Male-male competition drives sexual selection and group spawning in the Omei treefrog, Rhacophorus omeimontis
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.
Zhenhua Luo, Chenliang Li, Hui Wang, Hang Shen, Mian Zhao, Qi Gu, Chunlin Liao, Zhirong Gu, Hua Wu
Corresponding author: Hua Wu, Institute of Evolution and Ecology, International Research Centre of Ecology and Environment, School of Life Sciences, Central China Normal University, 152 Luoyulu, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430079, China
Online Resource 1:Summary of genetic diversity of the microsatellite loci and MHC class II B genes exon 2 marker of the Omei treefrog Rhacophorus omeimontisin Badagongshan.
Locus / No. of gene copies / df / No. of alleles / Ho/He / PIC / PHWEOMTF1 / 294 / 10 / 5 / 0.53741/0.55745 / 0.504 / 0.375
OMTF2 / 294 / 36 / 9 / 0.51701/0.57923 / 0.499 / <0.001
OMTF4 / 288 / 45 / 10 / 0.50000/0.81792 / 0.641 / <0.001
OMTF6 / 292 / 55 / 11 / 0.84247/0.83004 / 0.777 / 0.484
OMTF7 / 272 / 78 / 13 / 0.69118/0.86287 / 0.715 / <0.001
OMTF9 / 292 / 190 / 20 / 0.60959/0.87645 / 0.618 / <0.001
OMTF10 / 274 / 105 / 15 / 0.70803/0.88305 / 0.722 / <0.001
OMTF11 / 294 / 36 / 9 / 0.77551/0.83086 / 0.743 / 0.049
MHC class II B gene exon 2 / 145 / 71 / 8 / 0.54803 / 0.56612 / 0.597 / 0.012
Ho, observed heterozygosity; He, expected heterozygosity; PIC, polymorphic information content; PHWE, probability (P value) of departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE).
Online Resource 2: Linear regressions of the male-female relatedness (microsatellite loci) against egg number (red), fertility rate (green), and hatchability (blue) across all spawning pairs and groups (a), one male-one female mating pairs (b), and multiple males-one female mating groups (c).
Online Resource 3: Relationships among male genetic heterozygosity (microsatellite and MHC markers), breeding success (egg number, fertility rate, and hatchability), and offspring heterozygosity (microsatellite loci) across mating pairs/groups of the Omei treefrog Rhacophorus omeimontisin Badagongshan: (a) male HL index vs. breeding success for all the one male-one female mated pairs and multiple males-one female mating groups, (b) male HL index vs. breeding success for one male-one female mated pairs, (c) male HL index vs. breeding success for multiple males-one female mating groups, (d) male Coltman's index vs. breeding success for all the one male-one female mated pairs and multiple males-one female mating groups, (e) male Coltman's index vs. breeding success for one male-one female mated pairs, (f) male Coltman's index vs. breeding success for multiple males-one female mating groups, (g) male HL index vs. offspring HL index, (h) male Coltman’s index vs. offspring Coltman’s index, (i) male allele number of MHC class II B gene exon 2 vs. breeding success for all the one male-one female mated pairs and multiple males-one female mating groups, (j) male allele number of MHC class II B gene exon 2 vs. breeding success for one male-one female mated pairs, (k) male allele number of MHC class II B gene exon 2 vs. breeding success for multiple males-one female mating groups.
Online Resource 4: Relationships among male-female genetic compatibility (microsatellite and MHC markers), breeding success (egg number, fertility rate, and hatchability), and offspring heterozygosity (microsatellite loci) across mating pairs/groups of the Omei treefrog Rhacophorus omeimontisin Badagongshan: (a) identity index vs. breeding success for all the one male-one female mated pairs and multiple males-one female mating groups, (b) identity index vs. breeding success for one male-one female mated pairs, (c) identity index vs. breeding success for multiple males-one female mating groups, (d) compatibility of MHC class II B genes exon 2 (summation method) vs. breeding success for all the one male-one female mated pairs and multiple males-one female mating groups, (e) compatibility of MHC class II B genes exon 2 (summation method) vs. breeding success for one male-one female mated pairs, (f) compatibility of MHC class II B genes exon 2 (summation method) vs. breeding success for multiple males-one female mating groups, (g) compatibility of MHC class II B genes exon 2 (maximal distance method) vs. breeding success for all the one male-one female mated pairs and multiple males-one female mating groups, (h) compatibility of MHC class II B genes exon 2 (maximal distance method) vs. breeding success for one male-one female mated pairs, (i) compatibility of MHC class II B genes exon 2 (maximal distance method) vs. breeding success for multiple males-one female mating groups, (j) parental identity index vs. offspring HL index, (k) parental identity index vs. offspring Coltman's index.