Design a Venn diagram where you are to compare and contrast today’s time period with the 1890’s time period. You may use a computer to type your answers. You need 5 -6 items in each section of the Venn diagram. Research what when on in the 1890’s so that your comparisons and contrasts are correct. / Research Author
Find a picture of Jack London and write a biography on his life. Make it into a book cover. The front page is the picture. Make a title, the inside is his biography, the backside is a list of stories that Jack London wrote. Make it colorful. You may draw, type, cut out pictures. Cite your sources. / Literary Pamphlet
Choose 5 of the following literary terms and put into a pamphlet.
Find a quote from the novel
(identify page #) for
each term and be sure to explain
why you chose that quote.
Terms choices: suspense,
setting, protagonist, flashback, foreshadowing, character trait, dynamic character, static character, and antagonist. Decorate!!!! Make each page colorful and interesting.
Movie critic:
Design an article for the newspaper that gives a review for the movie Call of the Wild. Choose people to play the parts of Judge Miller, Man in the Red sweater, Francois, and Perrault, Hal, Charles and Mercedes and finally John Thornton. Be sure to include a brief summary of the story and mention the actors who play the main parts of the movie. / Plot Diagram
Design a plot diagram on the novel, Call of the Wild. Elaborate on each of the literary terms for a plot diagram: exposition, inciting moment, rising actions (5), climax, falling action, and the resolution. Make the diagram colorful, include pictures made by you or from the computer or magazine / Research Yukon Gold Rush
Research and answer the questions. What was the Yukon Gold Rush? How did it begin? When did it end? Why did people swarm to the Yukon? Where any cities started as a result of the rush? How much gold was found? What are your opinions of people going out to search for gold? What did you learn by doing this research? Cite your sources on the bottom of the last page of your paper.
What does it mean?
For each chapter, choose two words that you do not know. Write the sentence where the word is located. Find the definition, part of speech, and write a sentence to show you know the meaning of the word.—14 words 2 words per page! / Pictorial of Call of Wild
Design in a time line fashion using only pictures to explain why the novel is called Call of the Wild. The pictorial should be very specific with limited writing. No less than 10 pictures should show the process Buck went through to become finally wild. / Symbolism in Call of the Wild
Choose a symbol from the novel and create a piece of art to display it. This could be a drawing, sculptor, painting, poem- any artistic medium. Include a paragraph of why you chose this “object” and what is symbolizes in the story. Symbols include a red shirt, a club, sled and/or harnesses and traces, material possessions, a cave man, etc.

Call of the Wild by Jack London

Tic-Tac-Toe Project--

You may go diagonally, across, or straight down. You are to highlight which one’s you’ve chosen!

Securely place all of your work together. Everything should be on regular, unlined paper, 8 ½ x 11 paper. Use the reverse of this paper as your cover. Be neat! Be creative! Be on time!

Project due:______

General Directions

1.  You must choose three different boxes. The boxes must be in a row, column, or diagonal al la “Tic Tac Toe” style.

2.  The reverse of the choice page is the cover of your project. Place your name on the line and attach your projects securely to it (when possible).

3.  Read the directions of each carefully, and read the accompanying rubric to understand the requirements for each project.

4.  Websites for assistance:



Citing Sources MLA

Venn Diagram Editable

Plot Diagram Editable

The Call of the Wild


Jack London

A Tic Tac Toe Project

created by


Rubric Score: Name:
Compare/Contrast (20) ___
___ No less than 5 things areas compared/contrasted (5)
___ Details a clear and precise (10)
____ Proper usage and mechanics; websites cited (5)
Movie critic (20) ____
____ No less than 10 complete sentences from a movie critic’s perspective (5)
____ Each main (human) role cast with actual actor/actress; details of story summarized clearly (10)
____ Proper usage and mechanics (5)
Research Author (20) ____
___ Biography with no less than five details of Jack London’s life (10)
___ List of stories he wrote (5)
____Proper usage and mechanics; websites cited (5)
Plot Diagram (20) ___
___ All areas of diagram covered (5)
___ Must have details in five (5) rising action (10)
___ Proper usage and mechanics (5)
Literary Pamphlet (20) ____
____ Five literary terms defined (5)
____ Five quotes demonstrating and accurately explaining why it depicts the term with page numbers (10)
___ Proper usage and mechanics (5)
Research Yukon Gold Rush (20) ____
____ Paragraph of no less than 10 complete sentences (5)
____ All questions covered in complete sentences ending in your opinion (10)
____ Proper usage and mechanics; website(s) cited (5)
Vocabulary~ What does it mean? (20) ____
___ Two vocabulary terms from each chapter (NOT from our list) for a total of 14 terms (5)
___ Each term clearly defined, part of speech identified, and properly used in an original sentence
with context clues (10)
___ Proper usage and mechanics (5)
Pictorial of Call of Wild (20) ____
___ Pictorial has 10 details (5)
___ Pictures should accurately symbolize the events in the story (10)
___ Use of clip art and/or photos should be clear and distinct (5)
Symbolism in Call of the Wild (20) ____
___ Symbol identified and explained (5)
___ Artistic display should demonstrate effort and creativity (10)
___ Proper usage and mechanics (5)