AGENDA – GVMA 2013 – April 10-12, 2013

Marriott Riverfront Hotel, Savannah, GA

THURSDAY, April 11

8 – 8:20 AM Welcome

8:20 – 9:20 AM Chemical Side Trim Application – Geer Dubose, Helena Chemical. Geer will present information about a machine that can spray herbicides up to 90 feet to side trim on utility right of ways. The application can be surgical in precision and take off only the limb that is sprayed without killing any of the rest of the tree.

9:20 – 10 AM Treecare Safety – Pat Jacobs, Trees, Inc. Pat has been a climber, foreperson, general foreperson, supervisory, region manager, safety supervisor, and corporate safety manager during his 30 years of service. Join Pat as he shares his expertise in Treecare Safety.

10 -10:30 AM BREAK

10:30 – 11 AM Vendor Updates

11 AM – 12 Noon Integrating Tree Growth Regulators (TGRs) into Vegetation Management Programs -Jim Nesser, Rainbow Tree Care . Jim will present real world examples of how utility companies integrate TGRs into their vegetation management plans. TGRs are a versatile tool that have multiple benefits when integrated properly into an IVM program. This presentation will discuss how foresters across the country are implementing TGRs into their programs to reduce costs, increase reliability, reduce worker risk and improve stakeholder relations.

12 Noon – 1:30 PM LUNCH

1:30 – 2:30 PM Adjuvants w/Leci-Tech Technology– Moe Finke, Loveland Products. Moe will explain how the Leci-Tech Technology will improve the efficacy of herbicides in terrestrial and aquatic application. The presentation will include information on Surfactancy, Droplet Management (Drift Control), Adhesions to leaf surface and Enhanced uptake into the plant.

2:30 – 3:00 PM BREAK

3:00 – 3:45 PM IVM Best Management Practices on Utility Rights-of-Way – Joe Lentz, ArborChem. Game Lands 33 is an IVM research project that evaluates herbicides and application methods to yield insight into the efficacy, cost, efficiency and safety of each vegetation management method. The results have proven to meet the object of keeping trees away from right-of-way power lines while creating habitat in which plants and animal flourish. Joe will present these Best Management Practices.

3:45 – 4:30 PM DOT/Roadside – Ray Dorsey, GA Department of Transportation


8 – 8:30 AM– NPDES Update & What it Means to Your Organization - Roxie Lee, UTAW Group The update will include the state of Georgia requirements for applicators and property owners. The presentation includes a review the PDMP (Pesticide Discharge Management Plan), record keeping requirements as well as annual reporting.

8:30 – 9:15 AM Current and Emerging Insect Issues in the Southeast USDr. Kamal J.K. Gandhi, University of Georgia. This talk will be related to insect pests that are currently causing damage to urban and forest trees, and new insect pests expected to arrive in Georgia that may cause economic damage. Dr. Gandhi will discuss their life-histories, host types, distribution, and management options.

9:15 AM – 9:45 AM BREAK

9:45 – 10:30 AM Why Herbicides Fail – Jason Ferrell, University of Florida. This presentation will discuss the most common mistakes behind herbicide failure. Proper weed identification, mixing and spot-spraying are all factors that will be explored and how to avoid these common pitfalls.

10:30 - 11 AM Georgia Department of Agriculture Update – Brad Baker, GA Dept. of Ag. Brad will discuss the pesticide work section within the GA Dept of Ag and changes that have occurred with job duties, as well as new issues that the Department is working on, in conjunction with EPA and DNR. Also, safety issues, recordkeeping and pesticide updates will be covered.

11:00 – 11:30 AM GODAWGS ApplicationLeonara Style, GA Emergency Management Agency. Georgia Online Disaster Awareness Geospatial System (GODAWGS) is a web based geospatial visualization tool that allows the State Operations Center (SOC) to display information that relates to each other spatially; creating a Common Operating Picture (COP) that Emergency Responders may us to assist them in drastically improving the situational awareness of response, recovery and coordination to both natural and man-made disasters.

11:30 – 12 Noon – Wetland Issues

Noon Annual Business Meeting; Door Prizes; Raffle Drawings