March 1, 2016CASC OCN Executive Minutes

Present: Cindy Elkerton, Alexandra Horsky, Lisa Laitinen-Egbuchulam, Peggy Moore, Wes Roberts, Kelly Collins (minute taker), Grygoriy Chorniy, Augustine Puthuva, Danielle Slump

Regrets:Geoff Haber,Klara Siber-Simic

Meeting called to order at 6: p.m.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Lisamoved, Danielleseconded the approval of the agenda. All in favour.

  1. Approval of the Minutes

Peggymoved, Danielleseconded approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. All in favour.

  1. Business Arising from the Minutes:
  2. Kelly checked in the records and found that OCN began using “Ontario Central Northwest” as the descriptor of the group in Alex spoke to webmaster and Tony let us know that it is Northwest. Alex to go back to webmaster to change our name to read “Northwest” not just “North.”
  3. Wes emailed Mike Chow and hasn’t heard anything back from Mike as yet re: timing of planning next AGM. Nothing else to add on this point.
  4. Proposal from Mo Anderson and Marc Doucett re: AGM 2018. Maureen had indicated that she was unsure about securing the speaker. A reminder can be sent to members re: intent to submit re: AGM 2018. If no intentions are received in the next few weeks we can go ahead with the first proposal.
  5. Alex sent a list of AGM topics, grouped in 5 sections/topics.
  6. Psychotherapy and Spirituality
  7. PAD and Spiritual Care
  8. Research and how to do it—changed to Showcase Your Research in order to engage members to show the research they are engaged in.
  9. Spiritual Care in various Workplace Settings
  10. Self care/burnout
  1. Treasurer’s Report: Grygoriy sent report, attached. No changes/updates to financial statements this month.

Motion to accept report as given. Grygoriy: moved; Peggysecond. All in favour.

OCN Council report: Peggy: CASC ON council sent out report showing the work that they do. They are asking that we send to regional membership to encourage members to donate $20 to the council so the work of the council can continue. Peggy brought back an edited version of the letter with the changes we asked for.

  1. Chair Reports
  2. Communications report (Alex): Alex is gathering content for spring communique. Announcement of 2018 AGM. AGM topic survey with link. Who we are is Geoff Haber this time. Discussion (revisited) about whether it is appropriate to include educational opportunities in the communique, or what is appropriate to include/an overarching way to think about the purpose of the communique. Lisa to come back with a recommendation.

Moved by Cindy, Augustine second. to accept the report. All in favour.

  1. Regional Admitting Chair Report (Danielle)—Has permission to only have one person consult if she can’t find two to consult.

Daniellemoved/Alex 2nd to accept the report as read.

  1. Professional Practice Report (Peggy)— All 13 people needing peer reviews are either complete or deferred.

Peggy moved/Wes2nd to accept report as given. All in favour.

  1. Regional Ethics Report (Klara): Klara was not present. We accept her report for information
  1. New Business:
  • It was decided that moving forward we would put the minutes of our meetings, once approved, on the website.
  • Peggy: Moved that we create a position of Regional OCN Peer Review Coordinator who works with Regional OCN PPC Chair to coordinate peer review within the OCN region. (This is already happening in the other Ontario regions) Motion: Peggy, 2nd Lisa. All in favour. Peggy to write a Terms of Reference Draft.
  • Cindy: Scope of Practice document has gone to PPC for National meeting for ratification
  • Cindy: Nomenclature—Marc says that the final decision will be made in Vancouver on his videocast. They will put forward a few titles for voting and the membership (national) will vote.
  • Cindy: CRPO, re: Quality assurance and renewal. Peggy can take concern about Peer Review –having to do it both at CRPO and CASC takes a lot of time. Is there a way to exempt members of the college from certain elements of CASC requirements (i.e Peer Review or ethics)
  • Cindy: Vancouver attendance from –Peggy for preconference and commission, Danielle also for preconference and commission. We will have representation on PPC and RAC–Only Cindy is planning to be there for AGM.
  1. Next meeting dates:
  2. Tuesday, April 5, 6-8 pm teleconference.
  1. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn: Lisa ; Second: Grygoriy All in favour. Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.

Secretary to keep RUNNING AGM REMINDER LIST on each set of minutes

  • Revise by-laws (Geoff to draft)
  • At Nov, 2016 AGM, need to recruit vice-chair as well as member-at-large.
  • Propose topics for AGM in survey monkey prior to AGM (Alex)

To follow up next meeting:

  1. Wes to send email to Hamilton and/or Vancouver organizers to query at what point we need to begin thinking about planning nationalDiscussion (revisited) about whether it is appropriate to include educational opportunities in the communique, or what is appropriate to include/an overarching way to think about the purpose of the communique. Lisa to come back with a recommendation.
  • AGM in our region.
  • In May add back in Networking Night location
  • Bring back topic possibilities for AGM next meeting.