Monday, November 5, 2012


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mon. 5:15PM Vern Laverdiere

Tues. 7:00AM Martha & Vern Novak

Wed. 5:15PM Ed Haney

Thurs. 7:00AM Ed Schutte

Fri. 9:15AM Special Intentions

5:15PM Mary Lou Torgerson

Sat. 5:15PM Ray Winkel

Sun. 8:00AM Special Intentions

10:30AM People of the Parish

Offertory needed each week / $8,155.00
Offertory / $6,454.00
Roof Fund / $61.75
Building Fund / $77.50
Cemetery Fund / $67.00
(Includes “Online Giving”)


Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading: 1 Kings 17:10-16.

2nd Reading: Hebrews 9: 28.

Gospel: Mark 12: 38-44.

Calendar of Upcoming Events
Nov. 6 / 7PM / RCIA (Chapel)
Nov. 7 / 10AM / EPIC Bible Study - Rel. Ed. Ctr.
Nov. 7 / 6PM / Bible Timeline Study – Rel. Ed. Ctr.
Nov. 7 / 7:00PM / Choir Practice (Chapel)
Nov. 8 / 9AM / Bible Timeline Study – Rel. Ed. Ctr.
Nov. 8 / 6PM / EPIC Bible Study – Rel. Ed. Ctr.
Sundays / 2PM / Pray the Rosary

Music for

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 4, 2012

ENTRANCE: Gather Us In - #302 in the Music Issue

PREPARATION OF GIFTS: For the Fruit of This Creation - #422 in the Music Issue

RECESSIONAL: For the Healing of the Nations - #431 in the Music Issue

Cookie Walk Coming Soon!

Over the next 2 weeks, members of the Women’s Guild will be calling to request donations of homemade cookies (at least 4 dozen), candies, sweet breads, pies, and yeast breads for the Cookie Walk on Dec. 1st. We also will need many volunteers to work the day of the event. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Monetary donations to help defray event expenses are also welcome.Please mail such donations to Loretta Baucom, Guild Treasurer, 724 W. Washington, Macomb, IL.

St. Patrick Catholic Church


St. Pat’s Community Center

Raritan, Illinois

Sunday, November 4, 2012

11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Carry-outs Available

Adults $10 Children (4-12) $3



“A Cornucopia of Curiosities”

NOVEMBER 17, 2012—6:30-8 pm

The Cub & Boy Scouts are sponsoring the 6th Annual Family Trivia Night on Saturday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 pm in the school gym. This year’s theme is “A Cornucopia of Curiosities”. Teams of up to 8 children or 8 children and adults (at least ½ children) will vie for the right to be crowned trivia champ. Pizza and drinks can be pre-ordered and waiting for you at your table. Drinks and concession items can be purchased throughout the event. Registration forms can be found in the St. Paul School office. Space is limited to 20 teams.

Facing New Challenges

Participants learn the basics of Alzheimer’s disease, new communication approaches and ways to plan for the future. Cost: $5 per person material fee

Mon., Nov. 19 4:30-6:30 p.m.

OSF Institute on Aging

8600 Route 91, Suite 130, Peoria

Register by Nov. 16

Perspectives on Caregiver Stress

This program addresses coping with stress related to caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s. It examines the symptoms of caregiver stress and offer strategies for becoming a healthier caregiver and for setting realistic expectations for the individual and the person with dementia. Cost: $5 per person material fee

Wed., Nov. 7 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Central IllinoisChapter

606 W. Glen Ave., Peoria

Register by Nov. 6

St. Peter and Paul’s Annual Turkey Dinner and Bazaar,

November 11th from 11:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. Nauvoo IL

Roasted turkey and all the trimmings served family-style, sit-down dinner in school gym. Country Store, Homemade Candies, Baked Goods, Holiday Crafts, Quilt Raffle, and much more!

Adults - $9.00 Children ages 3-11 - $5.00


St. Paul Parish is in need of an artificial Christmas tree donation by mid-November. If you have a tree you would like to donate, please contact the Parish office or Kelly Severs @(309) 255-0494.


November 10, at 9:00 a.m. in the chapel


Many thanks for the visits, prayers, and cards during my 5 months of illness. I have returned to my apartment #116 at Wesley Village; fully recovered. I will observe my 97th Birthday on November 5, 2012.

BAPTISMAL DVD’S – If you have borrowed one of few Baptismal DVD’s and have forgot to return; please put it on the kitchen counter in the narthex.

Thank you,

St. Paul Church staff


Paula Barsi Smith November 2, 2011

Elaine M. Kelma December 24, 2011

Joan Adele Pano February 6, 2012

William Lloyd Smith February 13, 2012

Alverna Garon Laverdiere March 11, 2012

Gary L. Cobb March 17, 2012

Maxine Louderman April 4, 2012

Richard Ray Metzner June 10, 2012

Edward L. Schutte July 17, 2012

Anne P. Patty September 17, 2012

Raymond E. Winkel Jr. September 23, 2012

Dorothy W. Owens October 17, 2012

Nicholas E. Hennenfent October 19, 2012

All Souls Day

We take this day to remember all those loved ones who have died. Most parishes have a "Book of the Names of the Dead" in which parishioners can write the names of those they wish to have remembered. This book is usually placed near the Paschal Candle and remains there from All Souls Day through the month of November or until the beginning of Advent.

Blessed Pope John Paul II quoting Gaudium et Spes, writes that intrinsically evil acts are “any kind of homicide, genocide, abortion, euthanasia and voluntary suicide; whatever violates the integrity of the human person, such as mutilation, physical and mental torture and attempts to coerce the spirit; whatever is offensive to human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution and trafficking in women and children; degrading conditions of work which treat laborers as mere instruments of profit, and not as free responsible person: all these and the like are a disgrace …and they are a negation of the honor due to the Creator” (Vertatis Splendor, 80).

Sandy blasts East Coast
God shelters, rescues, and secures us for the future, the psalmist assures us this Sunday. East Coast residents need that assurance this week as Hurricane Sandy, one of the biggest storms ever to hit the United States, batters the densely populated East Coast, shutting down transportation, forcing evacuations in flood-prone areas, and interrupting the presidential campaign.