Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders

MINUTES of the MCN Steering Group held on Thursday 7th September 2017 in the Eden Unit, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen

Present: Jane Morris, Heather Cassie, Rachael Smith, Pauline Milne, Jane Fletcher, Neil Laurenson, Sam Aitcheson, Jennifer Newton (5th Year Medical Student)

Via VC Lesley Dolan, Paula Collin (NHS Tayside)

Laura Hulse, Heather Ireland, Carol Hopkins & Tom Allan (NHS Highland)

Minutes taken by: Alison Sherriffs

No / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Linda Keenan, Shona Sinkins, Marie McKimmie, Joy Olver, Shetland Team, Alastair McKinlay
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Accepted as accurate.
3 / Matters Arising
Rachael Smith raised a query regarding the item Transitions and EDS’ Systemic Clinic under AOCB where it was stated that due to lack of family systemic resource that this would cause a backlog for transitions from CAMHS to Adult Services resulting in a waiting list to build up and wanted to clarify that not all patients transitioning to Adult Services would require family systemic treatment. SA clarified that they had anticipated a backlog but in fact this hasn’t happened.
All other matters arising are covered under the main agenda.
4 / Updates
The MCN are to be hosting a joint MCN/Perinatal Event which will take place in Aberdeen on Wednesday 14th February 2018. A programme is still in the process of being put together and further details on this event will be sent out in due course.
The MCN are also hoping to host a Training Day on Co-Morbid Personality Disorders at the beginning of 2018.
The Eden Unit have 1hr per week set aside for training.
The Grampian team hold monthly in-house Educational Meetings and are looking at holding MBT Training starting early next year.
Tayside have their own CPD training along with their mandatory training and some GP training. They recently held a Team Away Day to commemorate their 10yr Anniversary which they used to review all aspects of how their service runs.
EEATS are having their next Supervisor’s Training Day on the 6th of October in Dundee with Malcolm Kay doing some teaching. Anyone interested in attending should get in touch with either Linda Keenan or Alison Sherriffs.
The next EEATS Trainee’s Day is being held on Friday 1st December.
EEATS are also looking at setting up some MBT Training and LK is approaching the Anna Freud Centre and applying for funding.
Highland mainly use DBT rather than MBT but would be interested in attending any MBT Training Events. Eden Unit currently use MBT on an individual basis.
Jane Morris attended the Eating Disorders Conference in Prague in the Spring and Paula Collin attended the London Conference.
SEDIG are holding their Autumn Conference on Friday 17th November in Glasgow and the Research Group will meet in the afternoon as part of this.
5 / Service Developments (by Region)
·  Team have re-looked at how the Service runs since Heather Ireland took up the Consultant post and they are looking to raise their profile with GP’s and strengthen their links with the Diabetic and CAMHS Teams.
·  Receiving guidance from Pharmacy on an audit on oral nutrition. Lorna Carroll is to contact Dietitians to liaise with them regarding this.
·  Also looking at more flexible pathways and it was suggested that this could be discussed at the MCN Day.
·  Still without a Team Secretary but hoping to have someone in post by the end of the month.
·  SA advised that the Group Programmes continue to run and they are managing waiting times.
·  Marie McKimmie has applied to do CBT Training which will give more flexibility to groups.
·  Hope to have a Junior Doctor in post in October.
·  Physician Associate is currently on Maternity Leave.
·  Looking to set up Transition Liaison Meetings again in the next few months.
·  Currently fully staffed.
·  Louise Richards, Clinical Psychologist is going on maternity leave at the beginning of October and they are currently looking for cover for her post.
·  They have a Junior Doctor Maria for 3 days per week until the end of January.
·  Busy with referrals over the past month. Always a busy time for the Service when the students come back.
·  Struggling on with the new appointment system and don’t have a date for transition to the new EMIS web system for clinical records as yet.
·  Recently held an Away Day where they discussed re-vamping the current guidelines for GP’s and also looking to re-vamp the Nutritional Education Group with they hope to re-launch at the beginning of next year.
·  Resources are up to date.
·  Nell Fillgate has now submitted her Thesis and will be presenting at the SEDIG Conference in November.
·  PC will be getting a Dundee MSC Trainee but no topic identified as yet.
·  Supported Bridging the Gap Group with a sponsored walk of the Tay Bridge which was a very successful fundraiser.
·  CAMHS are having a generic re-design and moving to 0-18 years age group.
·  There has been a bulge in referrals from 10,11 and 12 year olds.
·  North of Scotland CAMHS are having some staffing problems.
·  Next national CAMHS meeting is at the beginning of October.
·  There is no CAMHS Conference this year.
·  Charlotte Oakley will be presenting at the SCOTFED Conference in October.
·  Overall referrals are down.
Patient and Carer – Report from NEEDS Group
·  Heather wanted to thank their Supervisors Phil Crockett and Sam Aitcheson who are always very supportive of the group but have been particularly so over the past few weeks and this is very much appreciated.
·  Numbers are good, for both group members and carers with one carer coming from South Lanarkshire to attend with her student daughter. Very positive vibe most of the time. Will have a short Mindfulness Workshop for 45mins at the start of the next meeting.
·  Have had one new volunteer start and one left, but are desperately looking for more, especially those who have been personally challenged by an eating disorder. Have tried advertising through B-eat and will try ACVO. This can be challenging but those who are able to do it are so valuable.
·  Attended a National Training event in Perth lead by Anorexia Bulimia Care but it was not very well received. Hoping that Sara Preston and Fiona Duffy will provide something next year which will help our Scottish groups.
·  Have a new project with YPD, Coffee Care and Share Groups, one morning and one evening. This is an informal group of carers brought together for discussion and ultimately self support. Our group guidelines were highlighted to keep everyone safe and to give group structure. The aim is to get carers to run this group themselves eventually. First group was 6 carers, 2 of whom were Dads and have 4 more families interested already for the evening event.
·  Bridging the Gap in Dundee are doing exceptionally well and have just raised over £800 from a sponsored walk across the Tay Road Bridge.
There was no representation from any of the Island Teams at the meeting but it was noted that we continue to hold regular monthly Consultation Group Meetings.
6 / Planned MCN Meeting with NHS Tayside Assistant Medical Director
This meeting hasn’t yet taken place but we are still trying to get this arranged. If LD or PC have anything they wish added to the Agenda they should let LK & JM know.
7 / Audit & Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Sub Group
The date of the next Quality Assurance Sub Group Meeting is Tuesday 19th September at 3pm in South Lodge.
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires
There are still some issues with getting these sent out but there have been a few returned within the last few weeks, 2 from Grampian and 1 from Eden Unit.
All services should now be using the EDE-Q at the beginning and end of treatment, the DASS-21 and the CORE 10. Tayside have an issue with the DASS-21 as it is not available on their system and Grampian are still waiting to have it put on to their electronic system.
Progress with the ongoing 10 Year Review of the MCN
The work on the report regarding the 10 Year Review of the MCN is ongoing. We currently have lots of good material and are looking to have this finished off soon.
7 / M & M Reviews
Now known as Regional Incident Reviews.
The MCN stated that they would like some formal feedback regarding the outcome of the last review involving NHS Tayside. LD stated that she has asked for the report and will ask for permission to share it with the MCN. / LD
8 / AOCB
Views on Bid to establish a National MCN
Following JM’s meeting with Mike Winter the feedback received was that it would not be appropriate to establish a National MCN.
Transitions and EDS’ Systemic Clinic
Approaches from the MCN to hold a meeting with Maureen Watt have been knocked back. Stephen Anderson from the Mental Welfare Commission is looking at holding themed inspection visits.
9 / Date and Time for next Meeting
The next meeting is to take place on Thursday 30th November 2017 from 12noon – 2pm (venue to be confirmed).