Maryborough Education Centre
Professional Learning Activities
Week 7
Coach / Teacher / Yr / Domain / Focus / Number of weeks / Activity since last entry / Expected Outcomes / Next StepsMandy Regan / Alison Fitzpatrick
Louise Nichol
Erin Kelly
Billie Hughes
Emily Fithall
Jenny Lovel
Karys Fettling
Pam Shannon
Gerald Veale
Sally Wren
Jenny Owen / Lindsey Iles
Eva Julien
Michelle Smith
Kim McLean
Kerryn Richard
Sam Grumont / Belinda Fabry
Justin Hodgkins
Lorraine Gill
Robyn Muller
Debbie Macer
Maree Shay
David Ormerod
Jason Yoong
Travis Barnes
Grace Sutton
Noel Ridge / Suzy Kreutzer
Sonia Woodhatch
Linda Morton
Andrew Ferguson
Sandra Skipper
Sam Rothman
Shannon Gration
Heather White
Tony Macer
Ian Chater
Mellita Billinghurst
Ron Lake / All VCE unit 1/2/3/4 depending on availability. He has been with most (if not all) year 12 teachers from Fridays. He has initiated the Carmel Richardson interviews from data last year also. He is working with the vce later years team – T Hil, J Dav, R Sch, G Sutton and D Sutton
All year 12 teachers from Fridays. He has initiated the Carmel Richardson interviews from data last year also. He is working with the vce later years team – T Hil, J Dav, R Sch, G Sutton and D Sutton
Reagan Schofield
Terry Hillier
Grace Sutton
David Sutton
Jenny Davis
Mary Gibbs / All
Tony Macer
Suzy Kreutzer
Emily Fithall
Sharon Ranger
Reagan Schofield
Other Cognitive Coaches:
Content coaching / Coach and teacher collaboratively plan, teach and reflect on specific lessons, acting as resources for each other. A framework for lesson design and analysis helps coaches guide teachers thinking in relation to lesson design .
Cognitive Coaching / A one on one professional conversation, between a trained Cognitive Coach and coachee.
It is a form of mediation using a composite of skills and strategies, maps and tools, mental models and beliefs. The focus is mediating thinking.
Peer coaching / A collegial relationship where teachers support each other through the use of observational evidence, listening, questioning and feedback.
Co- teaching / A defined group plan together, teach and reflect together. They use data to modify teaching and learning as a team. Typically 2-3 members.
TRIADS / A TRIAD is composed of three teachers who meet regularly. They assume collective accountability for the development of effective teaching practices based on data and evidence gathered from assessments and using peer observations.
Professional Learning Team
[PLT’s ] / Professional Learning Teams are made up of a maximum of three triads. Teams meet regularly, collect and analyse students’ learning data to define the content of their professional learning. They meet to learn and refine and re-apply their learning.
Consulting / A consultant guides and facilitates broad based organizational processes. [ e.g.: Stephen Graham ]
Critical friend / A person iInvited by a team to provide specific feedback enabling the team to critique their own practices.
Team Coach / Examines teaching and learning and facilitates dialogue within a team to allow each member to examine their own and each other’s practice. E.g. Lab Site.
Lab Site Classroom / Lab classrooms are designated classrooms that exist for the benefit of professional development. Lab classroom teachers work with the coach to inquire into best practices in literacy. Teachers within the building visit these lab classrooms to observe structures that support student learning.
Learning Walks / Learning Walks are a series of organized and collaborative walks by colleagues to identify trends within the school and directions for future development.
Instructional Rounds / A network of RNLs, principals, and teachers, agree to meet at regular intervals, usually monthly, each time at a different school. They spend the morning circulating around classrooms, observing the teaching and learning that takes place there. Then, in an afternoon meeting, they debrief what they have seen.