St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff

Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315

Mass Intentions from Sat. 3rd Dec. to Sun. 11th December 2011

Sat. 3rd Dec. [V] 7.00 p.m.:Michael Crean

Sun. 4th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Ned Horan

Mon. 5th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Tue. 6th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Michael O’Neill

Wed. 7th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Pat & Annie Ward & decd. family

Thu. 8th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Brendan Murphy (Anniv.)

Feast of the 7.00 p.m.:James & Bridget Collins, Ballinaraha, Jack & Mary Dunbar,

Immaculate ConceptionStraide

Fri. 9th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Rehins S.Centre: 8.00 p.m.:Decd. Hughes, Bourke & Crave families

Sat. 10th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Edward McAndrew, Rathduff

Sat. 10th Dec. [V] 7.00 p.m.:Pat Durkan

Sun. 11th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Frank O’Hara (1st Anniv.)

CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass

READERS: 8th Dec. [10] Padraic Brennan. [7] Ruth Brennan.

11th Dec. [V] Catherine McKenna. [10] Mary Dunne.

E. MINISTERS: 8th Dec. [10] Teresa Holmes. [7] Kevin Flynn.

11th [V] Mary Crean. [10] May Earley.

CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 5: Teresa Higgins, Annie O’Neill, Maureen Walsh, Maura Irwin.

Knockmore G.A.A. Development Lotto: Week 26. 26/11/2011. Nos. drawn: 5. 8. 9. 27. No Jackpot Winner. Weekly Ticket €25 Winners: Marie Timlin, Kevin McConnellogue, Gerard Howard. Season Ticket €25 Winners: Amy O’Connor, Jonathan Flynn, Christina Blewitt. Special Prize : Kenneth Corcoran. Next Jackpot €11,600. Next Draw on 3rd Dec.

Sewing/Alteration Service available – Please contact 085 1677445.

Laptop & Desktop Computer Repair Service: Available locally, please contact 087 3685287.

Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.

25 Drive in Ardagh Community Centre: Every Sun. night at 9.00 p.m. All welcome.

Knockmore Walking Club: Meets every Sun. 12 Noon at Clubrooms, Knockmore.

Conn Rangers F.C. Lotto: [33] 28/11/2011. Numbers: 4. 13. 21. 26. Jackpot not won. Season Ticket winners: Delia McHale, Frances McShane, Pat Kelly. Weekly Ticket winners: Andres Stata, Paula Flynn, Kevin Heffron. Jackpot €3,750. Draw in Brogans 5th Dec.

Congratulations to Nell Flynn, Tavanaghmore, who celebrated her 100th Birthday on Tues. 29th Nov. We wish her every blessing.

Set Dancing Classes: In Rehins Social Centre, every Wed. at 8.30 p.m. All welcome.

Knockmore/Rathduff R. Centre: Clothes & old mobile phone collection continues.

In Preparation for Eucharistic Congress: Holy Hour (with Benediction) next Thurs. 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. Dec. 8th in Knockmore Church. Everyone welcome.

Vineyard: Items to be sent to Newman Inst. Ballina or email

Knockmore/Rathduff Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party: Sun. 18th Dec. in Pontoon Bridge Hotel. Begins with Mass at 2pm. Cost €10 per person. Names on/before Wed. 14th Dec. to Ann McHale 094 9258412 or Mary Hughes 096 70457.

Notices for the Bulletin – can be left in to Parish House, Knockmore, by Thurs. 6.00 p.m. or Email to

Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015

Church of Christ the King, Knockmore

Second Sunday of Advent – 4th December 2011

Sat. 3rd Dec. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Willie Butler, Knockmore

Sun. 4th Dec. 9.00 a.m.:James, Catherine & Seamus McEvey

11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish – Children’s Mass

Mon. 5th Dec. 7.00 p.m.:Anthony & Mary Coleman, Shraheen (Anniv.)

Tue. 6th Dec.10.00 a.m.:William & Bridgie Butler

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tues. 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Wed. 7th Dec. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Margaret & David Coleman, Ballinasleva

Thur. 8th Dec.11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish – Immaculate Conception

7.30 to 8.30 p.m. - Holy Hour

Fri. 9th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Martin Kelly, Currabaggan, William & Bridget Rochford

Sat. 10th Dec.10.00 a.m.:Vincent McNicholas, Rinmore (Month’s Mind)

Sat. 10th Dec. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Marian Walsh, Knockmore (1st Anniv.)

Sun. 11th Dec. 9.00 a.m.:Thomas McDonagh, Knockmore (Month’s Mind)

11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish

CONFESSIONS: After Vigil Mass on Saturday.

READERS: 8th Dec. [V] Ciara & Louise McHale. [11] Chris Kimmerling.

11th Dec. [V] Martina Gardiner. [9] Teresa Brogan. [11] B. Coleman.

E. MINISTERS: 8th Dec. [V] N. Barrett & M. Corcoran. [11] Ann McNeely.

11th Dec. [V] J. Feeney & D. Connolly. [9] M. Lacken. [11] A. Mulvihill & M. Gardiner

SERVERS: 8th Dec. [V] Conor Brogan & Wayne Doocey. [11]Amy McDermott & Sarah Langan.11th Dec. [V] Ciara Holmes & Lauren Smyth. [9] Adam Reape.

[11]Rebecca Conway & Aoibhe Hopkins.

CHURCH CLEANING: Gortnadreha & Ballinasleva.

Coeliacs: Please contact the priest to make arrangements to receive Holy Communion.

Mayo Living Links: For info: 086 0406666. or email:

Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers – Fr. Peter Starrs, Sunderland (uncle of Peter Starrs); Kathleen Tuffy, Corballa, (mother of Anne Breslin, Corroy).

Recent Baptism: We welcome into God’s family – Áine Brid McHale, Carravaneen – daughter of Kenneth & Sinead.

THE JESSE TREE 2011: 1st Sunday of Advent

We mark the beginning of Advent with the appearance of "The Jesse Tree". A "Jesse Tree" is the family tree of Jesus. God promised the people a Messiah or Saviour. For a number of years, God prepared his people for the coming of the Messiah. Advent sums up that preparation. Each Sunday we add the names of those people who played an important role in the preparation for the coming of Christ. We begin today with Adam and Eve. They were our first parents but they disobeyed God and sinned. Noah represents the people who were faithful to God and were saved when the flood came. God called Abraham to follow him. Abraham was the father of God's chosen people and his call marked the beginning of the story of our salvation.

Advent Tree 2011:1st Sunday of Advent: Each week we place some key words from the readings on an Advent Tree in the front porch. This week-end we place the words: Awake, Wait, Come. The Gospel tells us to stay awake and be ready to meet the Lord when He comes. Wait - Advent is a time of waiting for the Lord. Come - our prayer in Advent is: Come Lord Jesus.