Mansfield Timberview High School Band Booster General Meeting

Date | time9/12/2016 7:00 PM| Meeting called to order byNikki Wynne

In Attendance

Eric Mullins, Band Director

Nikki Wynne, President

Cindy Klonis Kenney, Vice President

Rob Kenney, Treasurer and Pit Crew Coordinator

Susan Moxley, Secretary

Tom Reilly, Webmaster

Jennifer Reilly, Chaperone Coordinator

Lisa Passmore, Uniform Coordinator

Pam Jarrett, Color Guard Coordinator

Tasha Stevenson, Hospitality Coordinator


A full quorum was in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes were distributed from the last meeting on August 1, 2016.


The Board, Band Director and guests were introduced.

Committee reports

Eric Mullins, Band Director

Reported the show is developing nicely – at the same as the drill comes in the band is learning it. Today, the band started learning the last part of the show. There was a delay in getting the music arrangements in so it’s coming along slower than originally anticipated. The kids in general are rehearsing better and more efficiently than they did last year.

The first competition will be at Newsome Stadium. The color guard’s show flags won’t be in until after the 2nd competition, however, the costumes will be in before the 1st show. We also might not have all of the props ready. The props are very involved and are coming along nicely with illustration from Mr. Mullins’ father. Mr. Mullins was able to obtain a barber chair from Mansfield High School’s theater department from their production of Sweeny Todd.

The calendar is up to date and Mr. Mullins is sending weekly updates. On his last email, he included a link to the calendar to synch with everyone’s devices.

To access the calendar via your web browser:

To sync the calendar to your iPad or iPhone or other mobile device:

If your student is not practicing the show music and regional music, please ask him/her about it.

The Spring Trip planning is in the works. Currently considering Houston to allow the students an opportunity to perform at Moore’s Opera along with visiting Johnson Space Center and Kemah Boardwalk. Details are still in the works, but at this time it appears the tentative dates will be in late April.

Rob Kenney, Treasurer and Pit Crew Coordinator

Financial report is currently being pulled into a month by month breakout. We had unforeseen expenses related to the truck used to transport equipment and with the guard. We are still forecasting to be on track to the overall planned expenses and the final 2016-2017 budget will be approved by the board on 9/16/2016.

We have a great group of Pit Crew volunteers this year. Truck repairs have been completed and plans are underway to re-engineer the trailer to accommodate our show props. Looking for additional volunteers for Saturday’s drum line competition. It’s a smaller group of students competing but with the same large equipment needs. Please sign up in Charms if you are available.

Nikki Wynne (filling in for Spirit Wear Coordinator)

Spirit Wear sales will kick off at our home games. We will have some new spirit wear this year. Volunteers are needed for the first half of the games to assist with spirit wear. This is a great opportunity to get your volunteer points and still see the half time show.

There will be a special sale for band students and parents only at a discount this Thursday, September 15, 2016 from 2:55 – 6:30 pm in the band hall. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted.

Jennifer Reilly, Chaperone Coordinator

We have less students in the band this year, which means a small pool of volunteers. We are struggling to have enough chaperones each week. We are almost to the midway point in the football season so not all of the remaining games will have such early call times. Parents, grandparents and guardians are encouraged to look at the upcoming dates inCharmsto see the open volunteer opportunities. It’s a great way to see the performance up close and spend time with your students and their friends.

An opening will be available next year for Chaperone Coordinator. Anyone interested in filling this open spot is encouraged to reach out for Jennifer as soon as possible to start shadowing her this year.

Lisa Passmore, Uniform Coordinator

Everyone has been outfitted with their uniform. We have rain forecasted this week and the band will not use their plumes this week.

Tasha Stevenson, Hospitality Coordinator

With the drum line competition this weekend, there will be a need for lunch. The boxed lunches have been well received by the band and has made clean up on charter buses easier for chaperones. The dinner this week will be Panera Bread Company and will be served in the cafeteria prior to the band’s departure for the Red Oak game.

Rob Kenney, Pit Crew Coordinator

We have a great group of Pit Crew volunteers this year. Truck repairs have been completed and plans are underway to re-engineer the trailer to accommodate our show props. Looking for additional volunteers for Saturday’s drum line competition. It’s a smaller group of students competing but with the same large equipment needs. Please sign up in Charms if you are available.

As we get into UIL season, we need volunteers to ensure our equipment/props, etc. are moved on an off the field as there is a time limit. We need to be sure we get the equipment moved efficiently to prevent any deductions.

Pam Jarrett, Color Guard Coordinator

Any of the guard from last year that may have left behind any costume items are encouraged to pick them up from the band hall this week. Anything left after this week will be discarded.

Tom Reilly, Webmaster

Updates are frequently being made to so keep an eye out for all of your student’s pictures, calendar updates and contact lists. A request was made to have any photos taken at the game provided to Tom Reilly on a thumb drive for him to post to the webpage.

Everyone is encouraged to “like” our Mansfield Timberview High School Band Boosters for more pictures, videos and announcements.

Cindy Klonis Kenney, Vice President

There is a need to re-evaluate sponsorships on the webpage and the trailer. If you have any suggestions, please email Cindy .

Old Business


New Business

The board accepted Erica Crowson’s resignation as Secretary. Nikki Wynne nominated Susan Moxley for Secretary, which was seconded by Rob Kenney. All present voted in favor and Susan Moxley was confirmed at the new Secretary.

Parent Questions

Fundraising – will all of our fundraisers be local?

A: All of the fundraisers through the Booster Club are generally local. Our local spirit night fundraisers occur about once a month at local restaurants. They are posted to the Mansfield Timberview High School Band Boosters Facebook page and go out via email through Charms.

Mr. Mullins is also looking at doing Snap Raise for on-line donations, which is currently in use by other organizations in the school. If we do a Spring trip fundraiser, that will done outside of the Booster Club because as a non-profit we can’t have the money just go to individual students. We may do a product fundraiser which will have an on-line option for orders to accommodate out of town family.

Spirit Nights – are they on the announcements during the school day?

A: They have been on the announcements and the band is reminded in the band hall.

Spring trip – what is the estimated cost per student?

A: We don’t have the final cost until the details are finalized, but the estimated cost is $400-$500 per student. We will be looking for chaperones on this trip. Typically, the band travels with 1 chaperone for every 10 students at a minimum.

I have a friend who has a restaurant interested in hosting a spirit night, how do we get that started?

A: Please email information to Nikki Wynne –

Can I sign up for multiple events at the same time?

A: Yes! In fact, that makes planning for our volunteer needs easier. All of our events are loaded into Charms.

Can students sign to volunteer?

A: Yes, we need help this week for a limited number of students at the drum line competition. In addition, when winter guard comes up, we will need students to help. This is a good way to get NHS volunteer hours.

Next Meeting

10/3/2016 7:00 PM, Mansfield Timberview High School Band Hall

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:43 p.m. by Nikki Wynne and was passed unanimously.

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