Major Requirements for Students Entering Prior to Fall 2012:
The program requires a minimum of 36 hours, including the following:
Foundational Core
- Introduction to American Culture Studies: ACS 2000 (3 hours). This course is offered on a regular basis, usually every Fall/Spring/Summer semester.
- American Cultural Diversity class: Either ACS 2500 or 2520 (3 hours). ACS 2500 is offered on a regular basis, usually every Fall/Spring/Summer semester; ACS 2520 is offered only in the Fall semester, as part of the Geojourneys course package.
- American History sequence: HIST 2050 and HIST 2060 (6 hours). These courses are offered on a regular basis, usually every Fall/Spring/Summer semester. The two courses will normally be taken in sequence, first HIST 2050, then HIST 2060.
- American Literature survey: Either ENG 2680 or 3100 (3 hours). Prerequisite, English 2010. These courses are offered on an irregular basis, with one of them normally offered each Fall/Spring/Summer semester.
Upper Division Core
- Advanced upper division courses: Two classes of ACS 3000/4000 level coursework, i.e., ACS 3000, 3380, 4000 (6 hours). These courses are offered on an irregular basis; however, one upper-division ACS course is usually offered each Fall/Spring semester. Topics for ACS 3000 and ACS 4000 will vary from semester to semester. These courses will normally be taken following successful completion of the foundational sequence of ACS 2000; ACS 2500 or 2520; History 2050 and 2060; and ENG 2680 or 3100.
- Cognate disciplinary concentration: Three classes of upper division coursework (3000/4000 level courses) in one of the following disciplines: English, Ethnic Studies, Film Studies, History, Political Science, Popular Culture, Sociology, or Women’s Studies (9 hours). The courses for the cognate disciplinary concentration will be chosen by the student in consultation with the ACS undergraduate advisor.
Senior Capstone Sequence
- Qualitative Methods: ACS 4050 (3 hours). This course is offered in the Fall semester each year, and should be taken during the Fall semester of the student’s Senior year. This course is preparatory for ACS 4990.
- Senior Capstone Tutorial Project: ACS 4990 (3 hours). This course is offered in the Spring semester each year, and should be taken during the Spring semester of the student’s Senior year, following successful completion of ACS 4050. The student prepares their senior capstone project under the supervision of an ACS joint-appointment or affiliated faculty member. A list of ACS faculty members is available at the ACS Program website.