March 24 Grand Knight Report
- Patrick Martin’s Status. On Tuesday, Patrick will be transferred to The Belmont at Twin Creeks in Allen for continued rehab services. It's much closer to home so they are very happy about this development. The Belmont is located at 999 Raintree Cir, Allen, TX 75013. Their phone number is 972-390-8088.
- Family Committee
- Update. Dan Diel, Director and Mike McDermott, Assistant Director are unable to continue with these efforts. The Family Events include Easter Egg Hunt on Holy Saturday (April 4) and Mother's Day Roses (May 10). There are two other events that Family manages - Family Picnic (hopefully in June) and Trunk or Treat (late October). The committee is also supposed to nominate a Family of the month and a Knight of the month. Still need a Director to handle Family.
- Assistance. Kevin Almeida has agreed to handle the Easter Egg Hunt and Mother’s Day Roses. He will need other knights / squires / family help with these events. Thank you Kevin! Please get with him to help.
- Remaining Activities / Responsibilities. I haven’t yet found anyone interested in being the Director or handling one or more of the other activities. Please get with Mike Gilligan and let him know where you can help.
- Membership Committee
- Co-Directors: Harry Loftus and Bill Pilcher are our Membership co-directors. They are brothers–in-law who joined in the last six months and received their major degree in January. So they have a lot of insights that they can share with prospective candidates. Thank you Harry and Bill! Please help them so they and we can succeed!
- Committee Members: Joe Chua will assist in developing ways to recruit younger men into the Knights. Keith Hymel will provide guidance from effective programs and ideas used in the past. Please let Harry and Bill know if you want to work closely with them on these efforts.
- Shirts – Rich Bisordi is handling ordering our polo and cotton shirts. He has sent out an email and has a signup form here tonight.
- Remember that each of us is part of the membership committee – formally or not. Please reach out to the men who sit near you at mass and discuss the Knights and see if they want to become one. Wear your knight shirt to mass and other parish events.
- Fundraising Toyota Stadium Events
- Director is Dan Eckelkamp. But we really need to have someone be an assistant who can assume the role in the future. Please get with Mike Gilligan and let him know if you are interested.
- Fundraising Volunteer Co-Coordinator – Paul LeBeuf agreed to take one of these two positions. He is emailing / calling you to find volunteers for the events. He is also using a web site to show the events and positions needed so you can volunteer online. I haven’t been able to find someone to be Paul’s Co-Coordinator so that the two of them can each handle half the events. Please get with Mike Gilligan and let him know if you are interested in being a co-coordinator.
- Stand Manager. There are four of brother knights who can setup and close down our stand (or will be learning how to do so). Dan Eckelkamp, Jason Beckett, Terry Rund and Jim Schrody will fill these roles so we can have coverage with vacations etc.
- March was and is very busy
- Bishop’s Corporate Communion on Saturday March 7 @ 10 AM at the Cathedral. We had three color corps members, five other council knights and one family member present. Thanks to all who attended!
- Lenten Fish Fry Sales and two successful Fish Frys on March 6 and 20. Thanks to all who helped!
- Knights handed the Stations of the Cross on Friday March 13. Thanks to all who helped!
- Knights handled Cookie Saturday / Donut Sunday on March 14 and 15. Thanks to all who helped!
- Two Toyota Stadium Fundraising Events for FC Dallas on March 7 and 14. We had enough volunteers, but the crowd was fairly small. Thanks to all who volunteered! We have two more events on March 28 and 29 – please volunteer to help!
- OLA Corporate Communion at the 9 AM mass on March 29 (Palm Sunday) without a Color Guard. Please wear your knight shirts. We plan to have a reception Saturday night April 11 after the 5 PM mass.
- First Degree @ OLA on Thursday March 26. Please recruit new members. Hopefully there will be some form 100’s submitted tonight for our review.
- Major Degree at Prince of Peace on Saturday, March 28 at 8:30 AM. Thus far there are three knights planning to attend – Kevin Almeida, Carl Griffith and Mike Nelson. Hopefully some others who haven’t received their major degree will attend. Rod Tiffee and Don Burks intend to attend to welcome the new 3rd degree knights.
- Getting brothers involved. I have attempted to reachalmost all our brother knights by first trying to reach them via phone and then sending emails if necessary. I am trying to raise awareness of the unlimited opportunities we have in our council, and the needs we have. We have a number of roles which need to be filled. I had a good amount of success, but haven’t heard from everyone yet. Please reach out to the brother knights you know and get them to be more involved. Please bear in mind that they may have family, kids’ activities, work situations which may limit their involvement. But they won’t know you want them to be involved unless you ask them.