Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders

MINUTES of the MCN Steering Group held on Thursday 1st June 2017 in Fulton Clinic Meeting Room, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen

Present: Linda Keenan, Neil Laurenson, Mel Stevenson, Rachael Smith, Jane Morris, Sam Aitcheson

Via VC Lesley Dolan, Paula Collin (NHS Tayside)

Susan Hynes (Tayside CAMHS)

Laura Hulse & Heather Ireland (NHS Highland)

Minutes taken by: Alison Sherriffs

No / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Heather Cassie, Shona Sinkins, Joy Olver, Pauline Milne, Lesley Pillans, Alastair McKinlay
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Accepted as accurate.
3 / Matters Arising
All matters arising are covered under the main agenda.
4 / Updates
EEATS Trainees Day took place at the beginning of May. A good mix of attendees including quite a few new Trainees who had been granted scholarships. A very successful day with lots of good feedback received.
The Medical Management Training Day took place in March. This was a hugely popular event with excellent feedback received. It is hoped that another Training Day can be organised in the future.
The Perinatal Event is no longer going head but there was a suggestion that we could make the MCN Annual Clinical Event a Perinatal Theme and this was welcomed by the group.
Jane Morris is attending the Eating Disorders Conference in Prague next week. Paula Collin attended the London Conference.
Training is ongoing in the Eden Unit and they are looking at undertaking DBT Training.
Training in Tayside has been proving difficult due to staffing restrictions so they have been focusing on mandatory training. Now that they are back to a full staff complement they are hoping to get their CPD training back on track.
It was decided to organise an MCN Event in the Autumn with the topic of Borderline Personality Disorder and Eating Disorders and then host another one next Spring with the Perinatal theme.
SA has joined the Borderline Personality Disorder Care Pathway Group
5 / Service Developments (by Region)
·  Heather Ireland is now officially in post as Acting Consultant
·  Jessie McDonald, Nurse Therapist has retired from the service and her hours are not being replaced.
·  Recently held a service away day.
·  Team Secretary is currently on long-term sick leave which is having an impact on the service.
·  Group programmes have attracted a bit of attention.
·  SA presented to MHast Service on group interventions and they were suitably impressed.
·  Currently fully staffed.
·  Receiving a steady stream of referrals.
·  New Trakcare appointment system will go live at the end of June.
·  New Clinical Note system should be introduced at the end of 2017.
·  Dietitians are currently re-vamping the Nutritional Education Sessions.
·  Nell Filgate is close to submitting her Thesis.
·  Paula attended the London Conference and Louise Hobbs is to be attending the London Carers Conference.
·  Supporting Bridging the Gap Group and will be taking part in a sponsored walk of the Tay Bridge.
·  CAMHS locally are moving to 0-18 years age group. This will make little difference to the Eating Disorder team.
Patient and Carer – Report from NEEDS Group
·  The groups both continue to flourish, with new members registering each month. New members have indicated that they find the group very helpful and particularly value the smaller groups offered when there are enough volunteers to permit this.
·  On the volunteering side, we have had a few notes of interest from people in Dundee, which are being followed up, and we have a new volunteer in Aberdeen who has previously volunteered with a group Anorexia Aid in the city. This is good news as we have just lost a volunteer who has re-located to Canada, and another leaves to study in London in September.
·  Unfortunately we have wound up our Arts and Crafts Group. Those who attended really enjoyed meeting up away from the hospital campus and working creatively, but there were just not enough numbers to make it sustainable. One group member showed us a scrapbook of creative work with poetry and affirmations with a recovery theme, which she produced in hospital. Following on from this idea, we will offer scrapbooks and materials bought for the group to individuals to create their own, should they wish. We hope to offer some of the other materials such as colouring books and pencils to the Outpatients Services and The Eden Unit.
·  The music project Can you hear me? has now concluded, and Nadine Allan who was leading it, has been awarded a First Class Honours, which is very well deserved. The work produced was truly collaborative and involved art, music, assembling thoughts on recovery and producing lyrics.
·  Some interest has been shown by a group of Young Peoples’ Carers on setting up their own self help group. We hope to offer some support with this and possibly administer it, initially as a satellite, as with Bridging the Gap in Dundee. There is a meeting on Monday June 5th to discuss this.
·  There are four volunteers going to attend a Scotland wide training event in Perth organised by Anne Tremble of the Linda Tremble Foundation in Fife on June 17th. This will be led by Jane Smith of Anorexia Bulimia Care and is a follow up to the successful B-eat event held in Perth three years ago. We always welcome the opportunity for training and networking with other volunteers.
·  Finally, as our satellite group Bridging the Gap begins its own independent fundraising, there will be a sponsored walk across the Tay Road Bridge on Sunday 11th June starting at 11am. All donations to this very successful group are welcome and also anyone who wants to walk with them. They are assembling at the Apex Hotel. Further details are available from our administrator.
6 / Audit & Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Sub Group
Discussion took place regarding the various questionnaires that are used by each service and it was agreed that as from 1st August 2017 each service should be giving all patients at the beginning and end of treatment the EDE-Q, CORE 10 and DASS-21. If any service is unable to use any of these questionnaires they are asked to let Jane Morris know.
Progress with the ongoing 10 Year Review of the MCN
The work on the report regarding the 10 Year Review of the MCN is ongoing.
7 / M & M Reviews
There have been no M & M Reviews since the last meeting. These meetings are to be re-named Regional Incident Reviews.
8 / AOCB
Views on Bid to establish a National MCN
JM is waiting to hear back from Mike Winters Group regarding this item.
Risk Sharing Nursing Cost for MARSIPAN
This item was postponed until the next meeting date.
Transitions and EDS’ Systemic Clinic
From the recent Grampian EDS Service Away Day it was noted that due to lack of family systemic resource that this would cause a backlog for transitions from CAMHS to Adult Services resulting in a waiting list to build up. It was noted that there is currently no provision for systemic therapy in NHS Highland. The question was asked whether this was just a Grampian issue or an MCN issue. It was decided that if it was found to be an MCN issue then it would be an idea to look into setting up a meeting with Maureen Watt and Malcolm Wright and to also have representation from CAMHS at any meeting that was arranged.
9 / Date and Time for next Meeting
The next meeting is to take place on Thursday 7th September 2017 from 12noon – 2pm (venue to be confirmed).