Marketing and Self Directed Support

Marketing and Self Directed Support

Self-directed Support & Children Event

Policy BriefEvent Report 13th June 2012


The aim of the event was to support providers with the implementation of Self-directed support and developing personalised support solutions for children, young people and their families.


The Social Care (self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill will introduce greater choice and control for individuals over their support and this includes children and young people. The Bill states that the four options for support must be made available to everyone receiving social care including young adults aged (16-18) and to those with parental responsibility of children under the age of 16. If a parent makes the decision about the four options the views of the child must be taken onto account as far as possible.[1] The four provisions will apply to services delivered under.22 of the Children (Scotland) Act, 1995[2] with section 21 of the Social Care (Self- directed Support) Scotland) Bill setting out the restrictions on who may be offered the choice of the four options.

(26 case studies)

About the event

The event was an introductory seminar on the issues around the implementation of self-directed support for children. This event aimed to support providers to:

  • Access information on all the latest policy developments relating to Self-directed Support to children, young people and familes in Scotland.
  • Identify any barriers and to find solutions for implementing SDS for children.
  • Learn from the experiences of others in providing personalised support to children.

40 participants attended this half day policy seminar. Invited speakers included: Jennifer Willoughby (Scottish Government), Nic Crosby (In Control England) and Keith Etherington (In Control Scotland).


Provider Perspectives

Providers brought a range of concerns and issues to the event. Many providers of children’s services already offer individualised and personalised support to children and families. However, many children and young people still face significant barrier in being able to access self-directed support.

The main issues raised by providers included:

  • The lack of clarity around the eligibility of looked after children in being able to access self-directed support.
  • Lack of evidence for the effectiveness of individual budgets in children’s services. Although there is some evidence from England providers observed that the SDS test site evaluation did not consider children’s budgets.
  • S.22 services may have a very wide definition- providers were keen to look closely at which children should be eligible.
  • Concerns about how to manage child protection and to promote risk enablement in relation to supported children.
  • The potential business risks for voluntary sector children’s providers and the changefrom being fundedviablock contracts to being funded from individual service fund agreementsand individual contracts.

Workshop materials

Discussion 1

The things people say about Self- directed Support, Children & Young People

Agree or Disagree.

Discussion 2

Case Study

Discussion 3

Self-directed Support, Children & Young People – What’s working?

Take Home Exercise

Getting Ready for SDS for Children – Challenges and Opportunities

Presentations - A copy of the presentations from the event, can be downloaded from the P&P website: Past Events - Providers Personalisation

Providers are keen to be able to demonstrate the values and quality of the support they provide and to promote their services as being of best value.



Next Steps:

Participants identified the following issues as being a priority for their organisation to take forward in relation to SDS for Children and Young People:

  • Identify time to develop understanding of Self-directed Support and how we can apply it within our organisation.
  • Explore how to implement Self-directed support in the NHS for children with complex needs.
  • Ensure everyone with in our staff team knows about SDS.
  • Build board ownership of SDS and personalisation. Build belief and support for SDS through change.
  • Engage with other children’s services to look at how we can evolve services to deliver on SDS.

Further Information

  1. The Social Care (Self-directed Support)(Scotland) Bill
  2. Self Directed Support Scotland – Scottish Government

Providers & Personalisation (P&P) is a four year Scottish Government funded policy

and practice change programme for third sector care and support providers, hosted by

CCPS. The programme seeks to prepare providers for SDS by encouraging the sharing of

best practice and ensuring a clear provider voice in policy development and implementation.

CCPS is a Company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No. 279913, recognised by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator as Charity No. SC029199.

© MONTH 2012. This document is copyright protected and may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the permission of P&P

P&P is funded by the Scottish Government and hosted by CCPS.


[1] Section 6 of the Children (Scotland) Act, 1995
