1. Matter for Consideration

1.1  To consider the arrangements for the storage of dinghies in the four ways off West Quay Road within the highway layout created by the new bridge crossing.

1.2  To consider traffic management arrangements for Slip Way.

2.  Recommendations

2.1  It is recommended that Members approve:

a)  the proposed management arrangements developed for the dinghies, and that ongoing dialogue continues with Poole Harbour Association (PHA) and other users over operational details.

b)  The traffic management arrangements for Slip Way as described in Item 6.1 and the advertisement of the associated traffic regulation orders.

3.0 Background

3.1  A report on the management of the dinghies in the four ways off West Quay Road was last considered by this Group on 20 January 2005. This set out proposals by which the dinghies which are currently stored can be retained within the arrangements created by the new bridge crossing.

3.2  However representations were made to the Group by Poole Harbour Association (PHA) who claimed they had not been sufficiently involved in the process. Consequently the Group recommended that:

i) the Council proceed to collect information on ownership of boats currently stored along the ways.

ii)  PHA be consulted as to whether any of their Association own boats which fall within the classification of “established use” for storage in this way, or can demonstrate a particular need for this form of storage.

iii)  PHA and all boat owners who can be traced be advised of the Council’s requirements for continued storage.


iv)  A further progress report be presented to this Group.

3.3  Letters have been sent to all registered mooring holders in the Backwater Channel asking for details of any dinghies which are stored on these ways. In addition discussions have taken place with PHA who subsequently provided a list of their members who regularly use the ways for dinghy storage. A summary of this information is shown as Appendix A.

3.4  From Appendix A it can be seen from the returns received so far that there are requests for 106 dinghy spaces from buoy holders and an additional 58 from “established” users, giving a total of 164.

3.5  Within the current arrangement of the 4 ways it is unlikely that 164 have ever been accommodated at any one time - surveys taken on two occasions in January and May show the number to be 77 and 78. This figure of 164 is therefore more likely to represent a theoretical number only if all of the users were to be storing their boats at the same time, which is unlikely to ever actually to happen. It is therefore suggested that in reality there is the need to actually accommodate somewhat less than this number.

4  Proposals

4.1  As stated within the 20 January 2005 TAG report is proposed as part of the new bridge arrangement to consolidate access to the water into the upper two ways of Whittles Way and Slip Way. These ways are furthest away from the maritime activities associated with the lifting bridge and indeed will best serve the relocated moorings.

4.2  Improvements are being designed for both ways to enhance the existing arrangements for accessing the water so as to compensate for the loss of Dee Way and Wilkins Way. These proposals, developed in consultation with the involved parties of PHC, PHA and RNLI, are intended to address the objections raised relating to access to the water as part of the Transport and Works Act Order for the new bridge.

4.3  It is proposed that the dinghies be stored in purpose built racking securely fixed to the road surface, the cost of which will be funded from either the Bridge regeneration scheme or the adjacent RNLI development.

4.4  Preliminary proposals for Slip Way include the construction of a ramped slipway off the end of the existing wall, providing further space over and above which is available now for dinghy storage. Racking on both sides of Slip Way will provide storage for approximately 71 dinghies ( plan shown as Appendix B ).

4.4 Within Whittles Way the proposed arrangements for accessing the water are less well defined at this stage. However within the current situation some 40 dinghy spaces can be provided ( as shown on plan Appendix C ). It is anticipated, however, that when future re-development proposals come forward additional boat storage may well be provided adjacent to the highway.

4.5 The total number of spaces which can therefore be provided within the two ways is around 111. From the information obtained regarding the current number of users, it is considered that this provision will be sufficient, particularly with the likelihood of further spaces being available in the future.

5.  Conditions under which Boats can be Stored on the Ways

5.1  These ways are public highway and as such should not lawfully be obstructed in any way. However by requiring these dinghies to be stored in purpose built racking it can be considered that these do not constitute a nuisance and therefore the facility which has been enjoyed by so many people over the years can continue.

5.2 Having said this the safety of the public must be safeguarded and inevitably there must be certain conditions placed upon anyone storing boats here. Furthermore there is only limited space available and there has to be some form of control on numbers to ensure all those that have a legitimate right can continue to use it. In this respect the minimum conditions must be:

i) Boats shall be safely secured to the racking provided

ii) Boats shall be left at the owners risk.

iii)  A permit displayed confirming the owner has a right to use the facility ( the Council will hold and maintain the definitive list )

iv)  Public Liability insurance is strongly recommended

Any boat which is found to not comply with the conditions (i) and (iii) will be removed as an unauthorised obstruction under Section 149(1) of the Highways Act 1980.

5.3 The informality of the current arrangements is recognised and there is no desire, nor is there the availability of Council staff resources, for the administration of this arrangement to be overbearing. Indeed providing safety conditions are ensured then the day to day administration could most certainly be in the hands of the users themselves.

6. Traffic Management in Slip Way

6.1 A planning requirement on the RNLI will be to fund the implementation of a traffic management scheme in Slip Way so as to ensure it can continue to be used in the appropriate way.

6.2 A plan showing the proposed arrangements is shown as Appendix D. The essential features of this scheme are:

a) Provides an area unobstructed by parked vehicles to facilitate dinghy storage in the racking and to access the ramped slipway to the water (emergency vehicles could enter this area with appropriate keys to lockable bollards)

b) Allows for loading/unloading along the majority of the road but prevents the obstructions of long term parking.

c) Provides 2 no. short term (2 hour) parking bays to give flexibility to loading arrangements.

d) Loading bay specifically for the RNLI to the east of their main entrance.

e) Long term parking would need to be sought elsewhere in the Town Centre.


Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A – Survey results

Appendix B – Dinghy Storage Slip Way

Appendix C – Dinghy Storage Whittles Way

Appendix D - Traffic management arrangements Slip Way

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Steve Tite (01202) 262020




1. Existing observed boat storage in Ways:

Jan 05 / May 05
Dee Way / 0 / 21
Wilkins Way / 45 / 15
Whittles Way / 13 / 42
Slip Way / 19 / 0
TOTAL / 77 / 78

2. Registered with Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) Mooring Holders:

·  Registered names - 100

·  Number of buoys - 145

(some individuals/companies have block bookings)

·  Number of responses - 58

·  Current dinghy use or space requested:

Dee Way 0

Wilkins Way 25

Whittles Way 7

Slip Way 17

Not specified (incl. block licence) 57


3. Members of PHA not registered mooring holders but considered as “established users” and therefore requesting space.