The Partnership for Safe Families & Communities of VenturaCounty,
The Designated Child Abuse Prevention Council
Mandated Reporter Training Program 2010-2011
The Partnership has continued its successful Mandated Reporter Training program (MRT), since 2001. Each year, the Partnership conducts MRT for professionals required by law to reportchild, elder, and dependent adult abuse. Training and outreach is open to professionals and students in the fields of child care, criminal justice, education, faith leadership, mental and physical health, social services and community based organizations. Theno cost MDT is provided to the organizations as 1.5 – 2-hour community trainings, a half-day workshop and/or an all-day Train-the-Trainer workshop. The trainings include materials and resources. Continuing education units are also offered. Participants receive Certificates of Completion.
Partners include:Aspiranet, CATTA, Interface Children Family Services, Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, Ventura County Human Services Agency’s Adult & Family Services and Children & Family Services, and Ventura County Public Health.
During fiscal year 2010-2011 there were nine Community Trainings, one half-day training and one Train-the-Trainer workshop. A total number of 166 mandated reporters completed the training. Of that total, 38were trained as mandated reporter trainers. Anoverall total of 2,113 mandated reporters have beentrained since the program’s inception in 2001. The overall total includes 534 participants trained as mandated reporter trainers.
Below is a list of measurements used to evaluate the training:
- Number of mandated reporters successfully trained
- Learning objectives/goals
- Pre/Post-Test: a tool to evaluate theparticipant’s knowledge of reporting criteria/laws for child, dependent/elder abuse. The evaluation goal is 90% on the post-test.
- Achievement of learning objectives/goals - evaluation goal of 90%.
- Evaluation Form which rates the trainer, training and workshop:
evaluation is based on a rating scale of 1-5 (1= strongly disagree, 3=agree, 5= strongly agree)
The target evaluation goal rate is 4 in each area.
- Trainers are evaluated onknowledge of subject and ability to communicate.
- Overall trainingis evaluated in the areas of clarity, effectiveness, usefulness of materials/training, and achievement of goals/objectives.
- Evaluation includes a comment section specific to each type of training.
Community Training Summary (see attached comprehensive datareport)
There were 76 mandated reporters trained on how to recognize, respond and report child abuse, neglect and dependent adult/elder abuse in 2010-2011.
Training Evaluation:
A pre/post test was administered. Pre-Test results were 68%, with 94% on the post-test. Trainer was evaluated and received rating score of 5 in both areas. Mandated reporter learning objectives and knowledge of reporting criteria before training averaged scored 63% and after training averaged 99.2%. Overall session was evaluated in all areas with a rate of 5.
Evaluation Comments:
Below are sample of evaluation comments: (see attached comprehensive summary report)
What information or ideas presented in this session do you think you will readily implement or use? How?
- “ All of the information, how and when to report suspected abuse, do what is in the best interest of the child, resources given, knowing prevention services are available would be good to share before children are endangered, all, wonderful refresher!”
The best part of today’s training session was?
- “Excellent presenter, the wealth of knowledge the facilitator had regarding the subject matter, clarity of lecture, getting a refresher of being a mandated reporter, everything was very important to me, interaction, handouts/resources very useful, learning the law, the process of making a report.”
Mandated Reporter Train-the-Trainer Workshop (see attached comprehensive data report)
The Mandated Reporter Train-the-Trainer workshop was held on March 23, 2011. 38participants were trained as MDT trainers, representing 13 community based organizations and county agencies. The training was offered at no cost and all participants received the training curriculum, materials, copy of training DVD, “Shadows to Light” and resources. Participants learn how to conduct a training in the reporting laws, logistics, prevention resources, and dynamics of reporting of child, dependent adult, and elder abuse. The workshop trainers represented Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, Ventura County Human Services Agency; Children & Family Services and Adult & Family Services and Ventura County Public Health.
The Train-the-Trainer workshop was enhanced this year by including a teach-back practicum session. The session helped the participants to gain experience presenting the curriculum and enhancing their presentation skills. The participants were required to sign a training commitment form to provide at least one mandated reporter training class at their agency or in the community within the next twelve months. Approximately three community trainings were completed by the new mandated reporter trainers,as of June 30, 2011.
Training Evaluation:
A pre/post test was administered with a result of 60% on the pre-test and 80% on the post-test. The post-test score was below the desired score. One factor that may have resulted in a lower score was the addition of a new trainer and the time constraint to brief trainer on the materials. A recommendation to improve evaluation score is to set a pre-training meeting with training team to review curriculum, materials and evaluation tools. Trainers were evaluated and received a score of 4.8 on knowledge of subject and communication ability. On the pretest should participants rated an average score of 56% on learning objectives and knowledge of reporting criteria and after training averaged 95%. Overall session was evaluated in all areas withachieved rate of 4.7.
Some Evaluation Comments :( see attached comprehensive summary report)
What information or ideas presented in this session do you think you will readily implement or use? How?
- “I will use all the materials and present to staff, all of the sessions, this was completely new information, I am going to use the video and duplicate the forms.”
The best part of today’s training session was:
- Excellent information, flowed, all pertinent, great organization, teach back and tips were all helpful and well facilitated, interaction, speakers were great, networking with other agencies, hands on and it was very comprehensive, criminal panel, vignettes and shaken baby demonstration, presenters highlighting a wide variety of abuse examples.”
Mandated Reporter Half-day Workshop (see attached comprehensive data report)
A half-day MDT workshop was held on June 17, 2011. A total of 54 participants were trained as mandated reporters. The participants represented 26 community based organizations and county agencies. The training included: how to recognize, respond to and report child abuse, neglect, and dependent adult/elder abuse; and gain knowledge of violence prevention resources in VenturaCounty.
Training Evaluation:
A pre/post test was administered with results of 70% on the pre-test and 93% on the post-test. Trainers were evaluated and received 4.8on knowledge of subject and communication ability.Participant knowledge of earning objectives and of reporting criteria before training showed an averaged score of 62% and averaged 96.3% after training.The overall session received an average rate of 4.7.
Same Evaluation Comments:
Below is a sample of evaluation comments:
What information or ideas presented in this session do you think you will readily implement or use? How?
- “Use of printed materials-share with colleagues, resource packet/phone list for our organization and to meet family needs, how to evaluate and report abuse, everything was great”
The Best part of today’s training session was?
- “The pace and instructors were excellent, fun to learn, the wonderful amount of information received, shaken baby demonstration and scenario development, all, I loved the entire workshop!”
Submitted by: Jeni Futvoye
Mandated Reporter Trainer and Outreach Specialist
Originated by: Jeni Futvoye