Approximately one year ago Chuck Lauer agreed to assist us in growing the IDN Summit community and leverage his knowledge and contacts to positively impact the healthcare supply chain. Since that time we’ve been very fortunate to have Chuck’s guidance as we bring together all aspects of the healthcare supply chain.
At each Summit you’ll have an opportunity to engage the healthcare leaders Chuck has chosen to participate on the Thought Leadership Panel to assist you in improving your organization from the wisdom of these leaders. We’ll begin announcing the panelists next week but we believe this Fall’s panelists will prove to be very engaging and provocative for all parties involved. Chuck’s engaging style always makes these sessions something special.
Since we began discussing the IDN Summit with Chuck there is one thing he’s been eager to do and that is he wanted to get into a room with a number of suppliers who are selling into health systems and share his thoughts on selling. As many of you know Chuck is really the Master Salesman and this Fall he will be sharing his thoughts on successfully navigating the healthcare industry. We look forward to hearing Chuck’s insights this Fall.
Market Strategies Track: Survival Tips from a Master Salesman
Tuesday, September 21st
Chuck Lauer, the legendary former publisher of Modern Healthcare magazine and a consultant to and director of many companies in the healthcare industry will share with vendor sales executives his insights on selling to the healthcare market.
Whether the client is a system or an individual hospital, selling in the industry takes intelligence, perseverance, intestinal fortitude, discipline, risk and creativity. Not everybody is cut out for this level of sales, and that means there are opportunities in healthcare for those with the tools and the aptitude to navigate these waters. Lauer believes that sales is a profession and a calling, requiring a special level of effort day in and day out. It takes special individuals who are probably going to face a “no” 90% of the time and still persist in their goal of selling a specific account. “These are the real warriors, and they bring success to every company they work for,” he says.
Lauer will detail strategies on how to approach system executives, make the presentation, close the deal and build a powerful and lasting relationship with the client.
Learning Objectives:
1Learn the fundamentals that make a great salesperson.
2Understand the specific needs of the health system marketplace.
3Find out how to build relationships with your client partners.
If you’re a provider you still have time to participate in the second Healthcare SupplyChain Survey that is currently being conducted concerning the recently passed healthcare reform legislation.Click hereto participate. Earlier this year, we issuedour first reporton the top areas of strategic importance. The anecdotes that respondents gave us revealed how many of them had the same challenges, underscoring again that need for a sense of community.