Under 6 and Under 7

Before the Game

  • Make sure all parents are aware of the draw.
  • Advise the parents if a game is cancelled.
  • Roster canteen duty if it is your team’s turn.
  • Arrange for a parent to act as a Ground Official at the game.
  • Arrange for a Game leader (referee) to control the game

At the Game

  • Organise setting up or packing away the field if you are the first and/or last team to play on a field at King George.
  • Assist the coach as required. Offer to take control of interchanges, or nominate someone else who will, especially for mini teams.

After the Game

  • Arrange who will wash the strips for the following weekand bring the half-time oranges/fruit.
  • Organise Packing up of the field if you are last to play.

During the Season

  • Pass on relevant information to all members/parents, advise of any fundraising, social activities etc, and encourage them to support these events.
  • Organise team for photo session at some point in season, as advised.
  • Write/arrange for a Year Book entry.
  • Only you(or the coach) should phone or email the Administrator/Competition Secretary, with any questions/comments from team members, especially those concerning CDSFA or Council matters, and you should NOT under any circumstancescontact CDSFA or the Council yourself.



Get draw details to parents

It is the Manager’s responsibility to make sure your team is aware of when and where the game is being played each week. Changes can occur due to washouts etc

Advise your parents of cancelled games

If a game is cancelled/postponed due to rain, or ground closure/unavailability, you, as the Manager, will be notified.

Sometimes, this can happen at the last minute and can’t be helped, as it is up to the Council (and if they choose to close a park, we are not permitted to play or train there).

If it rains on a training night, individual teams can choose whether to train or not – unless the park has been closed by the Council. Discuss with the Coach, and let the team know what your rain policy is. There is a Council number to ring - 9367 9190 – which has a recorded message listing any closed parks in the Leichhardt Council area. As soon as we know, a message will be posted on the websitevia twitter if possible (ie we are near our computer). It is recommended everyone subscribes to the twitter feed/facebooki/Mail List (at home and at work).

Try to ring everyone for a game cancellation (or relocation), as it’s not good to arrive and find the ground closed, or your team not there. However, that will happen, particularly with early games, as councilsand/ or Clubs have been known to decide at about 8:30 to close fields,or at any time during the day if conditions worsen. Phone trees are helpful to get a message out quickly. Don’t rely on emails in this case. Some people only access them at work, or irregularly.

Roster canteen duty if it is your team’s turn

Canteen duty is rostered every Saturday. The canteen manager is Laurel Lawrence (0425 253 854 or ). Once we have the draw (occasionally late in the week,

unfortunately) and know which teams are playing at King George, Laurel can do the roster and you will be informed if your team is on duty that day. We also need to have the canteen open for games on Sundays, but Laurel generally has that under control as it is less busy.

Teams playing on Saturday mornings will probably be rostered about twice during the season on Saturdays for a couple of hours. This means organising parents from your team to take turns helping/serving at the canteen, and doing the barbecue. The canteen profits pay for the kids’ trophies, ground duty officers etc, so please make sure your team helps out, and supports it. Without the canteen revenue, the Club would run at a loss. We also like to have the canteen open on training nights. Parents will be welcomed if they go over and offer to lend a hand. There are always jobs to be done. It can be fun, and is warm inside!

Organise Ground Officials

We are required, by the CDSFA, to have a ground officialat every game our teams play. Each team should therefore nominate oneor two people, notthe registered coach or manager of that team, who can take on this role. It is not a hard job, but necessary. Any responsible adult can do it – if there is a technical question there is usually someone around who knows the answer, or check in the rules (which you have a copy of in this folder). Ground Officials should complete an Official’s Registration Form, indicating they agree to abide bythe CDSFA Code of Conduct, and are not a Prohibited Person under the Child Protection Act. An Official’s vest will be provided to each team as part of their kit.

At our Home fields we have a Duty Officer. It is not his/her job to be a ground official for your game, he/she has other responsibilities.

Organise setting up or packing away the field

All Under 6 and Under 7 matchesare played at King George Park, if your game is the first of the day, it is the responsibility of your team to set up the field. Please make sure your team is at the ground approximately 30 minutes in advance. ALL parents are responsible for setting up, not just the managers and coaches, and definitely not the Committee members who happen to be at the Ground. The Duty Officer will advise what should be done.

The same applies if you are the last game on the field that day – you must pack up and put the nets etc. back in the equipment container.

Arrange a referee for home games (usually U6, U7, U8 or U9 only)

Pick a parent who vaguely knows the rules and give them a whistle (there should be one included in your kit )…they’ll love it. A copy of the Small-Sided Games or non-competitive junior rules is included in this folder, for relevant teams, and is also on the website.

Arrange who will wash the shirts for the following week

Parents should take turns in taking the shirts home to wash. It is Club policy that the shirts should all stay together and not be taken home individually by players. It causes too many problems, we are left with sets with missing numbers, and they are expensive to replace. They are for use at matches only. The shirt washer should then bring the washed shirts to the next match. It seems to work well if that person also brings the half-time oranges or other fruit.


Organise team for photo session

Each year we have team and individual photos done of our football heroes. The team photos are used in the Yearbook. Managers will be given the information, need to inform the team of time (which is arranged around games) and collect payment (beforehand preferably).

Write/arrange a Yearbook entry

Toward the end of the season, the Coach and/or Manager (or delegate) should write a report on the team for the Club’s wonderful Yearbook. Details of this will be given at a later date. Any teams with a coach or manager new to the Club can receive a copy of last year’s Yearbook by contacting .

If you have any questions, please contact me at , or check the website - . You can also phone me on 0403 474 000. Many questions may also be answered in the Official’s Registration Handbook you were given at registration.