ROME 2009 Christmas Puja Sahaja Marriages


Dear Country Coordinators,

It is a pleasure to inform you that with the blessings of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja marriages will be celebrated in Rome 2009 upon the occasion of Christmas Puja.

Please, find enclosed :

  • Marriage Application Form Christmas 2009.
  • Leaders Form Christmas 2009.
  • Marriage Waiver Form Christmas 2009.

All three forms must be completed by applicants, also included is the remarriage form

  • Remarriage Form Christmas 2009 ( the completed marriage waiver form is also needed).

The marriage fee per couple is yet to be announced but it is anticipated to be similar to that of marriages held at Shri Ganesha Puja.

The following information is required to be followed by City/Country Coordinators when informing the applicants of their responsibilities and commitments :

  1. All applicants have to be clearly informed that they will use theenclosed marriage application forms . Marriage application in anyother format may not be accepted.
  1. Personally discuss with each candidate the advise and guidelines provide at the end of this note to ensure there is a heartfelt understanding of the deep spiritual commitment, and acceptance of the Sahaja marriage mariadas.
  1. All of the application form, leaders form, anddeclaration forms must be submittedas soon as possible duly filled incompletely to:
  1. Please make sure that the applicant is practicing Sahaja Yoga forat least 2 years, regularly attending Centre and is participating in allSahaja Yoga programmes/activities in and around the Centre/City.
  1. Proper guidance and counselling shall be provided to the applicant,Sahaja Yogi/Yogini by the Coordinator. All parties will be held accountable for providing true andcomplete information.
  1. The City/Country Coordinators must personally satisfyhimself/herself before certifying and signing the Marriage application form that the information provided is correct, true, and complete.
  1. It is the City/Country Coordinators prime responsibility to ensure that the history of any pre-existing physical or mental condition be fully disclosedon the form and a supporting medical report provided.
  1. The Leaders Form must be filled in by theCity/Country Coordinators furnishing the recommendations andsignature. It shall be true and unbiased.
  1. Ultimately it is the City/Country Coordinators decision, and responsibility when submitting the forms to Shri Mataji to provide their approval that this union is within the elevated principles of Sahaja mariadas and is auspicious.

Clarification is also provided with regards the Leaders Rating system.

  1. The “A” rating indicates your unqualified assessment of the Yogi as being a committed Yogi, active in the spread of Sahaja Yoga, generous in their support of the collective and dedicated to their meditation and personal clearing. As the ratings progress down there is less confidence on the part of the leader in providing unqualified support in all the aspects mentioned. The lower ratings of “C” and “D” indicatepersonal issues for which any supporting information, such as related to a health issue whichwould be of relevance, that is available, should be provided
  1. The "Declaration" shall be positively and voluntarily signed by theapplicant before the Coordinator to indicate that free and open consent is given.
  1. The Coordinator signing is responsible for thecorrectness of all the information provided in the form by the applicant and shall ensure that the applicant is not taking advantage ofSahaja Yoga in any way.
  1. One set of each application form should be retained by the signingCity/Country Coordinator for reference. Scanned copies Emailed to the address provided and an original Emailed to the postal address to be announced
  1. Country Coordinators are requested to ensure that proper announcement is made at all centres providing above information to the collective andthe submission dates.
  1. The application duly filled in completely, must be submitted by thespecified due date. The Coordinators shall not encourage the latesubmission of the forms.
  1. The original hard copy application forms along with the Declaration form must reach byMonday 21st December 2009 at an address to be provided in the next few days. Late received andincomplete forms may not be processed.

Wishing you the Divine Blessings to enjoy the vibrations of this unique Christmas Puja celebrated with the marriages function in Rome 2009. Hoping to see you all there

Thanking you and with respects

Chris Kyriacou on behalf

Rome Christmas Puja 2009 Marriage Committee
For Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis who are considering to get Married

  1. Are you ready for a Sahaj Marriage?
  1. Have you done introspection about getting married in Sahaja Yoga?
  1. Do you have an understanding about the commitments needed for marriage?
  1. Are you nowready to share therest of your life with another person?
  1. Are you serious about the commitment need for marriage?

Marriage in Sahaja Yoga is a Spiritual and evolutionary event in the life of a Yogi. It is not something to be taken lightly… it goes far beyond the small world of individual wants and needs. The yogi/yogini must be fully surrendered and ready for an unpredictable change in lifestyle.

Marriages that are Blessed by the Divine have a Divine purpose. The affects of Sahaja Marriages have ripple effects through families, communities & between countries.

These multicultural marriages are instrumental in allowing the flow of the Love of the Divine through the hearts of all those involved. The marriages break through untold numbers of conditionings and expectations, both known and unknown.

Having the Divine Love, which is infinite and unfathomable, as the binding principle of the marriage,provides the basis and support for a common Spiritual path of growth.

When the “hard times” happen, as all relationships have, the Blessings ofH.H. Shri Mataji are there to lead yogis through the difficult decisions and actions. Sahaja Yoga marriages have the Divine Intelligence as the guiding light, through which the Spirituality and Love of the Divine can shine. In short, you should love each other unconditionally and value each other without any sort of dominations or expectations.

It is a tremendous privilege to have a marriage that is Blessed by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The attention moves from the gross to the subtle and the marriage becomes a vehicle to have vibrant, joyful families and a blossoming society. We should put forward our names, but only if we are ready for this enriching spiritual experience. Marriage is a commitment for life. With such resolution and sincerity in our hearts, we should ask ourselves if we are ready, and have the maturity to take on such a deep responsibility.

Jai Shri Mataji