MAND BOD Meeting Agenda
October 2017
Meeting Venue: Boston Marriot Newton
Date: 10/2/2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Presiding: Kristen Schreck
Recording: Renee Reynolds
Present: Ashley Desrosiers, Adrienne Hatch, Bridgette Carrol, Caitlin Vandreason, Christina Ypsilantis, Elizabeth GingoldMatteo, Gisele Leblanc, Grace Ling, Jennifer Heinen, Jennifer Parker, Jessica Krefting, Joan Salge Blake, Jocelyn Brault, Katrina Mancebo, Kristene Welch Taylor, Laura Foresta, Mary Rowan Harrity, Maureen Kelly Gonsalves, Meghan Ariagno, Meredith Louko, Monica Lebre, Nicolette Star Maggiolo, Nora Saul, Peggy Leung-Strle, Renee Reynolds, Sarah L. Conca, Valerie Machinist, WaiLingBalsley
Optimize the health of Massachusetts residents through food and nutrition
Empower MAND members to be Massachusetts food and nutrition experts and leaders
Member-centeredExceed members expectations, foster a sense of community, cohesion and connectedness
AccountabilityEnsure organization is fiscally and socially responsible, organizationally aligned and adheres to the highest standard of integrity
InnovationEmbrace change with creativity and strategic thinking
Social ResponsibilityMake decisions with consideration for inclusivity as well as environmental, economic and social implications
Goal 1: Members and prospective members view MAND as key to professional success
Strategy 1: Provide and support a variety of innovative professional development opportunities for career success
Strategy 2: Provide a range of leadership and volunteer opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills for success in practice, workplace and communities
Strategy 3: Recruit, engage, and maintain a diverse member base
Goal 2: The public looks to and chooses registered dietitians as leaders and experts in food and nutrition
Strategy 1: Build upon and strengthen organizational identity
Strategy 2: Empower members to enhance the visibility of registered dietitians to both the general public and other health professionals
Strategy 3: Establish and strengthen strategic partnerships to further MAND and ACADEMY initiatives
Goal 3: Empower members to positively impact the health of Massachusetts residents
Strategy 1: Impact food and nutrition policies and programs
Strategy 2: Provide opportunities for members to participate in the legislative process
Strategy 3: Establish and strengthen strategic partnership to further MAND and ACADEMY initiatives
Consent Agenda Items:Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1):
Name: Kristen Schreck
Board Position: President
Agenda Item: Website update
Background information: We have been finalizing updates to our website.
- Maureen is working with Dry Wash Media to set up the payment system so members can pay for events.
- If you have anything you would like to add to the website, please let Maureen know.
- See Sarah Conca and Jennifer Parker’s submissions below.
Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All):
Name: Ashley Desrosiers
Board Position: Treasurer
Agenda Items: Financial Reports
Background information: MAND is in good financial standing with excellent reserves in the investment account and operating money in the Bank of America account. We are still on track to meet this year’s budget.
See the attachedProfit & Loss statement and Current Assets report for details of MAND’s current financial status.
Please remember to submit your Financial Committee Updates for each meeting. It helps us track the work plan and budget to date.
Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All):
Name: Ashley Desrosiers
Board Position: Treasurer
Agenda Items: Reminder aboutExpenses
Please remember that all expenses should be submitted with an itemized receipt (including restaurant and bar bills).
Strategic Goal (3), Strategy (2):
Name: Sarah Conca
Board Position: Public Policy Research Assistant
Agenda Item: Public Policy Panel (PPP) updates – MAND website pages and joining monthly conference calls
Background information:
- Work continues on updating all sections of the new MAND website. If you have any suggestions for the PPP pages, anything you’d like to see, or any things that you think MAND members would like to see, please let Sarah know.
- The PPP is always looking for MAND members interested in public policy as it relates to our profession. If you are interested in learning more about the various ways to serve on the PPP and become involved with the projects and activities in which we are involved, please consider joining one of our monthly PPP calls!
Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (2):
Name: Jennifer Heinen
Board Position: Consumer Protection Coordinator
Agenda Item: Updates from the Board of Registration of Dietitians and Nutritionists
Background information:
- Jennifer attended the September 8, 2017 meeting of the Board of Registration of Dietitians and Nutritionists (“dietetic licensure board”) held at the Division of Professional Licensure (DPL).
- Former licensure board Chair, Lorraine Dox, ended her term. Lisa Brown was voted in as Chair and Irene Sedlacko was voted in as Vice Chair.
- The licensure board’s Associate Executive Director, Richard Lawless, provided an update on the Board’s website. A new website will be launched in the next few weeks, which will include all updated information, including regulatory language and the FAQs page, which previously contained outdated information regarding “grandfathering,” which ended in 2001. Other information being updated pertains to continuing education units, which no longer have to be “related to thescience of human nutrition,” and instead can be related to the field of nutrition and dietetics (e.g. foodservice).
- DPL will be going paperless. Licensees will no longer get renewal announcements in the mail, but will receive an email asking them to renew. It is not clear if the new system will allow for uploading official electronic transcripts and electronic verification statements. The licensure board will be updated on this in the future. Because licensees will be required to renew online and will be receiving emails not letters, MAND will need to inform members about the change.
- The Office of Public Safety has become part of DPL, and will be moving into the DPL building at 1000 Washington Street. As space will be limited, all boards are encouraged to have meetings elsewhere within the state. Milford and Springfield offices are available for future meetings; these will still be open to members of the public.
- New licensure board members are appointed by the governor, who has an appointments office that makes decisions. If any MAND member knows anyone interested in serving on the licensure board, please let Jennifer know, and she will inform the Board’s Executive Director, Brian Bialas, who will forward names to the governor. All open positions require licensure, registration, and a Bachelors Degree.
Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (3):
Name: Laura Foresta
Board Position: Liaison to Massachusetts Partnership for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Healthy Eating Community of Practice (CoP)
Agenda Item: Updates from the Healthy Eating CoP
Background information:
- The Healthy Eating CoP completed its “Good Food Massachusetts” Municipal Resource Guide last year, and is in the process of choosing a new project for this year using the state food plan as a guide. This was discussed at the Healthy Eating CoP’s meeting on September 20, 2017.
- Laura has requested that MAND be listed as a partner of the Massachusetts Partnership for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention on printed materials, as MDA/MAND had not been listed as a partner yet.
- Please contact Laura with any questions about the Healthy Eating CoP.
Strategic Goal (3), Strategy (1):
Name: Alison Gerber Schissler
Board Position: Liaison to Massachusetts Public Health Association
Agenda Item: Updates from the Massachusetts Public Health Association’s Healthy Food Financing Group
Background information:
- Governor Baker signed the final FY18 operating and capital budgets into law this summer, which included $100,000 for operating expenses and $1 million in capital funding for the Massachusetts Food Trust program.
- August and September Healthy Food Financing Group conference calls were cancelled. Next meeting will be in-person on October 19, 2017.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3):
Name: Caitlin VanDreason
Board Position: Nominating Committee
Agenda Item: Nominating Committee Update
◼Budget progress, as of [Insert date]:
oBudgeted Income$ 0
oYTD Income$ 0
oBudgeted Expenses $ 0
oYTD Expenses$ 0
◼Work plan progress (since last board meeting):
oThe Nominating Committee is in the process of reaching out to potential candidates to complete nomination profile forms.
oCommittee will begin biweekly calls in October to keep track of progress and ensure all positions have candidates for the ballot.
oIf members are aware of any potential candidates for the upcoming ballot please email .
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (2):
Name: Mary Harrity
Board Position: MDEF President
Agenda Item: Committee Update
Workplan progress (since last board meeting):
The following students are recipients of the 2017 MDEF scholarships:
Meredith Briggart, Dietetic Intern, Simmons College
Dana Fryer, Undergraduate, Boston University
Yvette Penner, Tufts University
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1):
Name: Meghan Ariagno
Board Position: Director of Career Pathways and Awards
Agenda Item: General Update
Background information:
- Reached out to Awards Chair (Mel)
- Reached out to MSDA president; will attend MSDA DI Selection Workshop
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1):
Name: Nicolette Maggiolo / Adrienne Hatch
Board Position: Director of Education / Director-Elect of Education
Agenda Item: Education Committee Update
Budget progress, as of 10/2/17
- Budgeted Income$ 450
- YTD Income$0
- Budgeted Expenses $ 2625
- YTD Expenses$0
Work plan progress:
- ANCE Speaker Committee
- First call with committee members to review 2017-2018 roles and responsibilities has been conducted. Currently working to get request for proposals distributed and collected by October 31st. Speaker Selection Meeting anticipated for November 2017.
- Fall Education Event
- Discussion on “Eating Disorders in Athletes.” Reaching out to Paula Quatromoni from Boston University/Walden Behavioral Center and Laura Moretti from the Boston Children’s Female Athlete Triad program/Boston Ballet. Location/Date/Time: TBD, likely on a Mon/Tues/Wed in November 2017. Cost: $15
- Spring Education Event (tentative):
- Collaboration with Sarah Conca, MPA, RDN, LDN, Public Policy Research Assistant to plan a Public Policy educational event for March/April.
- FSU Spring Event
- Tentative - Will provide food for the MAND/FSU MNT event
Date: TBD (likely April 2018)
Location: Framingham State University
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1)
Name: Jennifer Parker
Board Position: Director of Technology
Agenda Item: MAND Website
Background information: The BOD page on the MAND website is still a work in progress. An incomplete draft that does not yet contain all board positions is currently posted and can be viewed. There are problems with the coding within the editing program that are not allowing for new information to be added below what is already posted, thus we are working with Dry Wash support staff to fix it. Updated or new information can still be added to the other webpages as needed.
- BOD members with missing pictures or biography information were emailed with requests for these items. Information and pictures received were added or will be added when coding errors are resolved.
- If any errors, misspellings, or missing items are noted within the current BOD page content, please email Jennifer with corrections.
Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (1,2):
Name: WaiLingBalsley
Board Position: Director of Public Relations
Agenda Item: RDN In Your Town
Background information: RDN In Your Town is a project to enhance the exposure of MAND members in public. This project started last year.
- RDN In Your Town will continue this year. MAND members who are interested in being featured will be receiving interview questions and their responses will be compiled into a small article. This year, the articles will be published in a local newspaper of workplace circular. If anyone has any publishing contacts, please email them to .
Strategic Goal (2),Strategy (1)
Name: BridgitteCarrolll& Laura Kim
Board Position: Socials for Success Co-Chairs
Agenda Item: Committee Update
Budget progress, as of [10/2017]:
- Budgeted Income$ 0
- YTD Income$ 0
- Budgeted Expenses $ 1,225.00
- YTD Expenses$ 0
Workplan progress (since last board meeting):
- We initiated a survey to gain insight on members’ desires for events to increase attendance and interaction. After the survey, we have organized the year into eight meetings and aligned our meetings with the proposed work plan and member survey.
Strategic Goal (3), Strategy (3):
Name: Daniel Camerota
Board Position: Liaison to Area Associations and DPG’s
Agenda Item: Board Member “Compensation”
Background information:
- We were looking at ways to increase BOD officer incentives. It was decided that officers for each Area Association would receive free or discounted entrance to ANCE.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1):
Name: Kate Saunders
Board Position: Membership Chair
Agenda Item: Member Communications Update
Background information: The fall newsletter was emailed on September 22nd. We would like to expand readership for future newsletters. Ideas for future newsletters include featuring a MAND member and their role in the field of dietetics and additional articles with a pediatric focus.
Strategic Goal (1,2, 3); Strategy (1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3; 2, 3)
Name: Jessica Krefting
Board Position: Social Media Chair
Agenda Item: Social Media Plan
Background information: We are working on increasing member engagement through social media.
- We have a private Facebook group and LinkedIn group that members have to ask to join. The social media chair currently confirms that they are members and then approves the request. The inclusivity of this allows us to provide members with member only information; however it excludes collaboration with Academy dietitians in other states or other allied health professionals. I would like to start a public Twitter feed (a private feed would allow some privacy but anyone could retweet what is shared on there, thereby making it public), and hopefully use this to strengthen how other professionals consider dietitians.
- Currently, both sites are mainly used to update members on events and newsletters. Although useful, I believe we can expand the role our social media sites provide. Some ideas include campaigning for volunteers and public policy initiatives. I am gathering information from our members as well to see what they would like their social media sites to provide.
- Social media management can end up being a full time job, which I assume is why we’ve limited the role thus far, but I do think we need to balance the needs of the members and the time of the board member in this position (or any other contributors).
Discussion Items:
The Board put forth a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the June meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the majority.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3):
Name: Kristen Schreck
Board Position: President
Time Allotted: 25 minutes
Agenda Item: Board of Directors Orientation and Training
Background information: During this first board meeting of the year, we will review what you need to know as a board member, including responsibilities and procedures.
Request for Guidance:
Request for Action:
Decision to be made:
Vote Needed:
Kristen provideda “MAND BOD 101” training. Shereviewed board member responsibilities and the MAND policies/procedures. All board documents can be found on our website. The Policy and Procedure manual is our “bible”. Please make sure to read your position description and e-mail Kristen if any changes or updates need to be made.
Other important topics reviewed included: communications with the BOD via board listserv (Yahoo groups) and bi-weekly e-mails; how to post events on MAND website, transition documents, expense reports, and event reports. Reminder: all BOD members are expected to submit a consent agenda item for each BOD meeting. Instructions are available on the website. (Renee can also send these to you prior to our next meeting.) For profits and loss information, you can e-mail Maureen for specifics.
Last but not least, we were all encouraged to become more engaged and try to make it to at least one MAND event this year.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3):
Name: Kristen Schreck and Valerie Machinist
Board Position: President and Past President
Time Allotted: 25 minutes
Agenda Item: Board of Directors Structure
Background information: In past couple of years, we have had trouble recruiting individuals to serve on the Board of Directors. The executive board has been discussing ways to make the board more efficient and thus feels that we could consolidate some board positions. We have created a proposed board structure chart (attached).
Request for Guidance:
Requesting BOD feedback on the proposed board structure.
Request for Action:
Discuss proposed board structure
Decision to be made:
Should we make the proposed amendments to the board of directors?
Vote Needed:
We would like there to be a real value in being on the board, and consolidating some board positions will be help to increase efficiency and reduce redundancy.
The new board structure chart was reviewed. Specific changes: moved PR under Member Communications, moved Membership under SFS and make SFS an elected position, make SPRC/Diversity liaison an elected position, move Awards to ANCE, move Volunteers to ANCE, move Mentoring to President-elect, removed media spokesperson.
The Board brought forth a motion to approve the changes to the Board structure (striking out Mass Nutrition Board and Mass Nutrition Council). The motion was seconded and approved by the majority.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (2):
Name: Mary Harrity
Board Position: MDEF President
Time Allotted: 10 minutes
Agenda Item: MDEF President-Elect Job Description