Managing Change in Urban Areas 22 lessons=7/8 weeks (allows for 2 CATs)

Ideas for starters and plenaries and homeworks

Off the cuff starters / Off the cuff plenaries / Homeworks
Traffic Lights
Just a minute
Words into sentences / Back to front
Bingo definitions
Alphabet run / Geoactive –Belfast CBD with different questions/
Olympics-nearly all questions
Prepared Starters / Prepared plenaries / Absence Work
Revision Guide-Page Summary Questions

CATs-Lverpool 1 Question-skills

Paper 2 Q from 2010 paper

Key ideas and content / Resources-geoactives, books, DVDs, GATM,, boardworks
Urbanisation and causes of rural to urban migration in rich and poor countries. Define counter-urbanisation and outline positive and negative effects-2 lessons / UG 150 Foundation WW 48/49
AQA 194/195
World map top ten cities1950/2010
Urban areas have a variety of functions and land-uses
Limited time to be spent as only context for next sections-2 lessons / Map and photo recognition-annotate photos
New WW 28-31
AQA 196/197 BWKS
Groupwork with cards
Overview of issues facing urban areas- / PPT 2
Housing-brownfield v Greenfield-1 lesson / AQA 198/199
Design housing estate of the future
Card sort exercise of housing in 3 areas town
Government strategies from 1980s on inner city areas-1 lesson / AQA 200/203
New WW 32-35
Issues 54/55
F WW 30-33
Geoactive -Hulme
Traffic –impact of increased use on environment and solutions to reduce impact-1 lesson / AQA 202/203
RG 88
New WW 46
Issues 50/53
Revitalising image of CBD by improving physical environment-reasons for decline and strategies to employ (pedestrianisation, CCTV, flats over shops, malls, entertainment day and night, environment improvements)-1 lesson / AQA 204
Issues 48/49
RG 87
Cultural mix-factors causing ethnic segregation and strategies to support multicultural areas (education classes, set up businesses, make tourist area)-1 lesson / RG 88
AQA 203/204
New WW 33
Rapid urbanisation has led to development of squatter settlements, characteristics and attempts to improve (self help in Sao Paulo, site and service, LA schemes)-3 lessons
Case study of a squatter settlement / AQA 205/207
RG 89
F WW 52-53
New WW 58/59
Acrostic of shanty town
Kenya-AQA 208/205
Rio-F WW 56/57 and RG 90
Rapid Urbanisation in poorer areas requires management of environmental problems- 1 lesson
Disposal of waste
Efficient management of air and water pollution / AQA 210-212
RG 91
Card sort-geog,org
Create newspaper headlines re problems in poor cities
Attempts can be made to ensure urban living is sustainable-6 lessons
·  Features of a sustainable city
·  Provide efficient public transport
·  Conserve historical and cultural environment
·  Use Brownfield sites
·  Reduce waste
·  Provide urban open space
·  Social-include people in decision making
Case –study-Sustainable City- Curitiba / RG92
AQA 214-218
Pumpkin DVD-Aiming for Gold and regeneration East London