CAMSS Board of Directors Meeting – March 23, 2012

Attendance:David Heck, Dana Crowell, Carolyn Bachamp, Debbie Patterson, Christine Hearst, Christine Whyte, Aimee Woolley-Randall,and Anmarie Masters

Location:P.F. Chang’s Restaurant

Date/Time:March 23, 2012, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Board Minutes / David Heck / The December 2011 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
New Business
New Board Members Welcomed / David Heck / David welcomed Christine Hearst and Christine Whyte, incoming Treasurer and Bylaws Chair, respectively, to the CAMSS Board of Directors. Chris will confer with outgoing Treasurer regarding assumption of duty and Christine was informed that NAMSS is in the process of approving the recent CAMSS policy and bylaws revisions.
2012 Spring Educational Conference Update / Dana Crowell / Forty-four (44) individuals are registered for the conference (34 paid registrants). Nine attendees are not required to pay, i.e., six (6) board members and three (3) conference committee volunteers. Once early registration ends, the registration fee will increase by $25. Several vendors and sponsors are registered for the event, including Hardenberg (giveaways), Cactus (food), Morissey, Pre-Check (cash donation), HealthONE and IntelliSoft (sponsors).
Plans for 2012 Fall Educational Conference / Dana Crowell / Stonebridge Inn (SnowmassVillage) responded to the request for proposal with the bestdiscounted nightly room rate ($89) and we would have the facility to ourselves.Nearby trailheads, shuttle buses to retail stores, and proximity to Aspen are attractions to draw attendees. AV equipment will likely be needed, but there is a screen and audio person available.We will need to provide a microphone and projector.
Quality and legal issues presented by tag team Matzka and Meshak will tackle negligent credentialing, specifically identifying and avoiding it and avoiding bias, as well as electronic record issues around sharing and storing, and barriers to sharing with other hospitals.
Assuming a $3000 donation from hospitals and $100 per attendee, the budget for this event will still suffer a shortfall. A proposal was made to increase membership fees $10 next year to $50, which would increase the budget $1500, thereby offsetting the cost of booking an annual conference at a resort location. A recent survey revealed the average state membership dues to be $44, although some use a tiered fee structure that goes by number of members per facility. A motion was made to approve the increase in membership dues by $10. The motion was unanimously approved.
Webinars / Dana Crowell / The member survey indicated a huge interest in webinars, but it is not known the distance attendees would be willing to travel to the webinar hosting site. Only one log-in is allowed for the webinar price. The outreach coordinator may be able to coordinate webinars with up to four hospitals in each direction during outreach visits. It was noted that Vicki Searcy and HCPro offer good webinars. The board would like to keep the price at $30 or below for each facility.Dana noted also that there is some confusion around educational opportunities she emails to members. These are intended to be informational only and not continuing education offered by CAMSS.
Bylaws and Policy Revisions / David Heck / The Leadership Travel Reimbursement Policy and CAMSS Scholarship Policy were handed out for review. David suggested that the board conduct an annual self assessment. He also suggested that all CAMSS policiesbe incorporated into an operations manual so that all CAMSS documentation, such as the bylaws, policies and procedures, and forms, would reside together.The board agreed and the “CAMSS Operations Manual” will be assembledand posted to the website. The secretary will maintain the policies and procedures and forms documents and the bylaws chair will maintain the bylaws.
A website manager is still needed. Carolyn will send an email to the membership to gauge interest in the position. Dana said that she had contacted NAMSS regarding website issues, such as things “jumping around,” and was told by Andrew Miller of NAMSS that nothing can be done about it. NAMSS needs to have it corrected.
NAMSS Survey Questions / David Heck / The four-question survey sent by NAMSS was discussed. The board determined that for question #1, “What are the top two or three NAMSS products or services your State association finds most valuable?” our answer is: the national and state websites, the blog feature, and the discussion forum, as well as NAMSS’ involvement in legislature and regulatory reviews with a foot in every door. Also, the Leadership Conferences are regarded as valuable. Question #2 asks “What are the most pressing issues or concerns your State association will face in the next three to five years?” Our response: decreasing membership due to lack of financial support from employers and educational opportunities offered are being reduced due to pricing and difficulty reaching rural communities. Question #4, “As a state leader, what do you find yourself struggling with the most? How can NAMSS better support you in your leadership role?” To this, we responded that the use of someone on the NAMSS speaker bureau to partner with us would be helpful in defraying that cost. Financial help without raising the price of dues would be appreciated. In regard to question #4, “What is your overall perception of NAMSS as an organization? What do you think is your membership’s perception of NAMSS?” we responded that individuals who have expressed an interest in serving on NAMSS committees by contacting members of those committees have been disappointed and frustrated that they’ve received no response after reaching out for information. Other members question the value of what they receive for their membership dues.
Membership Report / Aimee Woolley-Randall / Amy reported that CAMSS has 137 members to date. 100 are paid; 37 are unpaid; 94 are renewals; 5 are new; 1 is emeritus; and we are at 73% return for the year. The board discussed the feasibility of imposing a late membership fee of $10 or $15, and if instituted, offering an early rate of $40, or as an alternative, charging $5 per month until paid, up to $25 at which point the conference membership rate is surpassed. This discussion did not result in a decision.
Outreach Report / Debbie Patterson / Debbie reported that some physician offices in Grand Junction had inquired about becoming CAMSS members, but she had nothing further to report.
Next Board Meeting / David Heck / The date for the next Board meeting to be announced.

Respectfully submitted

Anmarie Masters, CPCS, CPMSM
