Mare Island Technology Academy

Board of Directors Regular Meeting

May 8, 2012


The regular meeting of the Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, May 8, 2012. The meeting was called to order by Board President, Bonnie Katz at 4:35 p.m.


Members present: Jaime Guzman, Annette Hilts, Joe Jones, Bonnie Katz, Kent Peterman, Paul Roberts, Lynne Vaughan (via phone), and Gary Williams

Members absent: Darnesha Hopkins and Debbie Lamb

Others present: Matt Smith, Alex Insaurralde, and Brenda Franks (Recording Secretary)


The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors recessed this meeting at 4:36 p.m. to convene in Closed Session.




Everest School


4. ADJOURN TO OPEN SESSION: Announcements from Closed Session

The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors reconvened in Open Session at 5:49 p.m. There were no announcements from closed session.

5. Pledge of Allegiance

Matt Smith led in the Board of Directors in the Pledge of Allegiance and dedicated the pledge to his niece Jessica who is now home after a year in Afghanistan.


Consent Item 10a – Independent Study Board Policy was changed to a discussion item and became Item 12c. Consent Item 10b and All Action Items 11a-c were moved on the agenda to take place right after the approval of the minutes.

On motion of Joe Jones, seconded by Paul Roberts, the Board of Directors approved the agenda as amended.


On motion of Kent Peterman, seconded by Joe Jones, the Board of Directors approved the minutes of the regular board meeting on April 10, 2012, as printed.

10. CONSENT ITEMS: (Moved per amended agenda motion)

On motion of Kent Peterman, seconded by Joe Jones, the Board of Directors approved the following Consent Agenda item:

Recommendation for Preliminary Teaching Credential - Hockenson

11. ACTION ITEMS: (Moved here per amended agenda motion)

a. Everest Facility Requisition – Smith

After discussion the board proposed MIT lease the Everest facility for a 24 month period under a use agreement with the stipulation that MIT be responsible for maintenance on the facility. The district could, in turn, use the five acres on Cobb Street during that 24 month period, with the option to extend the agreement on a yearly basis after the initial 24 month period is complete.

On motion of Paul Roberts, seconded by Joe Jones, the Board of Directors approved the proposal as stated above.

b. Proposed Positions and Stipends for 2012-13 – Smith

The Fiscal committee discussed the proposed positions and stipends for the 2012-13 school year. It was decided to recommend approval of the position descriptions at this time and decide upon the stipends after the budget has been studied and developed for next year.

On motion of Joe Jones, seconded by Paul Roberts, the Board of Directors approved the following position descriptions:

Avid Coordinator, Distance Learning Coordinator, ELD Coordinator, PLC Lead, RtI Coordinator

c. Color Guard Field Trip – Smith -

An overnight field trip to Disneyland has been planned for May 26 through 28 as a reward for each team achieving division championships in their competitions this year. The trip is being funded through Color Guard fund raising.

On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Kent Peterman, the Board of Directors approved the Color Guard Field Trip to Disneyland.


The following parents and students were heard during public comment:

Pedro Villela, Karen Beltran, Dolores Beltran, Marco Reyes, Maria Fajardo Silva, Yadira Gomez, Maria Sylva, Luis Fajardo, Brenda Garcia, Alex Reyes, Antoni Flores, Octavio Reyes, and Edelmira Villela. Most of the comments were directed toward the following teachers: Micah Studer, Katherine Shafer, Michael Ryder and Fred Odell, in regard to unfair treatment toward students by those teachers. Several allegations were made which administration will investigate. Meetings will be scheduled with the individual parents and students making the complaints.

Parent Ginger Pollnow is not in favor of the term “intentional non-learner” on the “I Try” contract.

Parent Dominga Sanchez spoke saying she feels her student’s teachers are good and that administration has answered her questions appropriately. She feels we must all work together for solutions to the problems that arise.


a. Director’s Report: Matt Smith

Mr. Smith reported Cyber High students have successfully completed 109 classes this year. All credit goes to Byron Laird and Stephanie Morgado for their leadership in the Cyber High program. Byron Laird has taken on the role of Distance Learning Coordinator. Cyber High is a cost effective way of completing credit recovery for MIT students. The completion rate is about 90%.

March CAHSEE results became available today. The three 10th graders absent in February took the exam in March and passed. One senior passed the last part needed making all seniors CAHSEE complete. There are still a few 11th graders who need to pass all or a portion of the test.

STAR testing is complete with 99.99% students enrolled taking all tests.

b. Enrollment/Attendance Report: Matt Smith

Excellent attendance continues at MIT Academy as follows:

6th Grade – 97.49% for the year, 96.9% for the month of April

7th & 8th Grades – 96.74% for the year, 96.35% for the month of April

High School – 96.03% for the year, 95.41% for the month of April

These attendance rates put MIT in good shape in regard to P2. Enrollment was over 750 at the time of reporting.

c. Discipline Report: Matt Smith

There were 21 suspensions during the month of April with 19 at the middle school and two at the high school.

d. Assistant Director’s Report: Alex Insaurralde

Mr. Insaurralde shared a chart with data showing where our students are coming from in regard to feeder schools.

This week students took STAR assessments to determine placement in support classes next year.

Administration feels the assessments are fairly accurate and they contain good news.

e. PTN: Ginger Pollnow for Tamara Brewer

Ms. Pollnow shared a letter from Tamara Brewer regarding the status of PTN. Ms. Brewer was attending a PTA conference

PTN is starting over with new officers and operating with a small group of dedicated parents.

PTN has authorized $1500 for buses for the seniors transport to and from the airport for Destination D.C.

iPad raffle update: Javier Gallegos was the winner. There was $750.00 raised in ticket sales and distributed as follows: $375 to GSA and $375 for seniors.

f. MITATA: Michael Ryder

Mr. Ryder reported for Mr. Cole who is in Washington D.C. Mr. Ryder wanted to make certain the board members had received Mr. Cole’s e-mail regarding collective bargaining agreement issues.

g. Student Representative: Darnesha Hopkins

Mr. Smith reported for Darnesha Hopkins who is in Washington D.C. The seniors raised over $35,200 to fund their trip to Washington D.C. There are 38 students and 6 chaperones on the trip. Reports are that everyone is on task and having a positive experience.


a. Parent Commitment Hour Timeline Policy - Williams

Additional recommendations were made at the VOORP meeting. A final draft will be forwarded to the board. This will be an action item at next month’s board meeting.

b. Update on college units for undocumented students - Smith

Mr. Smith reported that Napa Community College has a program in which high school students can sign up for college classes and take those classes for high school credit or college credit. If the student signs up for high school credit, there is no fee. The Dream Act makes it possible to convert those credits from high school credits to college credits, at a later time, for a fee. This is made available to any student whether documented or undocumented.

c. Long-term Independent Study – Smith

Ms. Vaughan was able to find MIT’s existing policy of Independent Study. We are waiting to hear back from the auditor to see if it meets the requirements of a Long-Term Independent Study policy. If it does not meet that requirement, it will be brought back to the board with editions for adoption.


a. Curriculum: Smith

There was no official report. A question was raised about students completing internships earlier than their 11th grade year. Special consideration may be given to individual students who have unique opportunities.

b. Executive: Vaughan

There was no report.

c. Facilities: Roberts

Mr. Roberts reported the committee discussed the Everest property.

d. Fiscal: Katz

Ms. Katz reported the committed looked over position descriptions and the financial impact on the budget and came back with the recommendation the board voted on earlier in this meeting.

e. VOORP: Williams

The committee met Monday, May 7 with the majority of their discussion on the parent commitment hour time-line policy.

Mr. Williams announced patches have been sold to our new students bringing in $775 to date. Patches can be purchased through the student store and in the main office.


There were no communications


There were no announcements.


Parent Commitment Hour Timeline policy – action next meeting


The Board of Directors adjourned to closed session at 8:06 p.m.




The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors reconvened in Open Session at 8:46 p.m. There were no announcements from closed session. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Franks, Recording Secretary