Improving the lighting efficiency by RETROFIT:-

We are used to incandescent bulbs and 4 feet tube lights. Now when changing over to CFL usage, let us make lighting efficiency better & user friendly by providing Pure white reflector dome at its back.


We are fitting CFL for general lighting to alternatively use in the place of bulb, or 4 feet tube light or along with the same; we are using the new CFL. When we change from the old to new lighting, we have to make the new lighting to be accepted by the user in terms of better luminance. That is we are changing over from Fluorescent Lamp to Compact Fluorescent Lamp. Here we have to enhance the efficiency of CFL to match to that of FL to give better luminance below.


Present day jargon is that to switch over to CFL. To enhance the luminance uniformly spread over the user surface area (that is LUX) from the Compact nature of the Fluorescent lighting we have to retrofit a Reflector like round dome type with internal ultra white color shade. CFL is a point light source and that point is diffused to light circle now. We are matching this CFL (Point Source of Light) to FL (Line Source of Light).

This reflector especially to CFL enhance the impact on how much of the lamp’s light reaches the area to be lit as well as the lighting distribution pattern. This retrofit can be used for general purpose & for visual tasking as well. Also theindirectly lighting improvement enhances overall productivity. This CFL & Reflector can be simultaneously done so that the changeover from FL to CFL with reflector is smooth and user friendly.


When we use curtains in the rooms of buildings, we need to use two types of curtains such as Day time Curtains and Night time Curtains. Some people prefer dark shade curtains to reduce out door lighting during daytime. But at night, they want the curtains not to absorb but to reflect the indoor lighting and hence prefer light shade curtains at night. For a given window, we can use the day curtain say by pulling it from right side of window to cover the window. For the same window, we can use the night curtain say by pulling it from left side of window to cover the window. The idea is to make use of curtains as good light reflectors.

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