The first step in your Risk Assessment process entails looking at the checklist below and ticking any boxes thatwill be included in your activity. You will then need to full in the details on the Risk Assessmentform.
Area ofHazardTick if applicable and add details to the Risk AssessmentForm / / Sources ofAdvice
Tick if consultationmade /
Power supply – danger of electrocution or death; firerisk / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Lighting stands and lighting equipment – trip hazards and unsaferigging;danger of electrocution, injury or death; firerisk / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Electrical equipment and fittings (e.g laptops, projectors, lamps, etc) -triphazards and unsafe rigging; danger of electrocution, injury or death; firerisk / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Overhead hazards (e.g supply cables) - trip hazards and unsaferigging;danger of electrocution, injury or death; firerisk / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Mobile generator – noise, emissions and generation of electricity resultingindanger of electrocution, injury or death; firerisk / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Smoke & oil mist effects – danger of allergic reaction and setting offfirealarms / MPA Technical Manager or Technical Demonstrator andcontactBSU Security team – isolate smokeheads
Strobes and flashing lights – danger of epileptic fit or injury/damageforpeople with sensitivevision / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Materials for use at event, such as staging, scenery and props - firerisk / MPA Technical Manager or Technical Demonstrator – class1timber and fire retardent fabrics must beused
Manual handling of instruments, equipment, heavy staging, set, or props–injury, concussion, strains,sprains / MPA Technical Manager, Warren Cole, BSU H&S Advisor,orManual Handling Regulations – 20kgs max perperson
Glass used in scenery or staging – danger ofcuts / MPA Technical Manager or ScenographyLecturer
Hazardous substances – Irritant, Toxic, Corrosive,Harmful / MPA Technical Manager, Scenography Lecturer, orCOSHHRegulations (Control of Substances Hazardous toHealth)
Practical flames (e.g candles, lamps) – danger of fire, setting off firealarms / MPA Technical Manager, Technical Demonstrator, andBSUSecurity
Construction machinery (any power tools) – danger of injury ordeath / Scenography Lecturer, MPA Technical Manager or WarrenCole,BSU H&SAdvisor
Access and egress – slips, trips and falls; restrictedaccess / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Noise – disruption to libraryusers / MPA Technical Manager or TechnicalDemonstrator
Working off ladders and MEWPs (Mobile Elevating WorkPlatform) / MPA Technical Manager, Technical Demonstrator,LightingLecturer Rob Sayer or Working at HeightRegulations
Maintenance of safe/pedestrian walkways, unobstructed firedoors,unobstructed fire exits, passagewaysetc / MPA Technical Manager, Technical Demonstrator,MPAProfessional Services Manager, Warren Cole, BSU H&SAdvisor
Spillages of liquids – personal water bottles, prop drinks, paint,cleaningagents / Inform member of Professional Services staff to raise a WMStoensure all spillages are clearedASAP
Stage combat – danger of injury, concussion,death / Certified teacher with the British Academy of DramaticCombatand the British Academy of Stage & ScreenCombat
Use of stage weapons - danger of injury, concussion, death; prosecutionbypolice / Certified teacher with the British Academy of DramaticCombatand the British Academy of Stage & Screen Combat andMPATechnicalManager
Use of prop guns - danger of injury, concussion; prosecution bypolice / MPA TechnicalManager
High noise levels – danger of hearing impairment orloss / MPATechnicalManagerandNoiseLevelsatWorkRegulations
Working hours – fatigue, hunger, injury resulting in impaired motorskills / MPA Technical Manager and Working TimeRegulations
Working with animals – injury, transfer of disease, allergic reaction,bites / MPA Technical Manager and Working with AnimalsinEntertainmentRegulations
NB:PleaserefertotheGridMatrixatthebottomofthisform,asyouwillneedtousethisforassessingandcontrollingrisksaheadofyouractivity.Youare advisedthatRiskAssessingisacontinualprocess,soifanyaspectofyourvisitchanges,oranewelementisintroduced,youwillneedtoupdateandamendyourRiskAssessmentaccordinglyandre-submit.Youwillalsoneedtoensurethatanycontrolmeasuresyouhavehighlightedwillbecarriedout,aswellasensurethatallstaff andstudentsinvolvedwiththisactivityhavealltheinformationtheyneedtobesafe.Oncecomplete,pleasesubmitthisdocumenttotheSchoolProfessionalServices
Risk AssessmentFormCourse:
ActivityOrganiser:RiskAssessor(s): / Title ofActivity:Date(s) &Times:
Details of consultation with the MPA TechnicalManager:
Hazard / Injury / Personsatrisk / Existing ControlMeasures / RiskRating
Likelihood x Consequence = RiskLevel(NB: Please use the GridMatrixdetailed on the lastpage)
Likelihood(1 –5) / Consequence(1 –5) / RiskLevel
Details need to be added tothiscolumn regarding allhazards,such as moving vehicles,trailingcablesetc / Whatinjurycouldbesustained? / Who isatrisk? / Details need to be added to this columnregardingthe control measures in place to eliminate,reduce,isolate or contain thehazard / On a scaleof1 – 5, whatisthe likelihoodofthisoccurring? / On a scaleof
1 – 5, what istheconsequenceofthisoccurring?
Activity and RiskLevelIdentifiedAbove / Additional Control Measures to reduce risk and ensure an acceptablelevelof residualrisk / Residual RiskRatingLikelihood x Consequence = RiskLevel
Likelihood(1 –5) / Consequence(1 –5) / NewRiskLevel
Date RiskAssessmentCompleted: / Name:
Signature (NB: an electronic signature ispermitted): / NB: All accidents, near missesanddangerous occurrences must bereportedas soon as possible to the Health &SafetyOffice at Bath Spa University, whereadviceon all Health & Safety issues,includingaccident reporting & the hazard register,isavailable: