[MKTG 4900; FALL2017; CRN# 81974]
Instructor: E. Vincent [“Vince”] Carter, Ph.D. Class Room:Science III Room #107
Office: 107 BDCClass Time:T/Th4 – 5:15pm
Phone: (661) 654 - 6776 Office Hours: T/Th 2:15 – 4pm & 5:15 – 6:30pm
E-mail: Website:
Marketing Plan Handbook, 5thedition, Marian B. Wood,2010 [ISBN# 10: 013307835-3] – CD not required
This course applies strategic planning to the marketing function. As capstone skills for the marketing concentration, marketing planning and problem solving builds upon prior marketing courses to impart strategic scope and skills. Specifically, to:
- Understand the purpose of marketing planning and the practice of marketing problem solving
- Synthesize all marketing strategies into a coherent marketing planning process
- Assess market segmentation decisions based on target market profiles and customer diversity patterns
- Analyze market environment trends with an awareness of global, digital, and ecological influences
- Apply sound ethical principles in marketing planning that achieve strategic and societal objectives.
Marketing Planning learning outcomes are achieved by learning the set of concepts that guide executive decision making, as well as how to compose them into a marketing strategy that addresses specific market situations. These skills are evaluated based on functional area knowledge, qualitative problem solving, and communication/teamwork:
- Marketing Functional Area Knowledge (Quizzes/Exams) – Textbook terminology and concept identification
- Marketing Qualitative Problem Solving (Lecture Concepts) – Marketing Planning examples and concept understanding
- Marketing Oral Communication & Teamwork (Group Activity) – “Real World” application of Marketing Planning.
1) Concept Quiz 1– Chapters 1 & 2(Timed)10 pts.
2) Concept Quiz 2 – Chapters 3 & 4 (Timed)10 pts.
3) Shark Tank Group Activity Discussion #1 – “Wine & Design” (Ch. 3 & 4)10 pts.
4) Concept Quiz 3 – Marketing Ethics – from “M-Ethics Quiz Key” and course website(Timed)15 pts.
5) Concept Quiz 4 – Chapters 5 & 6(Timed)10 pts.
6) Shark Tank Group Activity Discussion #2 – “Toy Mail” (Ch. 5 & 6)10 pts.
7) Shark Tank Group Activity Discussion #3 –“Bombas Socks”(Ch. 8 & 9)10 pts.
8) Final Exam – Chapters 5 – 9 (Timed) 25pts.
9) Attendance (Point deductions for absences)____?____
TOTAL100 pts.
* COURSE GRADE SCALE: Below 60 = F; 60 – 69 = D-/D/D+; 70 – 79 = C-/C/C+; 80 – 89 = B-/B/B+; 90 and above = A
* TRANSLATION TO UNIV. GRADE SCALE: A = 3.8 – 4.0; A- = 3.7; B+ = 3.3 – 3.6; B = 3.0 -3.3; B- = 2.7 - 3.0; C+ = 2.3 – 2.6;
[Total Grade Points / 25]C = 2.0 – 2.2; C- = 1.7 – 1.9; D+ = 1.3 – 1.6; D = 1.0 – 1.2; D- = 0.7 – 0.9; F = Below 0.7
1)ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY IS REQUIRED: ONE (1) point is deducted for absence, lateness, and leaving early. Make up exams and assignments are ONLY for University sanctioned events, athletic or musical activities.
Students MUST ATTEND all “Group Activity/Presentation” class sessions to earn credit.
“Prior Notice” by e-mail is required for any extenuating circumstances that prevent meeting course responsibilities.
* 4 absences will result in the loss of one (1) grade level * 7 absences will result in the loss of two (2) grade levels
2)ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: All course assignments should be typed using Microsoft Office applications ONLY.
3)COURSE WEBSITE ACCESS – Students are REQUIRED to have access to the course website, which accessed mainly with MS Explorer browser. Cannot be access using WINDOWS 10 Edge. Most devices access the course website by pasting the ‘url’. Also paste the ‘url’ into “Compatibility View” space of the dropdown menu for the Tools “gear” icon (top of screen) and click the “refresh” icon. Ample course website access is available at on-campus PC labs.
4)ADJUSTMENTS & EXTRA-CREDIT: The instructor reserves the right to modify the schedule and assignments/points due to unforeseen time constraints, student performance, or classroom circumstances. Extra-Credit is provided for “performance bonuses,” assignments, and event attendance.
5)ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: This course fully complies with the University policy for Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty. Sanctions are enforced in accordance with the CSUB Catalog.
6)ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PHYSICAL OR LEARNING DISABILITIES: This course fully supports accommodations for physical and learning disabilities.
7)IN-CLASS DISCUSSIONS/PRESENTATIONS … Students are expected to attend ALL class sessions assigned for “Discussion or Oral Presentation,” in order to learn from ALL student input. Failure to attend ALL Discussion/Presentation class sessions will result in a ZERO grade.
(MKTG 4900; F17; Dr. Carter)
********************* SECTION 1 – MARKETING SITUATION & SEGMENT PLANNING *********************
WEEK 1: Introduction toMarketing Planning and Problem Solving Course
1)Read syllabus and discuss course requirements
2)Read “Shark Tank Group Activity Discussion Guidelines” and select groups (3 students max)
3)Cover “Business Case for Marketing (website)
4)Read chapter 1 – “Intro. to Marketing Planning”
WEEK 2: Marketing Planning Overview & Situational Analysis Concepts
1)Read chapter 2 – “Analyzing the Current Situation”
2)Marketing planning concept focus – SWOT Analysis (Exhibit 2.1 & course web link)
WEEK 2 (Thurs)*** CONCEPT QUIZ 1 – Chapters 1 & 2 (10 pts/ 10 items / 20 min) ***
WEEK 3: Market/Customer Intelligence Planning Concepts
1)Read chapter 3 – “Understanding Markets and Customers”
2)Marketing planning concept focus – Market Types & Customer Traits (Ex. 3.3 & 3.4)
WEEK 4: Market Targeting Planning Concepts
1)Read chapter 4 – “Planning Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning”
2)Marketing planning concept focus – Segment Assessment & Position (Ex.4.3, 4.4, 4.5& course web link)
WEEK 4 (Thurs)*** CONCEPT QUIZ2 – Chapters 3 & 4 (10 pts/ 10 items / 20 min) ***
WK 4 (After Quiz) – 6(T):Shark Tank Discussion #1 (“Wine & Design”)-- Customer Decisions/Influences & STP (Ch. 3 & 4)
Identify Customer (B2C/B2B/C2C) & STP Planning issues& discuss in class (links on course website)
Class completes group ranking with rationale (10 points)
************************ SECTION 2 – MARKETING MIX STRATEGY PLANNING************************
1)Lecture Overview on Marketing Planning Ethics
2)Study course website “Ethics” material& prior M-Ethics Quiz Key
WEEK 7 (Thurs)*** CONCEPT QUIZ 3 – Ethics (15 pts/ 15 items / 30 min) ***
WEEK8 (Tues):DIRECTION & OBJECTIVES Planning Strategy
1)Read chapter 5 – Planning Direction, Objectives, and Marketing Support
2)Marketing planning concept focus – Growth Direction & Focused Objectives (Ex. 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6)
WEEK 8 (Thurs): PRODUCT/BRAND Planning Strategy
1)Read chapter 6 – “Product & Brand Strategy” – Brand Benefits & PLC
2)Marketing planning concept focus – Product/Service Classification & Brand Design (Ex. 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.8)
WEEK 9 (Tues)*** CONCEPT QUIZ4– Chapters 5 & 6(10 pts/ 10 items / 20 min) ***
WK9(Tues)10(T/Th):Shark Tank Discussion #2 (“Toy Mail”) –Direction & Product/Brand (Ch. 5 & 6)
Identify Direction & Product/Brand Planning issues& discuss in class (links on course website)
Class completes group ranking with rationale (10 points)
WEEK11:PLACEPlanning Strategy
1)Read chapter 8 “Channels/Logistics Strategy”
2)Marketing planning concept focus – M-Channel Structure, Networks, Intensity (Ex. 8.2, 8.3, website links)
WEEK 12:PROMOTION Planning Strategy
1)Read chapter 9 – “IMC Strategy”
2)Marketing planning concept focus – Promo Goals, AIDA, Promo Mix, Media Mix (Ex. 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7)
WEEK 13 & 14 (Tues):Shark Tank Discussion #3(“Bombas Socks”) –Place/M-Channels & Promo/IMC (Ch. 8 & 9)
Identify Place/M-Channels & Promotion/IMC Planning issues& discuss in class (links on course website)
Class completes group ranking with rationale (10 points)
WEEK 14 (Thursday):PRICEPlanning Strategy
1)Read chapter 7 “Pricing Strategy”
2)Marketing planning concept focus – Pricing Objectives, Strategy, Price Setting (Ex 7.6, 7.7, website links)
WEEK 15 (LAST CLASS Thurs 12/7):FINAL EXAM-- Chapters 5 - 9(25 pts/ 25 items / 1 hour)