Manx Hockey Association

Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Minutes 25th July 2012

Venue: Sports Institute Meeting Room, NSC 6.00pm

Monthly Exec Agenda Items

Item No / Agenda Item / Action/
Apologies -Will Margot, Dani Kelly, Keith Corkill, Ian Perry
AOB - Confirmation of renewal of HDO position subject to continued financial support from IOM Sport was advised to the meeting attendees. / Info
U16 Proposals – general conversation held,agreed in general that this league should be used as a staging post. 3 options tabled
a)Keep as it is with gentleman’s agreement
b)Adopt the recommendation with no restrictions
c)Adopt the recommendation with restrictions
Overall vote went for option a). proposed by AB seconded by TL carried by members on agreement that to be reviewed at the end of the year by the junior committee who will be responsible for oversight. / Junior Committee
Rules and Bye Laws
RM advised what couple of changes had been made, in line with clarification around umpires. As U16 staying as is no further amends to be made. Proposed by PM and seconded by JS. RM to take off track changes and submit a final version to the secretary which will then be posted onto the website. All MHA membership will then be subject to this version of the rules and bye-laws.
TL advised that IOMHUA website can be used to check that clubs overall have sufficient umpires for mixed and can do that again for mens and ladies. / RM/DG/PG
Awards Review Paper – Proposed by JS and seconded by LW. Carried by meeting. This paper is to be added to the website, so all members are aware of the basis for the awards. / PG
Appointment of Officials
JS as vice chairman took the chair and thanked the following;
  • LW on behalf of the board and the membership, for his year as MHA Chairman.
  • JR and the press/radio reps on a job well done and their hard work
  • PG for the fixtures and maintaining the website
  • See updated officials list – vacancies to be c/f to adjourned AGM. Junior fixtures secretary and Junior Chairman & MYG Co-ordinator also voted in by MHA
/ Info
c/f to adjourned AGM
Treasurers Report
a)JK advised just in receipt of the development accounts and needs a handover with KC.
b)Adjourned AGM date and meeting to be before the start of the new 2012/13 season. JK to advise secretary who will organise said meeting.
c)JK advised clubs that fees will not increase any more than EH fees
d)JK confirmed pitch invoices to be sent out more regularly as MSR want paying sooner. Preference is for clubs to set up a standing order. Thanks to clubs that supported social events which has helped overall finances.
e)Wi-Manx Sponsorship and possible renewal question asked. Meeting was advised that component parts of the HDC have been asked to supply budgets so that we have accurate figures for our presentation.
f)Action point for new board to meet up to discuss and work out what we are looking to do and what funds will be needed to see this through
g)Bermuda – still not sure if this is going ahead and whether we would send teams or not. Also Jersey not going so would only be 2 games. If event not hosted in Bermuda it would be the IOM’s turn to host / JK/KC
Club Reps
MHA Board
c/f to adjourned AGM
Leagues and fixtures
Structures and games as advised by PG were discussed and agreed to subject to the following;
a)U16 2 leagues 1st league to run over to Jan 2013 and 2nd league to start after 1st league finished. Ramsey confirmed they were ok with this. Proposed JS and seconded LW carried.
b)Mixed division 2 to start week Sat 8th September 2012. Proposed JS seconded LW carried.
c)Bermahague new Astro pitch can’t use to play U16 or county but can play other hockey on it and it is available from 12 – 5 Saturdays. PG asked can we look to have a test game ahead of the season - KM to organise a friendly island mens game, PG will book pitch.
d)Request for fixture change/cancellation – need to use the form and give due notice. Form to be slightly amended and re-posted onto the website. / JK
Objectives for MHA Board
Members were advised that new board would pick up these points and take them further / MHA Board
Dates for future meetings.
Adjourned AGM date to be notified by JK to secretary.
Board to organise an initial meeting and then look at best possible day and time, one suggestion for board was to meet on a Sunday evening.
Club rep dates to be identified at adjourned AGM and all dates will be posted onto the website. / JK
MHA board
c/f adjourned AGM

Signed:………………………………………………………………………………………… Dated: …………………………………………