Market Harborough Medical Centre & The Bosworth Partnership

Patient Participation Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 17th February 2015

Present :

Christine Saint, Chrissie Willis, Michael Edwards, Sally Jones, Alec Browne, Natalie Pollard, Annette Rogers, Julie Simpson, Brian Smith, Jennifer Besbrode


Ellen Todd, Dr Crowley, Maria Bukowska, Sheila Pendered, Mike Cheeseman

1. Welcome and apologies

2. Acceptance of Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes accepted as a true record of the last meeting.

3. Matters Arising From Minutes

Chrissie’s GP works full-time not part-time.

4. AGM 2015 (AB)

The next Meeting on Tuesday 24th March 2015 from 4.30pm until 6.00pm at St Dionysius Church Hall will be the PPG AGM,

Alec hopes that Tim Sacks, the Managing Director of the CCG would be able to be the guest speaker but he is unable to do this. A sub-group meeting was held with Ellen and Julie to plan the AGM and Maureen O’Malley from Voluntary Action South Leicestershire (VASL) is happy to be the guest speaker.

Since the last AGM the PPG has lost three members, so there are three vacancies for new PPG members. Alec hopes to utilise the AGM and poster campaign to recruit new members.

The AGM will incorporate nominations and voting of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. Nomination slips were handed out to members present and will be posted to those absent. Members can nominate themselves, permission needs to be sought if they wish to nominate another member. Nomination slips to be returned to Natalie by 16th March 2015 , they will then be collated and brought to the AGM.

The AGM is open to the wider patient group and any current PPG members should canvas and talk to any new attenders about becoming a members of the PPG.

5. Meet & Greet Sub Group Report (CS)

Christine and Annette have met with Julie and Ellen who have reinforced that the Medical Centre & Bosworth Partnership are very happy with the Meet & Greet Sessions and value the feedback gathered. Christine and Annette have suggested doing Meet & Greet Sessions on different days, not just on Monday mornings so they capture different groups of patients, (ie: baby clinics). A new questionnaire has been drawn up, Natalie will type it up and forward to Annette & Christine. The new questionnaire will be pertinent to the difficulties patients encounter with car parking.

Alec has discussed Meet & Greet Sessions at the PPG Chairs Network Events and other PPG’s have been interested in the concept.

The Medical Centre & Bosworth Surgery are participating in Friends and Family Tests and there is a display and supply of questionnaires at both surgeries: PPG members could encourage patients to look at the displays and complete the slips.

6. Virtual Membership Development & Update (AB/JS)

The web-site company have said that they cannot change the comments and suggestions feedback form on the website to specifically for the PPG. The form is currently on the web-site as a link and an option could be to copy it into the PPG section of the web-site with an acknowledgement that it is for contacting PPG members: it was agreed to go ahead with this.

The comments and suggestions form currently on the web-sites is used very infrequently. Patients do make comments via the NHS Choices website. It was suggested that some patients might feel more comfortable raising a comment or suggestions through a PPG member rather than directly to the Medical Centre/Bosworth Surgery.

The list of e-mail addresses for patients interested in becoming virtual members has been collated and they will be contacted to advise that minutes of PPG Meetings are displayed on the web-site and they can use the comments and suggestions form to contact members. E-mail addresses of interested patients can continue to be gathered.

The practice leaflet is currently being updated, Julie will check that the PPG is mentioned in it.

7. Friends & Family Test (JS)

There is a display in the waiting area with blue questionnaire slips to complete, pens and a ballot-box for completed slips. The Test is to gauge how likely patients are to recommend the surgery to their friends and family and there is the opportunity to record comments. December and January’s slips have been analysed and a copy is in the meeting pack.

Currently not many patients are completing the slips: PPG Meet & Greet Sessions could encourage patients to look at the display and complete the slips. Slips will be placed on seats in the waiting rooms and there is a notice on the electronic call-boards about Friends & Family Test.

All of the comments recorded are viewed by Practice Managers and negative comments acted on, patients can record their names and contact details or can be anonymous.

8. NHS England Survey (JS)

This survey is sent randomly to patients by NHS England, our feed-back rates quite highly. A copy of the overview was in the PPG meeting pack and was discussed:

81% of respondents found the receptionist at the surgery helpful: Julie advised that training is ongoing with reception : however the receptionist’s job is very complex and they cannot always give what patient’s want. At the Medical Centre the receptionists do a variety of work and rotate between the phones, front reception desk, and other tasks. Some have more specific roles such as Choose & Book and Registrations. Not all reception queries are quick and simple to deal with.

Query re the time the surgeries open for telephone calls: this is actioned electronically so should be on time at 8.00am.

Doctors previously saw a lot of patients with minor illnesses such as sore throats etc but now these are seen by minor illness nurses so the doctors have more complex issues and a lot of patients have high expectations.

Surprise that only a few patients surveyed book appointments on-line: Julie agreed to look at website and practice booklet to see if they raise awareness of on-line appointment booking.

9. Customer Services (JS)

The first of three reception training sessions has occurred with Reception Team Leaders who will cascade the training to their Reception Teams. They found the trainer to be very competent and enjoyed the training.

Discussion regarding receptionist’s role: they ask patients why they are attending so they can divert the patient to the correct clinic and prioritise the appointment if necessary; they put a note in the doctor’s electronic appointment book to say why the patient is attending or advise that the patient does not want to divulge.

Some patients do not want to see an alternative GP and will only see their own GP and not registrars. The registrars are fully qualified doctors who are gaining experience of General Practice: they are newly trained and have more up to date knowledge and skills. Smaller practices don’t have the availability of so many experts.

10. St Luke’s Hospital Update: (JS)

Currently in the press: the new hospital has been given the go ahead : contractors have been appointed and work will start April 2015 for completion June 2016.

Currently Ward 3 at St Luke’s is temporarily closed due to lack of staff. The Medical Centre were not informed about this and heard via the press. It is hoped that new staff can be recruited and the ward will re-open.

11. Minor Injuries Unit (JS)

The CCG held consultation events around the county regarding urgent health care provision and the running of the Minor Injuries Unit was put out to tender. It has been announced that Northern Doctors have the contract to run the Market Harborough Minor Injuries Unit during out-of-hours: the Medical Centre will continue to run it during working hours. Northern Doctors also have the contract for Oadby & Wigston Walk In Centre. The transfer of staff to Northern Doctors for out-of-hours time is still being worked out as well as practicalities such as uniform .

There is also confusion around patients from other practices attending MIU : under the new contract they can be seen at MIU during working hours for injuries but if they have a minor illness they need to attend their own GP Surgery: it is hoped that literature will be produced and publicity to educate people where to attend.

12. Out of Area Patients Registrations

Document in meeting pack: The Medical Centre & Bosworth Surgery have signed up for the Patient Choice Scheme: Currently the surgeries do have registered patients who have moved away from the area but have complex health needs and who trust their GP and want to keep them: this has been at the discretion of the Partners and with the agreement that home visits will not be provided. This has now been properly formalised with the Patient Choice Scheme.

13. Husbands Bosworth Progress

Brian advised there has been a planning application for 41 new houses in Husbands Bosworth and the developer is indicating provision of a new GP Surgery for the village within the development : this is on the Husbands Bosworth website. Julie advised she has not heard of this development but the current surgery is not fit for purpose : it is too small and not fit for modern day health services.

12. Any Other Business:

Alec: the 2014/15 PPG Annual Report circulated, this has been created by the Medical Centre and is done to meet the requirements of the PPG Designated Enhanced Services Agreement (DES). Alec agreed the report is an accurate record of the progress that has happened within the PPG during the last year. The report needs to be approved by the PPG before being submitted to NHS England and displayed on the Medical Centre & Bosworth Surgery websites.

The members present approved the report

At the last Patient Only meeting Kevin Blanks from the Alliance Partnership attended : Alec has agreed to represent the PPG on their board. Alec will feedback progress.

Next PPG Chairs Network Meeting is on 26th March 2014 : Alec will attend and report back.

The latest NAPP e-bulletin informs that PPG Awareness Week is from 1st to 6th June : this will be addressed at the next Patient Only Meeting.

Brian asked when there will be a further update re Minor Injuries Unit, he is interested in putting this in the Husbands Bosworth Village magazine. Julie advised that communications are via the CCG and there should be a press release.

Discussion re PURDA period: public bodies are not able to give information/advertise anything that might be considered political in the run up to a general election.

Michael queried consent for nomination of PPG positions : the existing post holders are happy to stand again.

The members present approved the report.

Next Meeting: 24th March 2015: AGM at St Dionysius Community Hall

21st April 2015: Joint Meeting at Market Harborough District Hospital