Marriage of Miss Jane Craig Feb. 1882

Researched by John Lumsdon

On Wednesday at Christ Church, Albany St. London, the nuptials were celebrated of Walter, third son of Mr, George Palmer, M.P., of Reading with Jane, second daughter of Mr W. Y. Craig M.P. of 2 Cambridge Gate, Reagent’s Park, London.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. J. Festing, vicar of the parish, assisted by the Rev.Eddlestone Williams of Smallwood Cheshire.

The bride was given away by her father and was attended by eleven bridesmaids.

The bridegroom was accompanied by his brother, Mr Lewis Palmer, as best man.

The bridesmaids were: Miss Craig, sister of the bride as chief bridesmaid: Miss Palmer, Miss Lucy E Palmer, sisters of the bridegroom; Miss Minnie Craig, Miss Harriette Elaine Craig, Miss Mannars, Miss Percival, Miss Shuter and the three youngest sisters of the bride. Misses Gertrude May Mary Donaldson; Marion Alsager Craig; who walked together.

The other groomsmen were Mr John Craig, Mr Ernest Craig, Mr Charles H. Parlmer, Mr, Wilson Crewdson, Mr. R.C. Ball and Mr. J, Cavon.

The bride’s dress was of cream satin, embroidered with seed pearls. She wore real orange blossoms, a plain tulle vail, fastened by a diamond star, a gift of the bridegroom.

The bridesmaids’ dresses were crinoline cashmere skirts, with coat bodice of dark ruby plush and large Rubens hats of plush with coraline plumes falling over the front.

The tree children wore dresses of coraline cashmere made with Belle bodices and draped skirts with broad watered ribbon ashes of ruby capes and ruby plush hats with coraline plumes.

The bridesmaids each wore a white orchid fastened by a gold broach, of special design, with the initials of the bride and bridegroom set in pearl and each carried a beautiful bouquet, the youngest bridesmaids waring gold bangles, the gifts of the bridegroom.

Nearly sixty guests were entertained at luncheon and in the afternoon, from four to seven o’clock.

Mrs Craig had a reception. The presents are numerous and magnificent including a very handsome presentation and illuminated address from the employees of Mr W, Y. Craig, Podmore Hall and Hayes Wood Collieries; also very tasteful presents from the foreman and officers of the Biscuit Factory, Reading.