Manor Health Patient Group

Notes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th June 2015

In Attendance: AG Chair







Apologies: KF, CT, GN

1. Minutes of the Last Meeting/Matters Arising

The minutes from the last meeting were approved.

2. WHCC Meeting

AG attended the WCCG PPG meeting and provided us with his minutes of the meeting.

There was a discussion about the group name and it was decided that is should be Wirral Patient Voice Group and the intent is ‘One group, one voice’.

AG Explained that the web information from the Kings fund was very informative – web address is

There was a discussion about the number of people attending the meeting – it transpired that only 14 PPG’s were represented at the meeting.

There was a discussion about the many ways in which a patient can see a doctor if they can’t get an appointment with their own GP eg Out of hours, the walk-in centre, the all-day health centre, A&E. There needs to be re-education for patients about when to attend A&E as there is a cost to the CCG for each attendance is often not an emergency, causing problems for real emergencies.

There was a discussion about the extended hours surgeries that the Government would like Practices to complete i.e being open 8am – 8pm, seven days per week. This is not an efficient use of NHS funds as there is an Out of hours system in place.

AG also circulated a form about the diagnostic services in Wirral (Ultrasound etc) as there are currently 8 contracts and it is thought that it would be better to be simplified.

The WPVG will also be involved in the appointment of new lay people to the CCG. If anyone would like to apply the advert is on the Wirral Globe website.

3. NAPP Patient Participation Week 2015:- June 1st - 6th

We received many more completed forms this year and many more patients seemed to know the PPG was in existence.

When JM was in the waiting room, she noticed that the PPG and flu messages on the TV were out of date. MP will correct these.

JM also asked if we gave new patients information about the PPG and MP showed her the new patient pack that we give out.

4. Any Other Business

AB spoke about the CQC report and said that it was quite difficult to understand at some points. He said that when someone was new into an area, they would want a Practice with an excellent CQC report. We explained that there very few Practices in the country that had achieved an ‘excellent’ CQC report – most practices received a ‘good’.

Date of next meeting - Monday 15th July 2015 5.00pm -