Mandatory New Student Orientation Dates:

Tuesday-Friday August 8th- 11th:Parents do NOT attend

8am-noon Tues-Friday. Students may not leave early!

  • This is a mandatory graduation requirement for all CVCHS students
  • Please do not bring back packs. Water and snack provided each day
  • Free class of 2021 t-shirt for all incoming 9th graders
  • New 10th-12th graders get a car decal!
  • Lockers given out and all students walked to their lockers
  • All access computer log on info given out for PowerSchool, Gmail, Office 365 & Schoology accounts
  • Clubs presented so students can get involved!
  • Guest speakers from nationally recognized organizations
  • Dress code requirements explained and enforced
  • Meet upper classmen to help you prepare for high school
  • Carnival on Friday- Dunk Tank, Henna, Face Paint, Games
  • Lunch provided at carnival on Friday
  • Full campus tour and SO much more!

*Your student will be at a significant disadvantage on the first day of school if they do not attend these crucial dates and will have to complete an additional program to make up the required graduation credits.

Email: with questions or text on the

Remind app! Send text to: 81010 enter code: cvchs2021

This remind app code is for incoming 9th grade families.

If you are new and are a 10th-12thgrader please email with any questions!

New Student Orientation Program!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are very excited that your student will be attending Clayton Valley Charter High School and we look forward to meeting them during their 4 orientation days. As you may know, our school participates in the nationwide Link Crew Program, an organization whose sole purpose is to help new students feel more comfortable on campus, as well as help them achieve academic success during high school.

The Link Crew freshman transition program is designed to both welcome and support freshmen by assigning them Link Leader mentors prior to the first day of school. These Link Leaders are responsible older students who were hand selected from a large pool of applicants and have met the qualifications of being a good role model and a positive leader on our campus.

Even if your student is NOT a 9th grader they need to attend. They will be placed with other 10th-12th graders to participate with peers their own age during the program.

Below is some information to let you and your student know what they can expect in advance of their first day of school.

1)Name tags and group numbers will be available each day when your student checks in. Their name tag will have their group number on it. Groups cannot be switched.

2)Your student is encouraged not to bring backpacks, purses or other like items as the days are quite active. There is NO need for any technology items during these days.

3)Because the days are active, please make sure that your student wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. The dress code is enforced so please no bare midriffs, bra straps showing, short shorts, sagging pants etc.

4)On all days, a small snack and water will also be provided, free of charge, by the school. Lunch will be FREE on Friday at our carnival!

5)This is a student only function so we encourage you to let your student attend on their own. Please feel free, however to come and pick up a FAQ sheet that will be able on day 1 to answer all of your questions regarding the 4 day orientation.

CVCHS is unique in the fact that we offer a 4 day program to ensure your student is given the opportunity to make new friends, obtain crucial information and have some fun on their new campus! They will be in the same groups of 10-12 students for all 4 days with the same Link Leaders.

Orientation dates are Tuesday August 8th- Friday August 11th. Drop off is at 8:00 am each morning and you must pick your student up at noon each day. Please drop off and pick up in the student parking lot (Lot 3) located next to the large gym. Students are not allowed to leave the program early.

This is a mandatory event as it’s a graduation requirement so please be sure to save the date now!

We look forward to meeting you and your student on orientation day!

Link Crew Coordinators

Email: with questions