North Carolina DECA Board of Directors

May 15-16, 2011

Holiday Inn-Brownstone, Raleigh NC

Council Member Attendees:

District 1: Tabitha Hudson District 5: Kim Marie Hall, Chairperson

District 2: Tammy Vail District 6: Hillary Steere

District 3: Greg Murphy District 6: Kim Edwards

District 4: Brenda Haynes District 7: Debbie Pardue

District 8: Gina Bradley

State Officer Attendees:

Blue Ridge VP: Kathleen Holland (absent) Coastal VP: No 2011/12 Officer

Dixie Pines VP: Deanna Rowland Metrolina VP: Matthew Tugman (absent)

Triad VP: Tyler Vet State President: Kaitlyn Dutton

Other Attendees:

NC DECA Advisor: Pamela O’Brien Friends & Alumni Co-Chairpersons: Emmy Corn

Marketing Education Consultant: Delores Ali Nick Edwards

Notetaker: Linda Ray

Pam O’Brien called the meeting to order for the chairperson and welcomed all to Raleigh.

Previous Minutes Approval

The minutes of the December 3, 2010 meeting were reviewed. Tabitha Hudson made a motion; seconded by Debbie Pardue to accept the minutes as written. The minutes were approved.

International Career Development Conference

Conference Feedback:

·  The quality of the Opening Session’s strong emphasis on adult recognition rather than student recognition.

·  Reported that students attending LDA was a very good experience.

·  Competitive events were good this year and judges for the most part were very good.

·  Verification that the next round selections were the top two from each section in the event and that judges for the final round is one set of judges which evens out the playing field at this time.

·  Hotel concern to have an advisor rooms and student rooms on the same floor.

·  Advisors would like available hotel “amenities” be sent to them prior to the conference.

·  Ask state advisor to make hotel bid for future conferences at a property that would offer students more available restaurants, etc.

Pam O’Brien reminded chairpersons that advisors can access ICDC competitive event feedback beginning May 15th. Shane Thomas at National DECA is contact person if an advisor has questions.

State Leadership Conference

The 2011 State Leadership Conference will be held Sunday, October 2 & Monday October 3 in Raleigh at the Holiday Inn-Brownstone. Conference will begin at noon on Sunday and end at noon on Monday. The training will be a hands-on experience for local officers. NC DECA has established the practice of hosting the SLC every other year. National DECA is hosting Southern Region in Washington DC every other year and NC DECA feels this is a great opportunity for state and local officers to receive training from a different perspective. SLC is a great time for advisors and students to get “excited” about increasing membership and not just accepting the minimum number of members to qualify for an active chapter.

A new teacher/advisor (new marketing education, new to the state, lateral entry etc) workshop will be offered at the 2011 conference. Board members were asked to send to Kim Hall the top ten lists of things a new marketing education/DECA advisor in North Carolina would need to know, etc. These items will be digested, simulated and presented at the July board meeting in Greensboro.

Southern Region

2011 Southern Region conference will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas, November 11-13. Advisors interested in attending this conference are asked to advise Pam O’Brien.

2011-2012 Themes

The National Theme for 2011-12 is Aspire Higher. The North Carolina DECA theme is NC DECA – Wanted…Only the Best…Stake Your Claim to the Wild, Wild West.

Career Development Conference

Laura Salpietra, former state officer, developed a conference survey in Google docs for students and advisors to provide conference feedback. Unfortunately on 57 responses were received. One general consensus was the hope that the “Voice of NC DECA”, Rodney Baucom, does not have a conflict for the 2012 conference. Music used during the sessions was considered a big problem. The complete survey results were distributed to each board member.

Concerns were expressed by advisors throughout the state that they did not receive any confirmation from the hotel that their reservation form had been received. This has been addressed with the hotel and in 2012 the hotel will make an effort to send an e-mail to the advisor stating that it was received. This e-mail does not mean that the reservation has been processed….only received by the hotel.

Hotel Guidelines and Electronic Hotel Reservations will be a part of the registration packet and procedures for 2012.

New Events: National DECA’s is planning to add many new over the next few years. NC DECA’s policy has always been to offer all events at the state conference level that are offered on the national level. The Board agreed to follow this procedure and advisors be assigned the duties required during state conference to make this process a success. NC DECA already offers 45 events at the state level. Board members were asked to make sure that this is conveyed on the district level.

New Events for 2011-2012

1.  Business Finance Individual Series Event

2.  Human Resources Management Individual Series Event

3.  Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling Event

4.  Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan Event

Dropped Events:

1.  Internet Marketing Plan

2.  DECA Quiz Bowl (NC DECA will keep this as a state level only event)

Marketing Education Consultant Update: Delores Ali

·  Curriculum Update

o  Marketing and Marketing Management course will be in field test status school year 2011-2012

o  MBA Research curriculum frameworks will be used

o  Teachers may access the curriculum in its current form and blueprints through the program area Moodle PLC

·  Moodle PLC

o  Marketing and Entrepreneurship Education Program Area PLC (virtual place)

o  provides access to post news and announcements and other resources

o  Provides opportunities to participate in forums to share thoughts, strategies, and experiences.

·  Summer Conference

o  July 26-28, 2011

o  Cost: $165

o  Discussed program highlights

Board Structure and Bylaw Changes

The following bylaw changes were approved at the 2011 Career Development Conference:

·  Name Change: NC DECA Board of Directors

·  Change wording of audit of books to review of books

·  Add the following members to the NC DECA Board of Directors serving a three year term

o  One administrator/CTE Director

o  One business representative

o  Director of Friends and Alumni Association

Kim Hall, Board Chairperson, asked board members to submit recommendations for the administrator/CTE Director and business representative to her no later than May 31st. Members were asked to include the following in the recommendation:

1.  Have you asked person if willing to serve and can they be available to attend three board meetings?

2.  Why you asked them to serve?

Friends and Alumni Association

Emmy Corn and Nick Edwards, Co-Chairpersons, gave an update from the Friends and Alumni Association. The bylaws have been drawn up, tax ID number has been secured and bank account been established. They reported they were very pleased with the response from students at the 2011 CDC. Alumni membership and life memberships to the association have steadily increased over the last several years. Emmy stressed to board members how much Friends and Alumni want to be of service NC DECA advisors and students.

Friends and Alumni Association will take over the responsibility of sending the annual fund raising letter in the fall of 2012. The recommendation was made that a portion of the funds available in the Funds and Alumni fund controlled by NC DECA be transferred to the association for seed money in July 2011. The Board agreed that the association should prepare a proposed budget for the 2011/12 calendar year and submit for consideration at the July 26th board meeting.

Alumni members joining through their local schools are considered alumni members on the Friends and Alumni roster. A statement will be added to the pledge card asking if the alumni member wishes for their membership to be credited to their former local chapter. This membership will not show up on the individual school national rosters, but NC DECA will give schools credit toward achieving statewide membership goals.

Budget Update

Early budget reviews show that NC DECA will end the school year in the black. NC DECA has received the first payment of Perkins funds and expecting a total of approximately $27,000 for this year.

The 2011/12 budget will be presented at the July board meeting.


1.  The issue of security and integrity of district and state on-line testing was discussed. Pam reiterated that the district sets the parameters as to how the test is administered. Hillary Steere agreed to draw up Testing Guidelines, Statement of Assurance, and Code of Ethics for advisors relative to on-line testing to be presented at the July board meeting.

Pam will express this concern with Jim Gleason of MBA at the SAM conference in Salt Lake City in August to see if parameters can be set so the student cannot open additional sites while in the process of the test.

2.  Various advisors have asked if guidelines could be changed to allow students to participate in more than one event that requires a written test at state conference. A motion was made by Kim Hall and seconded by Hillary Steere that students be allowed to compete in a written event and a series or team event only if the written test is in the same cluster. A student is only eligible to participate in two events at state conference. These participation changes will reflect in the chart in the 2011/12 handbook. Twelve for and two against. The motion passed.

3.  Hand gestures and symbols used by state winners on stage at conference sessions have become often offensive and vulgar. The motion was made by Kim Hall and seconded by Tabitha Hudson to add to the Rules and Regulations that no hand gestures or symbols can be used while on stage. If student uses these gestures or symbols, the student will not be allowed to advance to international competition. Twelve for and two against. The motion passed.

4.  Discussion was held about recent graduates (less than two years) serving as judges in competitive events. Concerns were heard, but as noted, judge link is on the NC DECA website. Board chair reminded members that judges are instructed in their orientation that if they do not feel comfortable judging the student (because of being a former classmate, etc) the judge/student can ask to be moved to a different section. No action taken.

Adult Awards

Board members were asked to bring recommendations for Marketing Leader of the Year to the July meeting. Other adult awards will be voted on at the December meeting.

NC DECA Website

The NC DECA website will be overhauled and updated over the summer. Suggestions for the web should be submitted to Pam O’Brien and Nick Edwards.

Other Business

A thank you note was read from Brenda Haynes in reference to her Professional Division Award recipient received at 2011 CDC.

With no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 26th in Greensboro from 8 am until noon.