Mansfield Timberview High School Band Booster Board of Directors

Date | time10/6/2016 7:06 PM| Meeting called to order byNikki Wynne

In Attendance

Eric Mullins, Band Director

Nikki Wynne, President

Cindy Klonis Kenney, Vice President

Rob Kenney, Treasurer and Pit Crew Coordinator

Susan Moxley, Secretary

Tom Reilly, Webmaster

Jennifer Reilly, Chaperone Coordinator

Tasha Stevenon, Hospitality Coordinator

Lisa Passmore, Uniform Coordinator


A full quorum was in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes were distributed from the last meeting on September 12, 2016. They were approved as written.


The Board, Band Director and guests were introduced.

Committee reports

Eric Mullins, Band Director

We are officially finished teaching all of the portions of the show except for the barber scene with the children at the barber shop. Many people wondered why we had so many alternates, when you see the show you will understand why – it is a prop heavy show and we at times need everyone to keep them in place. We got hit by eligibility. One person marching person a spot and 7 alternates. We are now at the bare minimum with alternates to help with the props. We evenly redistributed the kids to props. Getting on the field should be easier because we should have at least 9 students behind the props. We need as many parents as possible to assist with the props and equipment. Last week, we would have placed 6 overall if there was an overall ranking – and would have placed higher than larger bands.

On Saturday, we have an opportunity to see a stand still competition for both the drum line and the color guard.

UILon Tuesday, October 18th– We have to work 2 shifts for UIL since we are hosting at Newsome. We need 2 students & 5 adults for a total of 7 volunteers at 10:30 – 4:30. At that time, those 7 will go help with props and equipment for the show. We also need 7 volunteers for the second shift at 3:30 – 9:30. We will not have props during the run through at the school before the competition which should make this a little easier. We already use all of our normal volunteers for the show so we need additional help for this MISD show.

Spring Trip possible still but now we are looking at May. Hope to have more information by the next Booster Meeting. Still looking at Houston or San Antonio – Mr. Mullins is leaning towards Houston.

Rob Kenney, Treasurer

Financial report is still tracking to be on budget. We are taking in money on Spirit Wear and snack sales. We are in good shape.

Nikki Wynne (filling in for Spirit Wear Coordinator)

Spirit wear should be set up at Newsome this week. New maroon shirt and beanie hat tomorrow. Question came up if we could do spirit wear at other events (i.e. basketball games, etc.). We will add the Square App so we can accept credit cards at the stadiums.

Jennifer Reilly, Chaperone Coordinator

We have less students in the band this year, which means less parents are available to volunteer. We are struggling to have enough chaperones each week. We need approximately 12 – 15 to chaperone. Technically, we need 1 per 10 students and we are having trouble getting enough to meet this threshold. Parents, grandparents and guardians are encouraged to look at the upcoming dates inCharmsto see the open volunteer opportunities. It’s a great way to see the performance up close and spend time with your students and their friends. In addition, if you want to chaperone the Spring Trip, you need to have chaperoned at least 1 football game.

An opening will be available next year for Chaperone Coordinator. Anyone interested in filling this open spot is encouraged to reach out for Jennifer as soon as possible to start shadowing her this year.

Lisa Passmore, Uniform Coordinator

This week we usually have tails, but for Homecoming the students will wear a breastplate. Pulled all breastplates and matched all but one. We need to explain to the students how to use them, they will be used on Friday, October 7. They will go in the bag until they turn in the uniforms. Tails in the zipper bag for Friday’s game, but they will be used on Saturday. If they are not turned in, the students will be billed at the end of the year. The Spring clothes are back from the cleaners. Anyone who has experience sizing is asked to volunteer to assist with the Spring concert fittings because they need to be a little more fitted.

We hope next year to have a better match on all of the uniform accessories. Shoes for all but one – the one is ineligible.

Rob Kenney, Pit Crew Coordinator

Friday’s performance will be before the game, so we will need help earlier in the day. Looking for additional volunteers for Saturday’s competition. Please sign up in Charms if you are available. We need 15 people to help with equipment and the props in addition to 2 wranglers for the props. Now that we are getting into competition season, we need volunteers to ensure our equipment/props, etc. are moved on an off the field as there is a time limit. We need to be sure we get the equipment moved efficiently to prevent any deductions.

Tom Reilly, Webmaster

Updates are frequently being made to so keep an eye out for all of your student’s pictures, calendar updates and contact lists. No additional updates.

Pam Jarrett, Color Guard Coordinator

We have all of the dresses and flags in now. Color guard was talked to via text & notified that only 2 guard members should go to the restroom at the same time. In addition, they should not go before the kickoff.

Tasha Stevenson, Hospitality Coordinator

Before the game Friday, they will have spaghetti, salad and bread. On Saturday they will have Jersey Mikes for lunch and Schlotzsky’s in the afternoon.

Old Business


New Business

Band sponsorships & truck wrap

TNT is coming up – signups will begin in November

New Band PO Box Timberview Band Boosters/Parents

P.O. Box 1700

Mansfield, TX 76063

parent questions

UIL - if you volunteer do you go to the school or the stadium? A: Once you are signed up, we will direct you where to report. It will be on Charms for sign up shortly.

Next Meeting

11/7/2016 7:00 PM, Mansfield Timberview High School Band Hall

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:43 p.m. and was passed unanimously.

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