Church. If there are any corrections, alterations or additional boxes required please call in to the Sacristy with details. Thank you for your continued support to the Parish.

Put on your Dancing Shoes…!! Lions Club Charity Social Dancing night in the Castlecourt Hotel on Sunday May 4th 10p.m-1a.m Adm €10 Proceeds in Aid of local charities. Music by Stuart Moyles

Partry Community Centre News:

Partry Tea morning Sunday4th May after 10a.m Mass and the host will be Kilfaul, Gallagh & Derrew

Bingo Monday night at at 8.45p.m

2 Jackpots.

Ladies Pilates class Fri April @8 30p.m –

Ladies Club every Thursday at 8.30p.m

Partry Underage Soccer Training will recommence Saturday 3rd May . Registration will also take place on that day.

The Galway Race Committee and Bishop Drennan issue an open invitation to a Mass of Thanksgiving at Ballybrit Race Course at 12:00 noon on 27 April 2014 to mark the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.

Saturday May 31st Feast of the Visitation you are invited to a day of prayer at Knock Shrine 10a.m to 5p.m with Fr Killian Byrne. Theam “Called to be a light to the nations”

Sunday May 18th Connacht Spring Show-Ballinrobe Race Course (Special Request Wanted 1000 & Teddies to set new Irish Record at 3.30p.m in aid of Pieta House

Thanks to everyone for participating and helping at our Holy Week & Easter Ceremonies.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock

will be on Sunday, May 4th. The Ceremonies will commence at 2.30 pm. The Archbishop will lead the Pilgrimage.

50/50 Lotto winner for 17/04 was Martin Staunton, Drimcoggy, €103. Thank you.

National Vigil for Life, Merrion Square, Dublin 3-4pm 3rd May Please avail of this unique opportunity to stand for the protection of mothers and babies in Ireland and the right to conscientious objection. For info re buses nationwide, call 0864069660 or 0872668702.

WEST COAST: Westport Co. Mayo: Croagh Patrick: 8am Climb for Life, as part of the: "Life Is Fragile" weekend conference, speakers include: Ronan Mullan, Declan Ganley, on " Life and Economics" and Prof Patricia Casey and Dr. John Connolly on " Surviving Suicide". For more info call: 0876311381

A four week D.I.Y. for Women course will be held here in Le Cheile Wednesday 7th May @ 10am. Are you tired of putting off or paying a handyman to do those odd jobs around the house?

BreastfeedingNew Mum Group meets every Thursday from 2-4pm. All mothers & babies welcome! Come along and experience this Mother to Mother support group. Mothers to be are also very welcome. Public Health Nurse in attendance. call 094-9025126 or

e-mail: .

Mass in thanksgiving for the Canonisations of Blessed Pope John XXIII and Blessed Pope John Paul ll, on Divine Mercy Sunday, 27th April at 3 p.m. in the Knock Basilica. The Chief Celebrant and Homilist will be the Papal Nuncio, His Excellency Archbishop Charles Brown.

Knock Youth Ministry will host 'The Michaela Summer Camp' for girls this Summer in The Hub ( 21st-25th July). They are currently looking for volunteers to get involved in leading the camp. If this is something you are interested in please register on This is a very fun and worthwhile expereince.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain

Avila, Salamanca, Segovia & Toledo. 5 nights (3 nights in Avila, 2 nights in Madrid). June 30th. For details, leave name & address at 09328337 or talk to Therese at 012410822. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from August 7th to 13th and as usual will be led by Archbishop Michael. For more information please contact Ms. Sheila Davin at 086-8664633.

Youth pilgrimage to Camino de Santiago de Compostela.

The pilgrimage is open to anyone in the Tuam Archdiocese aged between 18 -35 yrs, who might be interested in this walking pilgrimage into Santiago. Places will be limited. Further information contact Trish 09352284/

Lough Derg One Day Retreats

Come on a ‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, a guided day of prayer and reflection, including the celebration of Eucharist. Come spend time in this unique, sacred, holy Island where people have prayed for centuries. One Day Retreats begin on Saturday 3rd May and follow on: 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25 and 26th. Booking is essential, contact Lough Derg 071 9861518 / 028 686 32391, email

Development Workers required on Clogher Communtity Employment Scheme, Clogher, Claremorris Contact Clogher Office for further details on 094 93 60891

Recent winners for the monthly Partry Athletic Football Draw: Fr Des Grogan-€100 John Farragher Jnr €50

Tom and Eleanor Mannion -€50

There will be a May Day festival taking place in the hall on Sunday, 4th May 2014 after mass to support Catherine Heneghan's Mozambique project. Perfect fun for all the family with a bouncy castle, bbq, raffle, face painting and games!

Litter Action League 2014. Tourmakeady has been asked to join the Litter Action League again this year which is run by Mayo County Council. The competition will run from April to September 2014. The area is from the Speed Limit at Coláiste Muire to the Health Centre. The area also includes up to the Speed Limit on the Westport Rd and down around the church road. You are asked to keep your own area tidy and help keep Tourmakeady litter free. Judging takes place each month and can take place in the morning or late afternoon.

Bake Sale in the Hall Tourmakeady would like to thank all the many people who supported Catherine Heneghan’s Serve Mozambique Project on Easter Sunday.

Céad Cruinniú an Coiste Pobail Nua: Beidh an chéad cruinniú don Coiste Pobal nua-tofa ar siúl san Halla Pobail ar an Máirt 29ú Aibreáin @ 8.30 i.n. Iarrtar ar na baill uilig a bheith i láthair. The first meeting of the newly elected Coiste Pobal members takes place in the Halla Pobail on Tuesday 29th April @ 8.30 pm. All members are asked to attend on the night.

Bonus number the winners of the Tourmakeady Hall bonus number draw are Stevie & Rita Langan and Noel & Siobhan Heaphy each receives €100 for having bonus number 24. Thank you for your support.

New Lotto has started if you are interested please get in touch and thank you to everyone for all the help and support already given to Halla Tourmakeady.

Coiste Cultúr Teanga agus Forbartha Thuar Mhic Éadaigh has been approached to promote the Better Energy Communities / Area Programme in Tourmakeady. This is the national upgrade programme to retrofit Ireland’s building stock and facilities to high standards of energy efficiency, thereby reducing fossil fuel use, running costs and greenhouse gas emissions. If you would be interested in finding out more or taking part please contact us on 087 1162058.

Annual Good Friday 25 Card Drive Game. Thanks to those who supported the evening.

Ceol na Locha Music Festival will take place this year from Monday 11th August to 15th August 2014 in Tourmakeady. Please make a note in your diary! Brochures will be available from the beginning of May.


Drama Classes Mondays start back this coming week in Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh

Knitting Circle Mondays start back this coming week in Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh

Parent & Toddler Group Halla Tuar Mhic Éadaigh Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.30pm

Zumba Classes Wednesdays in Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh

Social Club (formerly Over 60’s) Thursdays start back this week in Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh

PilatesClasses in Halla Tourmakeady Thursdays 8.00pm-9.00pm.

Traditional Irish Dancing Starting back Friday 2nd May 2014 4.30pm in Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh

The Bun Club Starting back Friday 2nd May 2014 5.30pm in Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh

Scoláireachtaí Printíseachta/Apprenticeships le Údarás na Gaeltachta. Tá Údarás na Gaeltachta ag tairiscint Scoláireachtaí Printíseachta gur fiú níos mó ná €2000 an ceann iad d’iarrathóirí le cáilíocht mar cheardaí a bhaint amach. To qualify applicants must be at least 16 years old and must hold one of the following primary qualifications: A Group Certificate/Intermediate Certificate/Junior Certificate with a pass in five subjects or its equivalent. Please note that a pass in matamatic (ordinary level) is necessary for some apprenticeships; or the satisfactory completion of a FÁS recognised preparation course; or over 18 years of age with three years’ relevant experience in the trade. Má tá spéis agat a bheith san iomaíocht do na scoláireachtaí seo, ba chóir duit foirm iarratais a líonadh agus a sheoladh ar ais chuig an Rannóg Oiliúna & Oideachais roimh an 9/6/2014.

An Act of Consecration &

Enthronement of the Family to the Divine Mercy –FreePrayer Card and Certificate available at the back of the church

“No medicine cures

what happiness cannot”

Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting: is held every Sunday in the Sciobol (behind Mary Moran’s Cottage) commencing at 12 noon. Contact Christy 087-9760758

Focal Scoir

Ó Éadóchas go dóchas,

Ó eagla go muinín

Treoraig mé

Please have all items for newsletter in by 12 noon on each Wednesday .

Thank You.

Other Saturday Vigil Masses Near by….

Ballyheane 8.00 p.m.,

Ballintubber Abbey 8.00 p.m..

Ballinrobe 7.30 p.m.,

Tuar Mhic Éadaigh 8.00 p.m.

Finney 7.30 p.m.