Management Committee Minutes
19th October 2017, 7.30pm
Present: Lesley Park, Martin Jones, Shaun Smith, Mark Hobbs-Shoulder (chair), Michelle O’Doherty, Graham Field
Apologies: Jackson Hamilton, Philip Albery.
1 Welcome and Apologies
Mark welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received and accepted from Jackson Hamilton and Philip Albery. Mark asked for someone to chair the meeting, which Graham volunteered to do.
2. Minutes from the previous meeting on 20th July 2017 and matters arising.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.
Graham to obtain a quote from Madison Plumbing for installation of a new boiler and changing the clock on the thermostat – The electrician is due in to fit spurs under the sinks in the toilets by 21st July. Once this work is completed, we can re-obtain quotes from Madison for the work. The electrician has now fitted the thermostat and sockets, meaning the hot water will now only be on when in use fo showers on a Saturday, meaning a saving on running costs. It was deemed that this action was ow closed.ACTION COMPLETED.
Lesley to get costings of removing projector and new hot cabinet for kitchen.The removal of the projector will be done at the same time as the spurs being fitted. There was no update on the hot cabinet. Still looking for a hot cabinet at a decent price, but it was felt the kitchen could manage without in the meantime, but will re-visit if the opportunity to buy one second-hand arose. The removal of the projector will happen before Christmas and a large TV screen will be fitted in the same area, but facing the bar. ACTION COMPLETED.
All members of the committee to help promote the fun days with their contacts, particularly with local schools. Fun days were well attended and successful. ACTION COMPLETED.s
Michelle to check if there is an official safeguarding policy on the website and Child Welfare Officers, to complete a short report about their role sand how they have followed up any concerns to each committee meeting held during the youth & junior season.
- A safeguarding policy is on the website and available for all club members to read. It is also displayed on the temporary board placed in the club foyer during youth and junior training.
- A report from a young person was made to the CWOs at the end of the season. The steps of the safeguarding policy were followed and support for the young person has been put in place. The outcome was deemed satisfactory by the young person and their family and no further safeguarding risk was identified.
- Lansdown has also beenawarded Clubmark for another 3 years. The committee recorded their thanks to Paula Hobbs-Shoulder for all the work she did to achieve this.
- Next steps for the committee and CWOs is to make sure that all information regarding the safeguarding policy is disseminated to all coaching staff.
- Safeguarding will remain a standing item on committee agendas throughout the season. ACTION ONGOING
There is a noticeable difference in the level of service when Rob is not on site. Lesley has started a dialogue with Rob about this so that we can ensure that he has made sure that all staff are aware of the expectations that he has of them. Lesley has already started a dialogue with him about this. Lesley spoke to Rob about this issue and members of the committee commented that since the last meeting there has been a marked improvement. ACTION COMPLETED
Lesley made a recommendation to the committee that we should also to tie in the work that needs to be done to the corner of the building with the roof repair. The roofer can supply a carpenter for an extra £200. It was agreed that the work should go ahead as outlined, subject to agreement from the finance committee.Finance committee approved and estimates were gained; Shaw Roofing was best price, but they have a lot of work on at the moment, so there will be a delay, but work will be completed in due course. ACTION COMPLETED
Succession plan for Youth Cricket. Martin as met with Chris Godfrey to work out what needs to be done., but somebody needs to take on the financial aspect of the role. Martin said that Club Pay could help here, but it was agreed that we could look at this again as part of the wider discussion about how memberships are handled and managed. Michelle is waiting to receive a list of unfulfilled jobs from Chris so that she can go out to parents with requests.ACTION ONGOING
Promoting the success of the Youth teams on Twitter. This was done.ACTION COMPLETED
Distribution of Key Dates document. Michelle sent this to all members of the committee. ACTION COMPLETED
Update on Ground Lease. Philip reported there were no further updates at this point in time. ACTION ONGOING
2. Finance Updates
Finances looking more healthy this year. Balance on main account of around +£4,500 this year, but with some bills not cleared as not due until October. There has been much hard work on restraining costs in all aspects and we have kept up our payment of loans to friends as per the agreements.VAT bills have been cleared each quarter. Shaun has done a good job on keeping cricket expenditure under control., and has come in under budget for the 2017 season by around £1800.
The Griffin club account stands at around £2,000, there is c. £4,000 in the Britannia account and the balance of the Junior Cricket account is in the region of £5,000, meaning a full overall balance of +£15.7k.
It was decided that the mainstay of the junior cricket money would come back into the main account, with a small buffer for any jobs that need doing. ACTION: Martin to liaise with Lesley regarding the amount that should be transferred across.
Shaun asked if there was any scope to clear the members’ loans in the 2017/18 end of year accounts. Lesley replied that it won’t happen in this year’s, but can clear before year end 2018/19
Sales of the painting promoted via Andy Cox; most of the people who paid have given a donation of £150, plus gift aid, which has made us make us c. £4k in total. Full income on this won’t show yet as one person has paid in October. ACTION: Mark to write to Andy to express thanks for promoting the paining on behalf of the committee.
The club has made £3,699 in profit from sponsorship – the committee recorded its thanks to Crispin Gillbard who works on this throughout the year.
Bar incomecomparison to last year is around £3k down. Taking were up from end of May to early August and then dipped again. Lots of this is to do with lack of supportat the weekends, but with the addon of the Hockey Club it’s hoped that this trend will have an upward turn. Rob has taken on board everything that has been against him and has been looking at ways at increasing revenue.
Sky TV has changed the set up of sports coverage and want to charge us more money; an extra £120a month to get full coverage, even including the ECB reduction. The committee agreed it was still worth paying the extra as it will keep the club attractive to members, especially during off-season.
Rob accepted a lower salary when he started than we had been paying previouslyand it was agreed that we should look at upping his pay and that the finance committee should be looking at incentive package as well.
3. Cricket updates
Cricket still busy as lots going on behind the sceneswith league meetings etc. Shaun has been looking at captains for next season: Jordan Pricefor Sat 1stXI, Justin Henly for Sat 3rd XI and Andy Cox for Sun 2nd XI. Sunday 1st and Saturday 2nd TBC.
Sun 1stwill be playing in a local T20 league with a pink ball and cured clothing. Shaun is thinking of asking Josh Smith to captain.
Winter training has started for a small group of players with Grant Shepherd being supported by Charlie Vickery, both of whom are proving to be popular coaches.
4. Memberships
It was agreed to align the cycles of player and social membership. (1st Jan -31st Dec).
Pitchero is currently being under-utilised by the club, but it was felt that the functionality was clunky and not very user-friendly. Mark said that Pitchero has offered to do some training with the club. ACTION: Mark to set up a training session
It was also agreed that it would be useful to have a membership secretary as current members of the committee are over-stretched with both club and other commitments. ACTION: Michelle to go out to all members to ask for a volunteer
5. Any Other Business.
Stothert and Pitt CC are having their AGM at Combe Park on Tuesday 24th October 7.30-8.30 where they will discuss the future of the Newton Memorial Ground. Martin will attend the meeting and report back.
Martin Veal has expressed interest in role of Chairman of the club.ACTION: Michelle to invite Martin to the next Management Committee meeting on 14th December 2017.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.11pm.