Date: 29th December 2014
Make a Life Saving New Years Resolution
The Welsh Blood Service is calling for people to step forward and make a New Years resolution that is worth keeping – give blood or platelets and help save lives!
There is a constant need for regular blood supply every day of the year to help treat different illnesses such as patients receiving life saving treatments for cancer, surgery or emergency care. For many patients, blood and platelet donors are a life-line.
Cath O’Brien Director at the Welsh Blood Service added ‘It is important to remember, any one may require blood at any time including ourselves and our loved ones. Blood contains many lifesaving components which can only be stored for a limited time before use. One component vital to cancer treatment is platelets, having a shelf-life of just five days. This is why we need a constant supply of regular and new donors coming forward.’
‘So please, if you are fit and well and never given before or not donated for a while, make a New Years resolution that will last a life time – become a regular donor and donate blood or platelets. I guarantee you will leave feeling proud with the knowledge of touching patients’ lives forever.’
To join a lifesaving team please visit or text blood to 81156 or ring 0800 252266
Really hope you can cover this campaign and help raise awareness! For further information please contact Tracy Sampson 01443 622089 or 07771794606. THANK YOU!
- The Welsh Blood Service supplies blood to all 16 hospitals in South, West and Mid Wales.
- We supply over 2,000 units to these hospitals every week – that’s over 8,000 units a month or around 100,000 units each year.
- Anyone aged between 17 and 66, who weighs over 50 kg (7st 12lb) can become a blood donor but there are height and weight restrictions for females under 20 years old.
- There is no upper age limit for donors who have donated in the last two years.
- The blood we collect is not just used for accidents and emergencies – cancer and leukaemia patients need regular transfusions.
- Whole blood has a shelf life of 35 days.
- Platelets have a shelf life of 5 days.
- All blood donations are tested for: HIV (the aids virus); Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; HTLV (Human T Lymphotropic Virus) and Syphilis.
- There are four blood groups – A, AB, B and O each of which will be either Rhesus Negative or Rhesus Positive.
- O Positive is the most common blood group in Wales.
- O Negative can be used for anyone, regardless of their own group.
- One blood donation can save up to three lives.
- There are over 107,445 blood donors in Wales.
- The Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry is part of the Welsh Blood Service.
- The Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry has over 59,000 potential volunteer donors.
- To date the WBMDR has facilitated over 900 transplants from donors in Wales for patients worldwide.
- The registry receives over 24,000 search requests in a year.