Marking Rubric (Guide) for the Biological Drawing Assignment – BIO2135– 2014
Name:______Student no: ______Lab Section:______
In most cases, scores of 0,1, or 2 are: 0 for missing, 1 poor or inadequate quality and 2 is acceptable for objects or components, and unacceptable, acceptable and excellent for quality criteria. Scores of 0,1 indicates presence or absence. Scores marked with an * are applied separately to the two components. These scores are tallied to identify the best and not so great assignments that are handed in. They aren’t mathematically translated directly into a % grade. The senior instructors in the course will look at the distribution of scores compare the best and the worst and determine the grade value of each. This will determine the upper and lower end of the spread.(Not all criteria listed in the rubric may be used for evaluation.)
The Submission / Panel A / Panel B- Includes title page as described in lab manual (0,1,2)
- Includes the reduced photocopy of the final figure (0,1)
- Includes a photocopy of the final ink figure before reduction.
(The original is included in the portfolio.) (0,1)
- Includes figure caption page (0,1)
The drawing
- Width fits the required 3.4 or 7.2 inches(8.6 or 18.2 cm) (0,1)
- Height does not exceed the 9.2 inch height (23.5 cm) (0,1)
- Optimal use of the space, more drawing than background (0,1,2)
- A single figure with 2panels: A.whole cross section and B. other details of incomplete septa.(0,1)
- Lines are an even density and darkness. (0,1, 2)*
- Lines join together seamlessly (0,1,2)*
- Lines are clear and sharp, no smudged edges (0,1,2)*
- Line width appropriate. (0,1)*
- Drawing accurate representation of the specimen (0,1,2)*
- Drawing is clean no smudges or dirt (0,1,2)*
The labels, pointers and scale bar
- Labels present (0,1)
- Label style consistent with most common style in Canadian Journal of Zoology (CJZ) (0,1,2)
- Label height appropriate (same for all labels) (0,1)*
- Labels are easily visible on drawing (0,1)*
- All structures labelled score: (0,1,2)*
- Labelling accurate score (0,1,2)*
- Structures duplicated in the panels have same labels (0,1)
- Labels or pointers don’t hide important or unique structures (0,1)*
- Pointers used (0,1)*
- Pointers used appropriately (0,1,2)*
- Pointer line width appropriate (0,1)*
- Scale bar present (0,1)*
- Scale bar accurate. (0,1)*
- Scale bar doesn’t obscure important or unique structures (0,1)*
The caption
- On a separate page from figures with title Figure captions (0,1)
- Refers to the A and B panels of the single figure (0,1)
- Includes legend to all labels (0,1)
- First sentence is a title (0,1,2)
- Identifies organism in drawing (0,1)
- Genus species name is provided (0,1)
- Genus species name is presented properly (0,1)
- Quality of the caption (0,1,2)