Marine Biology Course For CFT Northern Clubs: Notes (2007)
(In Preparation)
- The Dateswere chosen because of best spring tides close to weekend or holiday periods and also not to use up weekend summer diving and diving test periods.
- St Patrick’s day (17th) was avoided because it was felt some people might want to have this as a Family Day, or day of National or Religious celebration.
- There will be no Diving arranged for this Course. However, if some people wish to come a day or two early and dive at Mullaghmore, I have enclosed some information about boat hire and bottle filling facilities available at Sligo or nearby, along with the accommodation web links. It is also possible to dive “Thumb Rock” or the “Gullies” from the Shore.
If people have some small amount of living or preserved marine specimens from these dives, or from diving locations in their home regions, we would gladly look at them. However, I could not condone the taking of large amounts of material from the Sligo dive sites around Mullaghmore or Ballyconnel. In most cases these sites only havelocalised reefs surrounded by sandy regions, unlike for example whole bays with the same community types. The reefs could be severely affected and depleted of unique organisms by the intensive collecting that could occur for a course. We will show you slides of many of the more obvious species, found in these regions.
- It is suggested that an accommodation location close to Mullaghmore might be handy for St. Patrick’s Night as an early start is necessary on Sunday 18th to enable people to meet and to allow an introductory talk to take place, at 9.15am to 10.15am, prior to going on the shore at 10.30am; sufficiently early to have time to examine two shores on the low spring tide (which is fully out at approximately 11.14am) i.e. between 10.00am and 1.00pm. Some people might not want to spend St. Patrick’s night in Sligo. Holding the first talk and slide show in the Bay View Holiday Homes at 9.15am would be closer to the North and would mean that a 9.15am start would be sufficient. If the first talk was held in Sligo town it would need to start at 8.45am and end at 9.45am to allow at least 45 minutes to get to Mullaghmore by 10.30am. However if the latter situation is what the majority of participants desire the first talk could be scheduled for 8.45 am at the Institute of Tchhnology, Sligo.
- Punctuality is essential. “Tide waits for neither Man nor Beast”
- We will have microscopes and lights, and Identification Books and Keys available at the Laboratory sessions, and some handouts available for the lectures. Microscopes will only be used to look at small organisms, or small parts of larger organisms. We will be selective about what we bring back to the laboratory, as many will die, and we do not intent preserving large amounts of material.
- Monday 19th March: Lectures and slide shows will take place at a lecture theatre at the Institute of Technology, Sligo, starting at 9.30am, since the venue of the seashore walk is at Raughly, which is closer to Sligo (approx. 12 miles), than Mullaghmore (approx. 20miles). In addition the tide is only full out at approx. 11.50am (later than on the first day).
- From 3.30 to 5.30 there will be an optional amount of time available for more laboratory time to look at specimens collected from Raughly rocky shore (an exceptionally good shore on an exceptionally good low spring tide), and for answering other questions or having more lectures. It is realised, however that many people might wish to leave earlier, to get home at a reasonable time.
- The Cost of the Course is still to be decided, after consultation with CFT ; but it should not be expensive since Bill Crowe and other organisers of the Institute of Technology, Sligo Sub-aqua club and Sligo Sub-aqua club, will not be charging any fee, and the Institute will be providing facilities free of charge. There may be some photocopying fees and fees for tea and coffee etc. People will probably be asked to pay their own accommodation, lunch and dinner fees, unless it is seen to be beneficial to book or pay as a group.
- Bring wet gear and preferably Wellington boots, but al least solid foot gear; notebook / paper and writing implements.