Management Information Systems (33:623:370)Fall 2004, Professor EcksteinCode from December 2 Class
To help you with assignment 9, here is some code similar to what we did in class on December 2. It implements all the buttons on the “products” form of the computer store database. I added some “rem” statements, which are just comments that try to explain what is going on, and are not actually executed by the computer. You don’t need to put “rem” statements in your answer to homework 9.
Option Compare Database
Rem this subroutine is invoked by the "log order from supplier" button
Private Sub Command13_Click()
Dim AddAmount As Integer
Rem call our own special function to get the number of units
Rem if the function returns a negative value, that means things
Rem didn't work out (the user cancelled or entered something bad)
AddAmount = PositiveNumberFromBox("Units ordered from supplier:")
If AddAmount > 0 Then
Rem if the user entered a good number, add it to number on order
UnitsOnOrder = UnitsOnOrder + AddAmount
End If
End Sub
Rem this subroutine is called by the "log arrival from supplier" button
Private Sub Command14_Click()
Dim ArriveAmount As Integer
Rem get a number the same as the last subroutine,
Rem except with a different message
ArriveAmount = PositiveNumberFromBox("Units arrived from supplier:")
If ArriveAmount > UnitsOnOrder Then
Rem Complain if the amout seems to high
Call MsgBox(ArriveAmount & " is more units than you have on order.")
Rem otherwise, if our function thought it was a valid entry,
Rem transfer it from UnitsOnOrder to UnitsInStock
ElseIf ArriveAmount > 0 Then
UnitsOnOrder = UnitsOnOrder - ArriveAmount
UnitsInStock = UnitsInStock + ArriveAmount
End If
End Sub
Rem function to display a message in a input box, get a number back,
Rem and make sure it's numeric and positive. If anything goes wrong
Rem or the user cancels, return -1. Otherwise return the user's number
Private Function PositiveNumberFromBox(message As String) As Integer
Rem set the number to be returned to -1; change it later if all seems well
PositiveNumberFromBox = -1
Dim FromInputBox As String
FromInputBox = InputBox(message)
If Not IsNumeric(FromInputBox) Then
Rem not a number -- complain
Call MsgBox("'" & FromInputBox & "' is not a valid amount.")
ElseIf FromInputBox <= 0 Then
Rem a number, but not positive -- complain
Call MsgBox("You must enter a positive amount.")
Rem otherwise, things look OK, so return the user's number instead
Rem of -1
PositiveNumberFromBox = FromInputBox
End If
End Function
Rem this is called by the 10% markdown button
Private Sub Command15_Click()
Call Markdown(10)
End Sub
Rem this is called by the 5% markdown button
Private Sub Command16_Click()
Call Markdown(20)
End Sub
Rem common code for all markdowns
Private Sub Markdown(percent As Double)
Dim newprice As Double
Rem reduce the price by "percent" percent, round to the nearest
Rem dollar, and subtract 5 cents.
newprice = UnitPrice * (1 - percent / 100)
newprice = Round(newprice, 0) - 0.05
Rem if the new price is under $50, complain and don't change the price.
Rem I didn't do exactly this in class
If (newprice < 50) Then
Call MsgBox("Markdowns to prices under $50 must be done manually.")
Rem if still over $50, change the price in the table
UnitPrice = newprice
End If
End Sub
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