Massachusetts Society of Addiction Medicine (MASAM)
Board of Directors(BOD) Meeting
March 29, 2011
Conference Call
Attendees:Drs.StephenRyzewicz (President),AlanWartenberg (President-elect),KenFreedman (Secretary),JackieStarer (Treasurer), and DanMcCullough (Immediate Past President)
The meeting was called to order at 8:09 pm.
MASAM Board of Directors MinutesPage 1 of 3
March 29, 2011
1. Call to Order (Steve)
2. Secretary’s Report (Ken)
Approved the Minutes of the November 18, 2010 Board meeting.
11/10 CME event reported in National ASAM News.
3. Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)
MASAM received apx. $8,000 from the 2010 Cape Cod Symposium [CCSAD] (vs. $5,000 in 2009). This increase was due to an anticipated one time change in the share formula with other chapters. Since these funds have come from one unrestricted educational grant for the luncheon discussant program from a single pharma company, JS reports that this revenue is very much year-to-year and not a guaranteed revenue source . If this revenue stream is lost, it would significantly affect future budgets. Additionally, revenue is split amongst the New England chapters (and now we have a newly formed Northern New England Chapter (VT/NH/ME). As Rhode Island becomes more active and NNE joins , the MA share of the split will be significantly reduced for this year and future years. Additionally this revenue is dependent on the New England chapters ongoing collaboration with C4Solutions in attracting educational grants and exhibitors by our efforts in educational planning and discussant recruitment.
Current Balance$31,102
12/31/10 Balance$35,511
2010 Income $29,195
2010 Expenses $17,916
A check for ASAM 2010 3rd quarter membership dues in the amount of $360 is the most recent dues payment. We are awaiting 4th quarter 2010 and 1st quarter 2011 disbursements. We are generally asked to submit an invoice 3-6 months after the quarter has ended once the amount due is determined by ASAM national and generally receive the check 30-45 days after submitting the invoice.
Tax forms need to be filed in May. The 2010 monthly statements will be mailed to our accounting firm, Saba, Colman, & Hunt, PC, 500 Clark Road, Tewksbury, MA01876(978) 858-0321. The 990-N form for Tax Exempt Organizations Not Required to File will then be submitted electronically by Saba to the Internal Revenue Service along with MA report of Public charities. This is applicable if the gross receipts are not more than $25,000.00. The MA annual report is file November 1st each year after the annual meeting which then lists all current officers. Our accountant fees are $550 per year, the filing fees are $35 for the state form PC and $15 for the state annual report.
We discussed the question of audits because there is a discrepancy between MASAM bylaws and ASAM national. MASAM Bylaws stipulates a yearly audit whereas ASAM does not. We will research as to whether there are any applicable state laws for non-profit audits. Our accounting firm does not perform audits. It was proposed that we change the bylaws to reflect both ASAM national and state law requirements. DanAlan will investigate.
JS will email ledger to BOD members.
4. MMS/MASAM Contract (SteveJackie)
Consensus is that we should continue to contract with MMS to provide administrative support. We were presented with a 1-year and 3-year proposals. Since our revenue stream is uncertain (see above), we would like the option of a 2-year renewal. If MMS will accept this, Steve will distribute new contract proposal via email.
Need clearer definition of CME costs. We would like to “lock” in the CME sponsorship expense for at least one year.
Need better clarity only administrative charges. Increased organization would reduce these hours. Two specific recommendations submitted by MMS was more advance planning for CME events such that dates do not need to be rescheduled (which results in duplication of work) and, secondly, if data from ASAM could be streamlined such that membership information and dues paid were available at the same time, rather than in twp separate formats which also duplicates the work effort to track.
5. Nominations Committee (Dan)
Nominations being considered for offices of President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Ballots will be prepared and mailed out in May.
6. Education Committee (Alan)
We should hold some non-CME educational events, which can be planned further in advance, allowing for better attendance. The regulations regarding exhibitors are less stringent for non CME events which also allows for more advance planning of exhibitors. JS suggested that this might be done in conjunction with a membership annual meeting in Waltham instead of the current location on Cape Cod. Hopefully this could lead to better attendance at the annual meeting.
Cape Cod Symposium – need additional exhibitors for CCSAD lobster dinner.
Next event – originally planned for 5/5/11 with Dr.PeterAckerman from BrownUniversity providing an update on Infectious Diseases.. Because of planning difficulties, this event will be postponed until July.
5. President’s Report (Steve)
Speakers Bureau – general support for this initiative. SR will prepare a brief membership survey asking for volunteers who would be willing to speak (without honoraria) on a variety of topics within the scope of Addiction Medicine. The initial survey would be designed to capture members’ names, email and professional addresses, titles, and subject areas that they would be willing to address in lectures and, if possible, desired target audiences. All of these data would be entered into a database that would be maintained by MASAM.
6. Public Policy – no updates
7. Date of Next BOD meeting
The next meeting will take place on the evening of the next CME program, prior to this program.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:46 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
KenFreedman, MD, MS, MBA, FACP, FASAM
Secretary, MASAM