Manchester Oxford Road user survey
What is the survey about?
Over the last 18 months Manchester Oxford Road has undergone significant development, including the introduction of new bus stops and cycle lanes.
The Royal National Institute of Blind people (RNIB) is working with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and Manchester City Council to ensure that blind and partially sighted people can travel down Oxford Road using their chosen method of transport, safely, easily, and as independently as they wish to.
To help us in this work, we would be grateful if you couldfill in this survey to tell us about your experience of using the area since the changes and /or any impact the changes have had on you. We are particularly interested in hearingfrom blind and partially sighted people and others with sight loss, but everyone is welcome to fill in this survey.
When answering multiple choice questions in the survey please always select only one answer choice, unless the instructions say otherwise.
Please note that you can skip any questions in the survey if you want to, unless it states that the question is mandatory.
If you have any questions, or need any assistance completing this survey, please contact Lindsay Coyle, RNIB Regional Campaigns Officer on 0151 702 5726 or
Please note that question 1 below is mandatory.
1. Are you (please select which option best applies to you).
blind (severely sight impaired)
partially sighted (sight impaired)
fully sighted
other (e.g. some level of sight loss but don't consider yourself to be partially sighted or blind)
You can use this space to describe your level of visionin your own words. You may want toinclude whether youhave beenformally registered as blind or partially sighted.
Section 1: Using the bus stops
Please complete this section if you have experience ofusing the bus stops on Oxford Road since the changes. If you haven't, please skip these questions and go to question 6.
2. How easy do you find knowing where to wait for a buson Oxford Road? (Please select one option).
Very easy
Quite easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Quite difficult
Very difficult
3. How easy do you findusing thebus platforms to catch the buson Oxford Road? (please select one option)
Very easy
Quite easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Quite difficult
Very difficult
4. Please give any further comments about findingand using the bus stops along Oxford Road. does this compare withusing bus stops in other areas or on Oxford Road before the changes.
5. Would anything make the bus stops on Oxford Road safer or easier for you to use (please give details).
Section 2: Crossing the cycle lane
Please complete this section if you ever cross the cycle lane on Oxford Road as a pedestrian (e.g. to access the bus stops). Otherwise, please skip these questions and goto question 11.
6. Do you make use of the zebra crossings to allow you to cross the cycle lane?
7. How easy is it for you to findthe zebra crossings on the cycle lane? (please select one option)
Very easy
Quite easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Quite difficult
Very difficult
Don't know (haven't tried to findthe crossings)
8. If you have used the crossings,have you found thatcyclists eitherstop or slow down enough to allow you to cross? (You can skip this question if you haven't used the crossings). Please select one option.
Yes, they always stop or slow down enough for me to cross
Yes, in most cases they stop or slow down enoughfor me to cross
No, in most cases they don't stop or slow down enough forme to cross.
No, they never stop or slow down enoughfor me to cross.
Don't know
9. Please give any further comments aboutusingthe crossings on the cycle lane andhow this compares with any other experience of using crossings. If you don't use the crossings, you may want toexplain why.
10. Is there anything that would make crossing the cycle lane easier or safer for you (please give details).
Section 3: General experiences of travelling on Oxford Road
Thissection should be completed if you have visited or travelled along Oxford Road since the changes took place.
11. How do you travelto, from or alongOxford Road?-(You can select more than one answer choice here - please select any that apply to you).
By car
By taxi
On foot
By bus
Other public transport
If you have selected more than one answer choice, please give further details.
12. How often do you travelto Oxford Road for any purpose? (Please select the answer which is closest to how often you travel).
Weekly or fortnightly
Twice a year or less often
Have only travelled along Oxford Road once up to now.
13. How do you find travellingon Oxford Road generally or any particular parts of it? E.g. How easy and safe do you find it? Can you use your preferred method of transport? Do you need to be accompanied? How does this compare to travelling in other areas?
14. Have you any experience of cyclists using the pavement along Oxford Road as opposed to the cycle lane?
Don't know
Please give details if you have experienced this, including any impact
15. Do you travelto Oxford Road to attend hospital appointments?
16. If so, do the changes along Oxford Road have any impact on your ability to attend your hospital appointments? (please select one option).
They make it easier
They have no impact
They make it more difficult
Don't know
Not applicable (don't travel along Oxford Road for hospital appointments)
Please give any details.
17. Do you travelto Oxford Road for any other purpose (e.g. work, leisure, study). Select any that apply.
Other (please specify)
18. If so, do the changes have any impact on your ability to undertake these activities? (Please select one option)
They make it easier
They have no impact
They make it more difficult
Don't know
Not applicable (don't travel along Oxford Road except for hospital appointments).
Please give any details.
Section 4: Additional comments and consent
This section should be completed if you have visitedOxford Road since the changes or if youconsider that the changes have had an impact on you.
19. Please use this space if you want to make any further comments on any of the points raised in the survey or raise any other points.
20. Are you happy for us to use any quotes that you have given us. We will not use your name. (This question is mandatory - i.e. it should be filled in by anyone filling in any of the survey).
Section 5: About You
This section is not mandatory, but it would be helpful if anyone filling in the survey fills in the questions in this section.
21. What is your gender
prefer not to say
22. What is your age
under 18
over 80
Prefer not to say.
23. If you would like to be kept up to date with our work on this issue, please provide your name and email address below.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please return to:
Survey ends